Suggest Treatment For Elevated Liver Enzymes
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Thank you for the query.
Bile duct obstruction or a stone in bile ducts can give elevated AST, ALT and GGTP levels. Depending of the complete or partial obstruction of this ducts you should have jaundice which gives yellow skin, dark urine, whitish stool. Abdominal pain can be also present similar to gallstones pain.
If the bile duct contains a stone, after removing it your liver enzymes should get back to normal. To diagnose this issue, ERCP procedure is necessary. This kind of test is done with endoscopy. The endoscopic camera is put through your mouth to duodenum. Small catheter is inserted to the bile ducts and a contrast applied. It can show any obstruction in bile ducts. It is also possible to remove the stones with this method.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
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If its a stone in the bile ducts, it should take from one to 3 months for the liver to get back to normal.
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Recovery time from this procedure (ERCP) is very short (usually a day or two). It is a minimal invasive procedure.
Your liver enzymes are only slightly elevated so the liver damage is minimal. When there is a significant liver problem this enzymes are around 1000 or even higher.
Sometimes bile ducts issues are hard to diagnose even with abdominal CT. So this is still a possibility. Other possible reasons of elevated liver enzymes can be fatty liver, diet (spicy foods intake, fatty foods intake), painkillers intake, alcohol intake. I assume that viral liver issues were ruled out with mentioned biopsy. I also assume that abdominal CT was done so the liver tumors are also not the case.
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Your GI is right. Such dosage should not cause liver enzymes elevation. In general from mentioned medicines, only Acethaminophen (Hydrocodone 10/325 contains it) can cause liver enzymes elevation, but the dosages should be much higher than 4x325mgs a day. So this seems not to be the case.