Suggest Treatment For End Stage Liver Disease
Indwelling Peritoneal Catheter will help.
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir.
I understand your query and concern.
Final stage liver disease is usually associated with refractory or resistant fluid accumulation in the abdomen-Refractory ascites.
The basic and safe recommended procedure is manual removal of fluid as high as 20 L in a day.
But in case if there is difficulty with manual removal of fluid on daily basis,I recommend you the following alternatives to serial paracenteses.
1.Automated Pump Systems .
2.Placement of indwelling peritoneal catheter-the fluid can be removed either by continuous drainage or intermittent drainage with a proprietary system using vacuum bottles,which can even be performed at patient's home.
The itching in your father's case is due to deposition of Conjugated bilirubin in the skin and blood due to deranged liver metabolism-Cholestatic Pruritis.
Drugs like Cholestyramine and UrsodeoxyCholic acid will help to relieve itching effectively.
Thank you.
Not advisable for home based services due to high risk of cross infection
Detailed Answer:
Hi Sir.
I understand your concern.
In case if your father is positive for Hep B and C,its highly contraindicated to have home based therapies, pumps or catheters whatsoever.
Such therapies carry the risk of infecting household inhabitants.
Hence I strongly advise you against these policies.
Thank you.