Suggest Treatment For Enlargement Of Left Atrium
Since there is enlargement of the left atrium could any treatment be done about this? Should lead a normal life or should avoid any particular situations or work? I am a secondary school teacher and i also do most of my work at home which may be strenuous at times.
So far for the last few months my BP is down average 120/85
There are good chances to expect better results on echo in a year
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
In hypertensive patients beta blocker (Atenolol) and ACE inhibitor prescription can lead to decrease in left atrial size, if blood pressure is controlled with above mentioned medications.
So you should know, that you have good chances, that your left atrium will return to it's normal sizes.
But you should know, it takes quite long to have such results, usually from 6 months to 1 year, sometimes later. I think you can repeat echo in a year to see results.
About exercise, there is no contraindication to do physical activities, if it doesn't make you breathlessness. Average physical activity is very good for cardiovascular system, but there is no contraindications for strenuous work as well.
Wishing you good health
In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask