Suggest Treatment For Gall Bladder Stone Removal
This is causing loss of sleep to him. Now, the doctor had advised to take Blood Test, Urine test and Ultra Sound. Below is the report Summary.
1. Cholelithiasis (Gall Bladder is well distended with normal wall thickening. Shows a calculus in the neck measuring 18.5mm)
2. Prostatomegaly (Enlarged in size, measures 53 CC)
Doctor has advised for surgery for both of these. I have these questions
1. Is there any remedy without surgery?
2. What is the approximate cost for these surgeries?
3. My sister-in-law (who is a medical student) says gall bladder stones measuring less than 25 mm does not need immediate surgery
4. How many days of hospitalization does it require?
Detailed answer given below
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend.
Welcome to HCM. I am Dr Anshul Varshney. I have read your query in detail. I understand your concern.
Indications for removal of gall bladder is only Symptomatic Cholelithiasis and evidence of Stone in common bile duct
So, answer me following:
1. Was this Cholelithiasis found incidentally on Ultrasound?
2. Any recurrent pain in abdomen?
3. Any recurrent Vomiting?
4. Any history of jaundice?
With these answers i would be able to guide you whether Cholecystectomy is required or not.
Now coming to Prostate part. In the situation you have mentioned, I would advise you to get his Prostatectomy done.
He can be started on Tablet Urimax-F once daily in night, if he gets relief, he can await surgery.
I would also advise you to get his Serum PSA done which is done to see for any evidence of Cancer Prostate.
Coming to answers of your questions:
1.No, medical treatment is helpful in Cholelithiaisis.
For prostate if patient gets relief on Urimax-F, and doesn’t want to get operated and also his Serum PSA is normal, then patient can be continued on that.
2.Cost would depend on the Center where you choose to get him operated , it can vary from Rs 30,000 to Rs 3 Lacks, based on the center.
3.I have already told you answer of this, that what is the indication of surgery.
4.If things go on smoothly 7 days of admission would be required.
This is my best opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me and revert with the answers of the questions preferably in point wise manner.
Stay Healthy.
Dr Anshul Varshney, MD
I think Cholelithiasis was found only by co-incidence, Actually, this time, Ultrasound was advised to check for Prostate gland enlargement. Because, my father's main complaint was his frequent urination.
No Jaundice history
No Recurrent Abdomen Pain
No Recurrent Vomitting
I want to know if this surgery is required to be done. If yes, how much it will cost?
One year back, he took Urimax-F for 1 month period. He had little or No Improvement. But, we did not go for a follow up and we did not take any Ultrasound Scan as well.
Is Serum PSA test required? Because, my father's consultant immediately advised for surgery seeing the USG report.
One more thing:
He is currently in Bangalore. But, when he goes back to native place where it is a warm place, the frequency reduces very much. He goes to Toilet only once in 2.5 to 3 hours.
Get operated
Detailed Answer:
Dear Friend.
Analyzing his history and investigations.
It is advisable to get him operated for both Cholecystectomy and Prostatomegaly.
Serum PSA is required.
However, if he is getting operated then his prostate would be sent for histopathological examination to rule out any evidence of malignancy.
Cholecystectomy is required because there is a stone in neck, that can cause complication any time.
Again cost would depend on the set up you go. If you go to a government hospital, it would be for free.
In an average hospital, it should cost around Rs. 1 lakh.
If you have any further query please ask me.
Good Luck
Detailed Answer:
You are welcome.
Any time you need my further assistance, I am always available.
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Stay Healthy.