Suggest Treatment For Gastritis
Diet advised below.
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- No aerated beverages.
- Take light non spicy easily digestible food for few days.
- No Fast food like pizza or burger should be taken.
- Drink a cup of cold milk daily.
- Avoid fatty foods.
-Linseed is extremely useful.One teaspoon of linseed with warm water should be taken at night.
-should drink at least eight glasses of water daily.
-Whole-grain bread, XXXXXXX oatmeal, beans and lentils can also relieve the problem so use it Instead of highly processed rice, eat brown rice, millet or bulgur.
-Eat 2 cups of fruit 3 cups of vegetables and about 35 grams of fiber per day.
-Yogurt is also an excellent choice to help return gut flora back to normal and level out the balance in the stomach. It’s best to look for brands containing live and active bacterial cultures and are low fat or fat-free. Get plain yogurt and add honey for sweetening; honey is also soothing.
-Cranberry: Some research indicates that cranberry can inhibit the further growth of H. Pylori.
-Mastic: Traditionally used for peptic ulcers, mastic inhibits further growth of H. Pylori.
-DGL-licorice: Chewing this is best. Do so one hour before or two hours after meals.
-Peppermint: This can help relieve the symptoms of peptic ulcers.
-glutamine as a natural therapy for treating gastritis. According to Galland, glutamine’s anti-inflammatory properties help soothe inflamed stomach tissue. Foods high in glutamine include beef, poultry, milk, yogurt, spinach and cabbage.
Cooked vegetables, such as green beans, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes and peas, are easy to digest and less likely to cause uncomfortable stomach symptoms.
It wont cure but help you control symptoms.