Suggest Treatment For Hard Pimple On Back
I have got a big pimple like thing on my back and its there since last 1-2 years. Its hard and painless. But sometimes it pains. Can you please advise why I have got this and what should be the next step?
A sebaceous cyst, might need surgical opinion
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome to this site!
This is Dr XXXXXXX XXXXXXX responding to your query. I am a XXXXXXX Consultant Dermatologist.
I have had several patients that present with similar complaints of pimple like bump on the back that has been coming and disappearing of its own. A photo of the rash will be helpful.
This pimple mostly happens due to accumulation of oily secretions in the skin glands which manufacture this oily substance and when they burst the impacted secretions come out. After sometime, there is refilling of these glands and again the same process results.
Generally this process may go on for long periods of time without much discomfort to the individual but sometimes these glands may become too large, or grow rapidly, or get infected, or might look unsightly. Under those conditions, one need to have these removed preferably by a surgeon because the whole of gland including its outer covering needs to be removed in toto.
If there are no symptoms, one can wait and choose a time to visit the surgeon one of the listed symptoms arise.
I hope this helps you in deciding the best course of action for your health.
Our best wishes!
Thank you for your quick reply.
I have this pimple like bump just below my shoulders on my back. This has not burst till now, it is very hard. I have attached picture of the same.
Please advise.
We are on the right track
Detailed Answer:
It is good that you contacted me again.
Now I am much more definite that the original provisional impression was correct.
Kindly follow the suggestions that I have enumerated in my previous reply.
Please contact me again if you feel like. We are here to help you!
Best wishes