Suggest Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa
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Welcome to Healthcare-Magic
Greetings of the day
Dear Sir
Hidradenitis suppuritiva is chronic inflammation of sweat glands. Any active inflammation leads to flaring up of inflammation with increase in lesion and associated with discharge .
Majority of individuals respond to long term use of antibiotics for 3-4 weeks , keeping the area clean and dry. resistant cases may require surgical excision .
It would be very helpful if you could provide me following additional information
1. Where is location of lesion ?
1. Since how long is it present ?
3. How many episodes of worsening of symptoms has she faced?
Providing clinical photograph will be helpful
Awaiting your response
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Shobha Deepak
Clinical photograph required
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir
It would be difficult to give a opinion without clinical examination or photograph of the lesion. I Would suggest you to consult Plastic Surgeon who would appropriately deal with it using flaps.
Wishing you and your family a very happy and healthy life