Suggest Treatment For High BP Due To Stress
Try to lead a stress free life.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing your query.
After reading your post, it seems that the slightly increased blood pressure is due to stress related.
I would advise that you should try to avoid stress by leading your life with a positive attitude.
Yoga and meditation will help you in relieving your stress and make your blood pressure normal.
Daily exercise like morning walk in fresh air will have beneficial effects.
If the symptoms persists, get yourself clinically examined and investigated. Following investigations may be helpful :-
1. Lipid profile.
2. Thyroid profile.
3. Kidney Function Test ( KFT ).
4. ECG.
5. Monitor your blood pressure regularly.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Drink lots of water daily.
Anxiolytics like alprazolam 0.25mg can be taken under medical supervision only for severe anxiety.
I hope this is helpful to you.
If you have any further query, I will be happy to help.
Thanks, You suggested alprazolam 0.25 mg under medical supervision, do i need to see a doctor in my locality to consult for the medication or i can take on your advice, I got all the tests done. Only cholestrol was 235, all other was ok, what to do?
Get yourself clinically examined.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your response.
I would suggest that you should get yourself clinically examined and start medication under medical supervision because the examining doctor is the best judge to decide the benefits of a medicine over its side effects.
Your cholesterol levels is high. You should get the complete Lipid profile done along with the other investigations mentioned before.
You should avoid oily foods to control cholesterol levels.
Also use refined oil for cooking. Avoid use of 'desi ghee'. Regular exercise also help in controlling deranged lipid levels.
I hope this answers your query.
If you have any further doubts, please mention.