Suggest Treatment For Inflammation Of Leg And Buttocks
Detailed Answer:
Hi Madam.
I have carefully gone through your query and understand your concern.
As per your clinical history ,your symptoms in my opinion point to "POST HERPETIC NEURALGIA"/shingles,which is reactivation of latent herpes virus infection in the region of thoracic pain.
This reactivation is most likely due to the spinal injury and its subsequent surgery.
This condition can present with intense pain along the hip,buttocks with varied inflammatory symptoms.
This hidden herpes can definitely complicate your spinal recovery.
Spread of infection to brain can provoke seizures.controlling this reactivated infection can control the pain,seizures as well as the further neural/spinal damage.
I would like to start you on tab Valcyclovir 1 gm twice a day(instead of acyclovir which has higher incidence of side effects to control the viral infection) for 2-3 weeks plus tab Pregabalin 150mg twice day (to control pain and seizures) and inj Methylcobalamin 500mcg one inj a day for 30 days (to prevent spinal cord damage subsequent to disc slippage and virus damage).
I request you to discuss this treatment protocol with your physician.
This protocol of management can clearly eliminate all your symptoms and improve your overall health condition.
Valcyclovir is an easily available drug under prescription,and should not pose any problems for purchasing it in your own country.
I think this info is helpful to you.
In case of further queries you can contact me by logging into
Wish you a good health ,
Thank you
When I explain this to Drs, so far, they hardly believe the screaming, burning pain. Only one would give me "some" Acyclovir. NOT enough, and new brain buzzing (pre-seizure) starting again. My old outbreaks used to take a lot of it to get rid outbreak.
I will keep going to Dr. after Dr. until I find one that will help - I guess. We tried Standford.
Had a new house move - but will try and get this information printed up.
Thank you again. Iife is not worth living in this condition, and mind destruction, but you give me hope and constant nerve pain.
Has anyone else done this to themselves? I was stupid! There was a warning, before that shot.