Suggest Treatment For Low Appetite And Different Pattern Of Behavior In A 4 Year Old
He must be assessed by a pediatrician
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
Diagnosis of various psychiatric disorders are difficult in pediatric age group,but an intelligent parent can suspect it very early by observing some abnormal behaviour. There are various psychiatric disorders with a range of severity in pediatric age group and features are also overlapping.
Unlike adults children are not always able to express their worries or to hide them.This leads to a different pattern of behavior.
Chances of these behavioral problems are more when there is a risk factor like separate parents.
Many a times patents won't be able to understand what is happening and they get anxious by misinterpreting the child's behavior.
Child behavior may vary with the time and location(like in school or when at home).
Also an asthmatic child needs extra care in terms of prevention from aggravating factors,proper and urgent treatment if get symptomatic and regular evaluation by a physician.
So I would suggest you to consult a pediatrician for proper evaluation and early management of the condition if there is any, like OCD, ADHD,Temper tantrum etc.
I hope you have got your answer.
I will be glad to answer any further query
Try to make your son understand
Detailed Answer:
I would suggest you to make your son understand by continuous effort over a period of time by giving example of various behaviours.
Just make him ready to visit a physician for regular check up and put your point there.
It will be good for everyone if there is not any problem and if really there is any, then treatment can be started and the social and personal life of child will get better.
Keep trying ,don't give up ,an assessment is needed
Thanking you