Suggest Treatment For Melasma On Face
I want to add that I am not on birth control pills which i have read could cause this. so Im at a loss at why my body is changing
I would need some more info
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health Care Magic,
I am Dr.Muhammad Ahmad, I have read your message and will try to help you in best possible way.
I would like you to give me some more info in this regard.
Here i will ask you some questions to guide our conversation
1) When did you notice it?
2) Is there any other symptoms you have other than this line?
3) Is there any recent weight gain or loss?
4) Any recent constipation or loose stools?
5) Any swelling any where in body?
6) Any pigmentation other than that of face and that tummy line?
7) is there ANY other medical issues you have
8) Did you ever get your thyroid tests down? how were they?
Waiting for your input.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad
Resident M.D.