Question: Hi Dr. my age is 30 years. I had
goiter for last 5 years on my left thyriod. It was year 2007 when goiter find and grow very sloely. i was on
Homeopathic medicine but not cured. In the mean time my goiter grow, Then I decide for surgery. Following sequences are: 23/09/2013 FNAC done and result "suggestive of adenomatous nodules.
CT Scan done and result "A large (73mm*61mm size) well defined heterogeneous density nodule is seen in the left lobe thyriod." 4/10/2013 thyriod scan is done and result "cold nodule involving nearly the entire left". 26/10/2013 surgery done hemi
thyroidectomy left side, and after surgery,
Biopsy report "features are suggestive of minimally invasive
follicular carcinoma, thyriod with focal hurthle cell change and tumor 250grm.
16/11/2013 again second operation of total thyroidectomy. Biopsy report " NO evidence of follicular carcinoma is seen." ..........then my surgen advice me for
radioactive iodine. I was gone cancer hospital in KOLKATA for radioactive iodine. Here my I-131 scan done and was find that "neck uptake (48 hrs.) =7.7% i.e. 7.7% thyriod cell are still functioning. Then cancer hospital dr. advice me for third operation for removal of 7.7% functioning thyriod cell and then radioactive iodine.
What should I do. Is third surgery is necessary. I am in confused mind. please help me?