Suggest Treatment For Multiple Fibroids And Mild Endometriosis
menorrhagia due to fibroids...explained
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Thanks for the query to HCM,
having seen the ultrasound report, it indicates that there are multiple fibroids both intramural and sub serosal. Also the endometrial thickness is 16mm which is high. At your age group , presence of fibroids can cause irregular uterine contractions while menses and hence menses can last for longer time . Also , chances are that endometrial hyperplasia exists , exhibited by thickened endometrium which causes heavy bleeding in form of clots. An endometrial biopsy would be required to prove that.
ideally if the heavy menses are episodic and not with every cycle , then antifibrinolytics like tranexamic acid can be used to reduce the bleeding. However if the menses are regularly heavy and prolonged , then with multiple fibroids and endometriosis in the background, with fertility not being a concern any more , it is suggested that hysterectomy should be planned after an endometrial biopsy to rule out endometrial cancer or atypia.
Also, what is atypia?
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ruptured cyst is not the reason for you heavy menses at all.
the concern during heavy prolonged menses is primarily endometrial cancer, which in its initial stages can be predicted by the quality of endometrial lining which can be hyperplasia with or without atypia.
atypia means atypical or abnormal precancerous cells. any evidence of atypia would warrant a hysterectomy to prevent from cancer developing.
endometrial biopsy with pipelle.....
Detailed Answer:
thats right , an endometrial biopsy would be required for the same. Its an office procedure and can be painlessly done with the help of a special instrument called PIPELLE.
it just has to be inserted into the uterus and a strip of endometrium can be scraped out without any pain . No anaesthesia is required.
you are welcome
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thanks .
please see you physician and let me know the reports as well.
If you have no further queries , then you may please close the query.
Dr.Samiir Kumar
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thank you .
I shall look forward for the follow up.
Dr.Samiir Kumar