Suggest Treatment For Nausea And Unintended Weight Loss
I didn't realize I called you. But since you are here I would love to have some advice.
The question I have now concerns an unintended weight loss of about 15 lbs in. 3 mo. I was a little overweght. but not obese.
Nausea - I can only eat a little at a time and i have to stop even when i am still hungry.
72 year old female. I have a. nonHodgkins lymphoma that was diagnosed two years ago.
Also an uunexplained dyspnia that has been going on for years.
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome,
If the weight loss was not intentional, and with your history, you should definitely go back to your doctor for an exam, and to discuss the source of your weight loss.
If the weight loss is due to chronic nausea from something specific that you can identify, including the start of a new medication, or acid reflux, then that should be addressed and your weight loss should stabilize.
But without an obvious cause, it would be important to have an MRI or CT of the abdomen.
I can't say what the cause of the dyspnea might be. Best doctor to see for that would be a pulmonologist.
But I am concerned about the unexplained weight loss and recommend you go in to be seen for this soon.
Weight loss
Detailed Answer:
I'm glad you went in to see your doctor. Treating uncontrolled diabetes can rectify weight loss (and perhaps you were also having increased thirst too).
If your weight loss continues, however, and nausea, then you will still need further evaluation such as MRI or CT of the abdomen.
I hope you are feeling better soon!
I have one more question. I don't know much about weight loss with diabetes. From student days I remember something about ketoacidosis due to fat metabolism accompaning rapid weight loss. And that is kind of an end-stage.
So my questions are whether you can have rapid weight loss in a diabetic without ketosis, and given that I had normal blood glucose earlier in the year how could I have an advanced stage of dibetes now, and finally does this argue that the weight loss may be due to something else.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Detailed Answer:
Hi -
Weight loss in untreated diabetes does not require ketoacidosis or being in an advanced stage. It just requires that there is not enough insulin. Without enough insulin, sugar isn't brought into the cells, so for energy, the body burns fat and muscle. If left untreated, then yes, ketoacidosis can occur.
With new onset diabetes, there is excessive thirst and usually hunger associated with the weight loss. Did your doctor tell you that you have a diagnosis of diabetes?
Without a diagnosis of diabetes, I think the cause of your weight loss should be pursued further.
But why do most diabetics gain lots of weight but some loose excessively?
Had TSH checked?
Detailed Answer:
With Type I diabetes, there isn't enough insulin produced because the pancreatic islet cells stop producing it, so the cells are starving for lack of sugar and breakdown of fat and muscle happens instead. People usually gain weight once they start taking insulin.
In situations of obesity, there is an increased risk that insulin resistance can develop which is what happens in Type II diabetes. There is plenty of insulin but the cells have some resistance to it. So it is more likely that obesity happens first, then insulin resistance. Intentionally losing weight in this situation usually helps the body control excess sugar better.
One thing I haven't asked yet: Have you had your thyroid function checked recently with a blood test (TSH, T4 or T3)? Because excess thyroxine from hyperthyroidism can cause unintentional weight loss too.