Suggest Treatment For Nerve Pain In The Neck And Upper Back
Some more practical advices
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your question.
I read it carefully and I understand your concern.
What you are describing seems like a pinched nerve.
You seem to be doing the right things.
- Continue using heat or ice.
- Rub locally an analgesic cream or deep heat creams.
- Advil is a very mild analgesic. You can either take a higher dose (800 mg 3 times/day) or switch to another which has stronger effect. I generally recommend Ketoprofene or Nimesulide packets every 6-8 hour's. Also, combine it with Tylonol 500 mg every 4 hours.
If still not completely better you need to see a local doctor who can prescribe a antispasmodic and/or a miorelaxant. Both these meds are given with a prescription.
I hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.