Suggest Treatment For Ocular Toxoplasmosis
Treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis is by drugs.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
Toxoplasmosis is one of the common causes for inflammation of the posterior part of the eye and it usaully presents as chorioretinitis. It can also present as toxoplasma optic neuritis or optic neuropathy as in your case.
The diagnosis requires serological tests for toxoplasmosis.
The treatment is by use of steroids and antimicrobial drugs like pyrimethamine and sulphadiazine.
Since you are being investigated for toxoplasma along with cat scan serological tests will be required for confirmation of diagniosis.
The main treatment is by medical treatment and surgery is required only for conplications like retinal detachment, epiretinal membrane.... if they occur.
Hence main treatment in your case if it is because of parasitic infection like toxoplasma is by medical treatment as being done by your doctor.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
With regards