Suggest Treatment For Pain And Burning Sensations In Nose

My problem is basically caused by deviated septum due to fracture some years ago. After that I was using the xylometazoline spray for 5 years. Then, xylometazoline spray stopped to work and caused me rebound congestion, and I was diagnosed rhinitis medicamentosa, deviated septum and hyperplastic turbinates. I have done PNS CT, videostroboscopy of larynx, nasal endoscopy of nose and nasopharynx. All clear. My right nostril is always blocked 80-90%, but left is open most of the time, up to 95% of the time. My CT scan says that PNS are clear (pneumatized) and that i have "mild septal deviation". CT also tells that there are no pathologic changes, but that there is swollen nasal mucosa. So, I was sent to RF turbinate reduction of the right side (unilateral). Now my right is better than it was, but still my left is predominant. Now, I am sceduled for septoplasty & conhoplasty for august. BUT, My main symptom, and the main reason of writing all of this is this long term overuse feeling on my whole left side, from the nose down to the larynx. This pain, scraching, burning sensations are changing from day to day but always are there ONLY ON THAT LEFT (WORKING) side of my nose/throat. Due to the fact that all those diagnostic procedures gave no results, and my otherwise health is perfect, my blood count, my CRP levels, my inflammation levels, everyone of my analysis and tests shows nothing. My allergy tests was negative. All my throat and nose cultures was clear for years and this year too. Now, my job is to speak, I am the team leader in a big company, I am speaking a lot and have to speak very loud, and I am a big athletic guy with powerful lungs and big neck/throat. So, is this what is bothering me just some kind of overuse of that left side which is the only working for the last six months, and the only which is resonating my voice and doing all the breathing? What else could I do to help myself until surgery comes. I have tried Nasonex for months, no use. My left side is in pain/burn circle and I am totally helpless about it. I have been examined by more than one ENT, had the RF turbinate reduction, tried all of usual therapies, and seems that nothing really helps. Is there anything I can do till I am waiting for the surgery?
Best regards
nothing to worry
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir and thanks for using healthcaremagic,
The right and left sides of the nose go through a cycle every 20 minutes. Each side is open for breathing for only 20 minutes, when one side is open the other remains closed and rests. After every 20 minutes the sides change and the other side closes off and rests. So practically only one side remains open for breathing at all times.
There is nothing called as overworking or overloading of one side. Even if one side remains closed all the times it does not result in overuse and pain of the working side.
Most normal people have one predominant side and again most people have deviated septums.
Since you have already been examined by ENT and have got all the necessary investigations I do not suspect any other pathology.
Your symptoms are probably caused by exposure to dry air or even air conditioned air. I guess I have told you in a previous query that air conditioned air is very dry and absolutely lacks hunidity. Long hours of exposure to such air can cause uncomfortable feeling in the nose, burning, block, vague feeling of pain. It happens due to drying of the upper respiratory tract
Try using normal saline nose drops 10 drops in each nostril 5-6 times daily. It helps to beat the burning sensation.
Drink lots of fluids to keep well hydrated at all times to avoid drying of upper respiratory tract.
Use a humidifier at your work place and home. Instead of humidifier you can also use a regular steamer.
Dr Rajkishori Godhi

can be a sign of dryness of upper respiratory trac
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir,
Excessive speaking especially loudly combined with mental stress can cause pain in the throat and larynx. Its called odynophonia.
And the symptoms get worse when there is concomitant dehydration.
You already know what is triggering your symptoms so all you have to do is avoid it.
I would suggest -
1) Give your voice some rest. Whenever it is possible, avoid talking. Do not scream or whisper. Avoid lengthy conversations or speeches.
2) If you have to address a gathering then use a microphone , do not raise your voice.
3) Keep sipping water at regular intervals. You should take 5 litres of water per day.
4) Avoid AC or atleast sit away from the vents.
5) If you feel too stressed out meet a counselor and practice relaxation and meditation.
Apart from this I do not think anything serious is going on .
Dr Rajkishori Godhi

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