Suggest Treatment For Pain In My Left Ear Due To Cold And Congetion
Good pain killer is needed
Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to healthcaremagic,
Pain in the ear during an episode of cold is usually due to infection.
You will need a pain killer like Tylenol or ibuprofen . Please check the appropriate dose suitable for you.
You will also need local decongestant nose drops like otrivin nose drops. They help to keep the eustachian tubes patent and help to tide over the ear infection. Instill 3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day and follow it up with steam inhalation. Do this for 6 days.
If you do not feel better in a couple of days then you have to see a doctor because you may need a course of antibiotics.
Keep your ears dry and do not try to clean your ears with buds,
Feel free to follow up,
Dr Rajkishori Godhi (MS ENT)
Please Priscribe Any Anti biotics. or anti infection
antibiotics should be given only afetr examination
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thanks for the follow up,
It is unsafe and unwise to take antibiotics without prior examination.
Please see a local doctor for the same.
You will do well with antibiotics of the penicillin group.
Dr Rajkishori Godhi (MS ENT)