Suggest Treatment For Painful Swelling On The Wrists
Gangyon cyst..
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for asking Healthcaremagic.
The lump that you describe probably is a ganglion cyst. These kind of cysts are common lumps that occur adjacent to joints or tendons especially on our wrist.
It is benign so you do not need to be worried.
your doctor needs to do a physical exam of the lump for the proper diagnose. It usually contains just liquid or gel. Lights passes through this lump.
Depending from the size and the pain these cysts can be managed through therapy (ibuprofen 400 mg twice a day for the pain) or through surgey,removing it.
Another less possibility is a sebaceos cyst. But this kind of cyst,rarely is located in the wrist.
I suggest ibuprofen for the pain,and consult your physician because as I mentioned above, you need a physical exam to determine the nature of the cyst and the proper treatment.
If you have any other question,don't hesitate to contact me.
Whish you good health.
Dr.Endri Katro