Suggest Treatment For Persistent And Painful Hemorrhoids
Submit asap for histo-pathology examination to get correct diagnosis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Female/30 - 27 weeks pregnant - known hemorrhoids that protrude out during bowel movements and sometimes causes streak of bright blood on tissue paper - found fleshy ball like thing twice today during bowel movement as seen in the picture - smaller than a pea - has finger like projections - happened twice now and found them on the tissue paper on wiping ...
As per the history and the picture you have provided, this looks to be a polyp that has got detached and found on the tissue paper.
It is best to send this immediately for histo-pathology examination. Must be submitted immediately the the Doctor's or ER so that it is placed in suitable medium and processed. This will give the most correct diagnosis what it is.
I hope this answer helps you to get the most correct diagnosis.