Suggest Treatment For Pimples And Pigmentation On Face
Following measure wil be helpful.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking HCM
I have gone through your query and picture showing cream. You can try following measures.
1. You should avoid acne stimulating foods like fatty , oily , fried and junk foods. Take plenty of plain water. Sweets and excess sugar should be avoided also. Take anti oxidant rich foods like citrus fruits and greens.
2. Taking vitamin C and E supplements is also good.
3. Use acne soap twice daily for gentle face wash.
4. You can use aloe vera juice to apply on face.
5 you can use face masks based on glycerin , honey , lemon etc also.
6. Gels containing benzoyl peroxide and aloe vera can be used for pimples.
7. Avoid sun exposure on darkened area or pimple scars as it can increase the darkening.
8. Using sunscreen is good to avoid such darkeing. Use caps to avoid sun exposure while going outside.
9. You can also use skin whitening creams based on kojic acid , vitamin C and Vitamin E.
Let me know if anything not clear.
I am happy to help you.