Question: I was informed by a Prostate XXXXXXX 9 , support member, that XXXXXXX 9's, with
bone metastasis, need to not only be tested with PSA, but also four other blood tests (CEA-CarcinoEmryonic Antigen, CGA-ChromoGranin A), NSE (Neuron-Specific Enolase), and PAP (
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase). I was wondering if people, on this thread, have their Oncologist's take this extra blood work. My dad had this sneaky cancer come out of no where! His PSA was always low, and his PSA just started to jump like crazy within 4 months. I believe that my dad's entire
skeletal system had to have this cancer on it for years. I thereby feel that PSA alone, will not be a full indicator if it lowers to close to zero (I pray), but rather looking at the above mentioned bloodwork?
Also, with stage IV, bone metastasis, is it concention to have radiation done, even after cancer had spread out of the prostate capsule? I was told, by a
Urologist, that it is good to stop the possible, future spread to visceral organs?
prostate cancer not as deadly as other types; even in its' aggressive form?