Suggest Treatment For Rectal Prolapse
What is it and what does it do? ( rectal prolapse)
Could you check the spelling?
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
Rectal prolapse can be managed surgically or medically. medically, it consists in injecting a substance that would cause robust inflammatory reaction that would lead to the fixation of the rectal loops part of the intestine to the pelvic wall. This would prevent if from falling freely through the anus.
The name of tis drug is not familiar. I cannot find it either and wondering if you got the spelling right. Could you check this out?
In all, it is an oily product that would provoke robust inflammation that would cause the rectal wall to be attached firmly to the surrounding pelvic structures thereby preventing prolapse.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Thank you so much for using our services and feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be.
and if so , for how long?... XXXXXXX
Minimal discomfort
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for this follow up question.
The discomfort would linked to the injection and not the inflammation. This in itself is minimal and would not last for more than 1-2weeks unless otherwise complicated which is rare.
In all, the benefits of this procedure outweigh the possible risk and inconveniences and it is only on these bases that the doctor has recommended it. We cannot dare to add more injury to your ongoing problem at this time.
I wish you well and hope this helps.