Suggest Treatment For Severe Acid Reflux In An Infant
My name is XXXXXXX . I am blessed with a baby girl(c-sec) on dec 9th 2015 !! She is mow 1 month 9 days old. Her birth weight is 3.3 kgs and she is now 4.1 kgs (checked day before yesterday) . She is on motgers feed sir. I give her dexolac only during night times ( i am having seizures from 2005 so post operative i had an attack even when i am on medication (levipill 500 m- n) Actually her problem is she is suffering with acid reflux . After her feed (any feed) she feels discomfortable by making straining sounds and also tightens her body ( moves continuously only from evening times) which causes her spit ups ( curdled milk)very frequently. ( she got curd intolerance sir ) Since day before she needed her diaper to be changed every 5-10 mins so visited doctor . He advised junior lanzol 1/4th tab m& evng econorm 1/2 XXXXXXX m&evng for 3 days! After giving the first dose of econorm motions stopped and she did not pass yesterday. After these doses she is passing gas very frequently too
Sir i am unable to see her discomfort which is making her cranky and sleepless during nights !!
Is any antacid advisable if possible and is it ok if the baby has not passed her stools.
Can junior lanzol be given with 1/2 spoon warm water. I could not express my milk.
Sir i need solution for her problem kindly help
Details below
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on this platform
I have gone through the details and do understand your concern.The reflux problem is very common in this age.It is due to immature gastroesophageal sphincter which controls the reflux of stomach contents into the food pipe.
As the baby grows the sphincter gets matured and symptoms improve.
Junior lanzol contains lansoprazole(a proton pump inhibitor,acid reducing agent) and it works very well in reflux cases.
Sometimes there may be associated colic which causes discomfort to the baby.
I suggest you to give some colic drops like COAID,NEOPEPTINE or COLICAID 10 drops twice a day.It also helps in releasing gas and relieves the discomfort.
Keep baby upright for few minutes and burp her well to release the swallowed air.Also keep her head end up while she lies flat on bed to avoid reflux.Check the dilution of your formula feed whether it is proper or not.
Also feeding bottle with large opening in the nipple leads to swallowing of more air during feeds and thus gas problems.Mother's diet also affect the baby;so please avoid spices,beans,cabbage,cauliflower and carbonated drinks in your diet.
Stool once in 5 days or 7-8 times a day in this age so I wont get overly worried for that.You can give lanzol tablet in water or milk as per your comfort.Also she has gained weight of 800 grams in last 40 days which is quite normal.
With these measures I hope your baby will do well.
Please ask me if you have any more query.
Thank you for the response
She is straining her tummy so much in doing so she is sticking her tongue out like vomiting and also makes straining sounds while drinking milk too sir even after taking lanzol. Did not pass her stool yet.
She has oral thrush too sir. Giving candid mouth paint . It is reverting again and again. I am cleaning myself after every feed. My nipples are hurting very badly they look pinkish in Color which are sensitive to a cloth too.
She is crying when passing gas down also. I think her reflux is very bad sir.She did not pass her stool for which she is feeling discomfort
Rectal stimulation or glycerine suppository would help
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up
Although passage of stool once in 3-4 days is normal in this age but as there is associated discomfort/straining;you can do rectal stimulation or use glycerine suppository.
Rectal stimulation can be done with help of well lubricated little finger with vaseline (can also consult a doctor if you are not confident). Putting rectal suppository also helps in passing stool.
Laxatives are not indicated in this age.
To prevent injury to the nipple proper latching and positioning is must.
So be comfortable,support your back,hold the baby well and check that not only the nipple but most of the part of areola should also be there inside the baby mouth.
Don't detach baby suddenly from the nipple.Giving both bottle and breast feed also is an important cause of soreness and this is called nipple confusion(baby gets confused between the bottle's nipple and mother's nipple). So I would suggest you to give breast milk during night time also. Apply some milk on your nipple and let it dry in open air,as this helps in healing of minor cuts/injury.
Continue giving lanzol,candid mouth paint and colic medications.
Thanks and regards