Suggest Treatment For Severe Cough With Hoarseness
Most likely Laryngo pharyngeal reflux.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking HCM
I have gone through your query. Your problem can be most likely from Laryngo phayngeal reflux. Using most advanced proton pump inhibitors like Rabeprazole sustained release along with motility enhancer will be helpful than Prevacid. this should be taken prior to break fast daily. If you were my patient I would also suggest taking combination of antihistamines like Levocetirizine and mast cell stabilizers like monteleukast daily long term.
You should take light meals in short intervals. Avoid excess fatty , fried , greasy and junk foods. Carbonated drinks alcohol and coffee should be avoided also. Take dinners at least 2 hours before bed time. Raise the head end with more pillows while sleeping also. You can take chamomile tea or ginger tea which gives calming effect also.
let me know if anything not clear.
I am happy t help you.