Suggest Treatment For Severe Depression
Depression is treatable.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress for mother.
Important aspects of your query are:
• 24 year old male
• Known case of Depression as per question
• On treatment with: Nexito 20mg
• Complaints of: Sadness
Mr XXXXXXX you have mentioned very little about your problem. You complaint of depression. You are already on Nexito which is a good medicine for depression.
Like other illness depression is treatable problem. Nexito usually take 3-6 weeks to show full response. So, you can continue it under your treating psychiatrist supervision. If there is some specific problem, you can discus with me.
Apart from that following lifestyle changes will help:
-Fix sleep and wake up time, No day time sleep
-Avoid excessive caffeine (tea/coffee/cold drinks)
-Avoid any substance use.
-Switch off TV/Mobile 30min before sleep
-Start daily Morning brisk walk for 30 minutes.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you.
Wish you good health.