Suggest Treatment For Slight Soreness In Knee Cap After An Extensive Exercise
Can be decreased joint lubricants.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
The slight soreness in the knee caps after an extensive exercise can be due to a mild decrease in the joint lubricants. Doing a hot compress after the exercise can give a temporary relief.
It is best to add joint lubricant supplements like Glucosamine sulphate or chondroitin after consulting your orthopedician for relief.
Calf and hamstring stretches can be helpful under the guidance of a physiotherapist after the acute pain subsides completely. Generally we recommended, rest, graded exercises, rest and graded exercises to let you know the right amount of time you can spend on exercise without injuring yourself.
I hope this answers your query.
In case you have additional questions or doubts, you can forward them to me, and I shall be glad to help you out.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Praveen Tayal.
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I do leg strengthening exercises using natural leg weight. I take osteobiflex but only once a week. I can increase that to say 3 times a week. Is there something else to strengthen my knee and knee cap over say the next 20 years? Is knee cap easily fixable by surgery ? Is knee cap surgery much easier than entire knee replacement. Can a knee cap be replaced?
Details below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again.
You can increase osteobiflex to thrice a week and consult an orthopedician for an X-ray of the knee for proper diagnosis. You will need the joint lubricants in therapeutic doses for proper relief. Replacing the knee cap only will not provide a complete relief. Right now you have a very mild problem that can be tackled with rest, exercises and proper joint lubricants.
Hope my answer is helpful.
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