Suggest Treatment For Soreness In The Upper Arms
Need a orthopedist
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting the question.
I have gone through your medical history in detail.
The present complaints that you have stated seem to be out of vitamin D / calcium and carnitine deficiency. The vitamin D calcium deficency causes joint pain while carnitine deficiency causes sore / mushy and swollen weak muscles.
I suggest you to get you blood checked for vitamin D,calcium and carnitine levels.
You need to consult a orthopedist and get an Xray and / or electromyography of the muscle done.
Till then ,you can take tramadol,paracetamol for pain and vitamin D/calcium and L carnitine tablets.
Abstain from doing heavy work till the symptoms have gone.
Avoid strenuous exercises.
I hope the answer was useful.
Feel free to ask me any follow up queries that you may have.
Thank you.
Kind regards.