Suggest Treatment For Sudden Dizziness And Weakness Of The Legs In An Elderly Person
Detailed Answer:
your symptoms are most consistent with a common condition known as BPPV which stands for Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. The name exactly describes your symptoms. First of all, it's BENIGN meaning the condition is more a nuisance than it is a danger in any way. Secondly, it's PAROXYSMAL which means that it occurs spontaneously and without warning. Well, actually- we know exactly when this condition is going to occur and you said it yourself....when you roll over in bed, get up from a lying to sitting or worse, a standing position quickly, bending over at the waist to pick up something from the floor. In general, any time the position of your HEAD changes in space you are at risk for having the SUDDEN and PAROXYSMAL situation activate. Next, I just got explaining...this condition is entirely based up POSITIONAL changes of the body but more importantly the HEAD in space. The proof is how quickly the condition long as YOU REMAIN STILL and keep the head from moving for a few seconds or in some cases a minute or so. Lastly, VERTIGO....that is the whirling feeling that hits you that makes this just a terrible thing to have. Treatment is to first be properly diagnosed.
You should go to someone (preferably a neurologist, ENT specialist, neuro-ophthalmologist, or neuro-otologist) well versed in this problem because they will do special testing to narrow down exactly which canal in the inner ear is most affected. They will be able to tell whether you are having problems on the right, the left, or when a person is really having a bad turn of luck....both sides.
Based upon that testing and your history the doctor will carefully consider other conditions that could potentially mimic this set of symptoms though the way you've described everything I would say I'm 98% sure this is what is happening.
Finally, the doctor will recommend a set of exercises (I prefer conservative treatment strategies to medications since they get at the root of the problem better than drugs do which are poorly effective and eventually don't work anymore) called the BRANDT-DAROFF exercises which need to be performed daily for a couple of weeks.....preferably with an assistant since the briskness of doing the ups and down with the head are best done with an operator in front of you so you can get the most "bang for your buck" so to speak.
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I sincerely hope you start to feel a bit better and are able to take advantage of the information I've mentioned in order to obtain the best treatment possible and start turning things around.
This query has utilized a total of 12 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.