Suggest Treatment For Swelling In Urethra While Treating Chlamydia
I've been to my family practice doc a few times and after retesting for most all stds which came back negative, and still treating me again for chlymidia, ghonorria and trich, they told me to leave it alone and see if it clears up. My symptoms fluctuate seem worse after shower or working out and way worse after masterbation. But seem to look normal enough at the time of my visit for my doc to not be concerned. I was tested for herpes too and came back clean, but I know that blood test isn't great. I started using hydrochordozone cream and that seems to be helping a bit. But now starting to see clear discharge today after masterbating last night. Urinating isn't difficult but stream is tight due to slight swelling in urethra.
Balanitis, herpes, yeast, some other infection? I have an appt to see a dermatologist but is this better for a urologist? Thought it was more skin than pipes until saw discharge.
Please help I've been dealing with this for two months and I don't know what's going on!
A few suggestions sir
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. I do believe you have an infection based on your current presentation, but before we go into the details I would like to clear something sir.
During an infection sexual contact of any kind and masturbation is seriously restricted. Also during he course of the treatment and for at least 2 weeks after the last dose of the medications, sexual contact and masturbation is strictly prohibited. The reason behind this is that any sexual activity and masturbation can cause a flaring up of the infection resulting in poor chances of recovery of the infection. So if at all, you have been masturbating during the course of the treatment or have indulged in sexual activity then I am sure your symptoms are of the very same infection you were first diagnosed with.
So I would like you to discontinue both sexual activity and masturbation during the course of treatment, and try harder this time, I am sure the results with be better.
If at all you kept away from both sexual activity and masturbation during the course of the treatment, then I would recommend a visit to a dermatologist and a urologist who can both work together, preferably if they were both stationed in the same hospital or area.
Hydrocortisone only helps in reducing inflammation, but it is no cure to the infection. I also have a suggestion, if at all you wish to experiment, then do not use any medications for a while and your symptoms should flare up. At this moment, you should immediately visit an ER or your doctor and report them for a more elaborate evaluation, along with an STD-panel.
I am completely with you and would like to help you through with a diagnosis and treating this infection permanently. I also hope you find my response helpful and informative. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help.
Best wishes.
Nothing specific for now sir; yes there are; in my opinion not sir
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again sir.
You did not respond on the masturbation and sexual activity, please do let me know if at all you were involving in sexual activity or masturbation all through the course of the treatment, this would really help in pointing towards the possible infection.
As of now, your symptoms are very general sir and there is nothing specifically pointing towards one specific infection (e.g. yellowish-green vaginal or penile discharge points towards trichomoniasis). I would although recommend a urine culture and sensitivity test as soon as you experience any symptoms, and a penile discharge to be sent to the laboratory as soon as you experience it.
For now I am suspecting chlamydia if at all you were masturbating or involving in sexual activity during the course of the treatment, nothing else more specific for now sir.
Tests I would recommend performing would include:
+Urine analysis (to confirm an infection)
+Urine culture and sensitivity examination (would help in finding the infection-causing organism and the most appropriate antibiotics that can be used)
+Penis discharge swab sent to the laboratory for a culture examination
+An STD-panel to be conducted when your symptoms are all present (i.e. during a flare up)
Unlikely for this to be herpes based on the presentation described by you sir, in my opinion the chances are less than 5 % of this being herpes.
I hope this helps sir. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications, I am always here to help sir.
Best wishes.
I didnt think there were many stds that effected the skin of the penis like this, which is why im seeing a dermotologist next week. What about possible yeast or balantitis infections based on my symptoms? What do they do to test for this? I actually already did a urinalysis in a visit two wks ago and they did see bacteria but said it wasnt significant. Im worried im going to get no where with my next visit to the doc. Been six times now.
We should venture over the possibility of the yeast infection
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again sir.
A mild possibility of the chlamydia not being completely treated still exists and may have to be ruled out, because of the sexual contact and masturbation soon after the completion of the therapy, and not waiting for a 2 week period after completion of the last dose of antibiotics.
Yes, a yeast infection (male candidiasis) is quite possible, especially as you were recently on antibiotics which could have lowered your immunity and made you susceptible to increased fungal growth.
A physical examination, recent use of antibiotics, and other factors that can affect your immunity can all be causative factors in your case sir. A fungal infection can be diagnosed with a physical examination and scrapings from the affected region of the penis which has to be sent to the laboratory for further analysis. As for balanitis, it requires a laboratory analysis of the penile discharge.
If at all your doctor does not reach anything conclusive, why don't you request for a course of anti-fungal medications just to make sure we can rule this out as well. This should include a topical applicant (to be applied on the affected region) and systemic medication (oral anti-fungal medication). Also make sure you keep the region clean and dry at all times, take showers regularly and change your inner wear. Taking sitz baths with epsom salt in it several times a day will also help.
Why don't you also request for a penile swab/scraping and a urine culture and sensitivity examination this time around sir and please do keep me updated.
Best wishes.