Suggest Treatment For Tachycardia And Heart Palpitations
various potential causes
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there are various potential causes of palpitations and tachycardia. I'll mention the most common ones.
- thyroid disease: measuring serum TSH is enough to find out.
- anemia: a complete blood count will detect it.
- various arrhythmias: an electrocardiogram or (if negative) a Holter's 24h study.
- fever: in case of fever the heart rate rises. When the temperature returns to normal the heart rate also gets lower.
- anxiety: this is a diagnosis of exclusion, that is other causes will have to be excluded first.
In a young otherwise healthy woman the most likely cause seems to be anxiety. Arrhythmias will have to be excluded first.
I hope you find my comments helpful!
You can contact me again, if you'd like any clarification or further information.
Kind Regards!
I don't believe so...
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I don't believe it does. The "slow" heart rate is not very worrisome. 60 beats per minute is fine. 120 beats per minute are far too many for a healthy individual and no hormonal imbalance is an adequate explanation for it.
I think you should proceed with the investigation I've described in my previous answer.
Kind Regards!
there are some scarce reports about it but no solid proof it may occur
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I see...
If the cardiologist found nothing abnormal then I guess it would be hard to reach a diagnosis. There are some scarce reports about menses associated rhythm disorders but they cannot serve as a proven fact of the effect of hormones on the heart rate. Actually I've read about a patient with the exactly opposite symptoms (tachycardia before and during the menses, which sounds more reasonable as a symptom for various reasons).
Do you also have other symptoms during this 'attack' like postural hypotension, bowel problems (constipation, bouts of diarrhea), burning feet, abnormal sweating (either no sweating or too much sweating) ?
please provide more details
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If you'd like to provide more details about the numerous symptoms you've mentioned perhaps it can bring up some ideas. I was considering autonomic neuropathy which is a syndrome, not a disease. Have you done serum proteins and electrophoresis?
Please describe your other symptoms in detail. It may help.