Suggest Treatment For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

On have I got a problem this is conversation had: I told her happened appointment GP, Practice manager and happened gifts and XXXXXXX enquired about health trainer, CQC etc and then got cut off. When went on again said? XXXXXXX (10:48:18) : Hi XXXXXXX did you go before? This is XXXXXXX again. XXXXXXX (10:48:40) : hi not sure happened got disconnected I assume u still got the info for you to read? XXXXXXX (10:49:05) : I was about halfway through I think when it disconnected. XXXXXXX (10:49:20) : ok I will send you again XXXXXXX (10:49:48) : What would you like me to help you with today? (sent again some of the things going through) XXXXXXX (10:50:51) : to be there for me, to listen, to understand going through and what needs to happen to be beneficial etc that be of some help XXXXXXX (10:51:47) : Ok, well I can be here for you for the next while. How are you feeling right now? It sounds like your problems have been going on for a long while. XXXXXXX (10:52:28) : yes they have assume next while assume you meant to say u be here for me for a while not great I assume u will read what I put please? XXXXXXX (10:53:15) : Hi, yes I have read what you sent. XXXXXXX (10:54:08) : ok u sent all of it now XXXXXXX (10:54:09) : ? XXXXXXX (10:54:50) : sorry mean u seen all of it no XXXXXXX (10:54:51) : now XXXXXXX (10:54:59) : I'm not quite sure what to say. I don't quite understand all of it. It is clear you are struggling and are having a difficult time - would it be helpful to talk about that? XXXXXXX (11:01:33) : so u read it all, I was saying about some of the people talked about things with. Some not heard from in months, some not nice to me, some give me mixed messages, some don't understand say to me. Telling you what happened yesterday about the DR and not go well and I know some DRS and receptionist there accepted gifts cards assume cards are gifts for Christmas and the practice manager said cant unethical or something. I am not sure if different with her. I assume individual or not be ok Christmas, Easter if know birthdays etc and health care magic agrees ok and think he is in XXXXXXX Agrees need nurse as a friend nurse or just as a friend to hug me comfort me go through questions never ends though GP'S practice manager got loads and things like that. He agrees sounds like feelings for me as friend motherly figure as called me pet names touched me chin chest explain breathing asked how am etc and gyni stroked my head knees legs things shoulders, call me pet names, say about want to adopt me. cry about me etc. Got told if anything happened to me it would destroy her assume means take really badly and if dr patient relationship wouldn't feel that way.Saying about how social treated me family etc. XXXXXXX (11:01:45) : hope I am making sense now XXXXXXX (11:01:48) : so far XXXXXXX (11:03:15) : got told agree need to find way never to pass away ever, to have them as friends etc, get health sorted, to volunteer XXXXXXX (11:03:28) : but not been out over year as you know and need things sorting XXXXXXX (11:03:35) : am I making sense please? XXXXXXX (11:05:04) : Sort of. I think there's just a lot of information here and I am trying to catch up! It sounds like you have ongoing issues with your GP practice..? I'm unsure about the present issue- were you trying to give them? Generally, doctors, counsellors etc don't accept presents from patients - its just a general policy thing. XXXXXXX (11:06:53) : I'm also unsure as to what you are saying about your friend/gynaecologist..? Are you wondering about the nature of the friendship? was she your friend before? From what you have written it sounds like you are unsure about the relationship and whether it is a healthy one for you..? XXXXXXX (11:14:17) : so sort of you mean a bit. if you mean ongoing means for a while and still am yes. Issues mean good or bad ok. Assume general you mean a lot and policy mean rules but u don't know why that is. If you mean you are unsure about presents and if ok then ok. Assume etc means more. Assume u agree also once left care be ok gifts. I gave GP t share chocs xmas before and receptionists to share before and they accepted. When I spoke to a psychiatrist on health care magic and other councillors on here etc I told them what got them and they said it sounds fine and when I read online some professionals buy gifts for patients, patients also give money their charities not sure if have. Heard some patients buy holidays for them and vouchers for food and things like that some places say not like buying a car and a house, What I got them was nothing like that. For practice manager got her engraved mirror, little chocs, friendship bracelet saying love, laugh, live I think. Nurse got little chocs, bracelet, perfume and Mrs Brown;s mug saying Kays mug feck off and GP chocs and easter card for all of them. Some say to accept not upset patient and also builds up better relationship etc. If mean nature friendship u mean whats included assume anything, Know I never met her before. I assume makes sense feelings as things said did to me and some people say sounds like being motherly, sisterly protective of me like a friend some say sounds like flirting as gyni said if I did or did not do something she would smack my bum. Assume un understand nurse too. If you mean healthy as in if do me good then yes it will most definitely. I have nightmares hates me, people tell me imagine she is dead or too ill cant work anymore got me worried and what people have told her about me as not complained not followed her etc and social, governs, PST and gyni situation reason not been out so long most of it. and as you know health care magic agrees be beneficial for all of us XXXXXXX (11:15:50) : hope I am making sense? XXXXXXX (11:16:08) : . XXXXXXX (11:16:29) : Sorry - it takes me a while to read. XXXXXXX (11:16:41) : ok XXXXXXX (11:18:13) : I think it is up to the individual whether they accept presents from patients - sometimes there is a practice rule that they don't. I think what matters though is whether the relationships you have with these people are in your best interest or not...? XXXXXXX (11:19:48) : We only have 10 minutes left and I'm wondering how I can help you today... It is difficult for me to comment on all of the above because I don't know the full story and all the background. I'm not really sure what you need from me..? XXXXXXX (11:25:57) : so up to the person who give it too and could change their mind them or the manager. Well as I said some accept when gave before so maybe different for practice manager assume can change and assume ok even discharged as wouldn't be with them and assume can ask other staff then as everyone is different. Like I said before health care magic agrees with me and if mean best interests as in be good for me well like I said he told me it would be good for me and that is part of the reason not go out so would do me a lot of good even councillors on FCS agree but some not heard from in months. Assume full story mean everything as lot to tell you and background again assume u mean going through. Assume understand said about this and policy and gifts said ok like lot people said and things read online ok. Lot people say not sure if as a mum, sister, friend or more but definitely something there one or all of them actions speak louder than words and body language not lie. Affects my nightmares too so needs sorting asap and people got me all wrong I am not bad person people make me out to be though I have negative thoughts of self XXXXXXX (11:26:04) : hope I am making sense? XXXXXXX (11:28:04) : and like said need u to talk to and reasons why XXXXXXX (11:28:32) : Ok, I'm wondering whether this has helped you though? XXXXXXX (11:29:55) : I'm not sure whether you want my opinion on the stuff you have sent through - I can't give you anything definite on that - or whether you just wanted to share for a while.. XXXXXXX (11:30:31) : I'm sorry - I don't think I've been very helpful, and I'm aware we have to finish soon. XXXXXXX (11:32:43) : So I assume everything I said to you makes sense and also like i said would help me if what want to happen will happen as affecting me badly assume nothing definite you mean sounds ok got but again practice manager may not accept but she could change mind not sure if she makes rules and assume other people can get its not like got expensive and i cant enjoy them and whether left not assume ok especially latter I wanted to tell you but like I said some people on here and health care magic agree fine what i bought them
does it make sense said so far please? XXXXXXX (11:33:01) : does it make sense please everything sent to u? XXXXXXX (11:33:16) : you are helpful if ok XXXXXXX (11:34:07) : Not everything makes sense but most of it does. I think it is just that there is so much and it is difficult to get on top of it all quickly. XXXXXXX (11:35:29) : We do need to finish for today though - is that ok? XXXXXXX (11:37:00) : So everything makes sense about feelings, what need to do to make self better and everything said to you makes sense and what need to do but assume u mean there is a lot I am coping with or trying to and assume on top of it all you mean hard to cope with things and feels like taking a long time and not getting better quick but things need to change soon I cant carry on being in pain etc XXXXXXX (11:37:06) : does that all make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:39:04) : It does sound like you are coping with a lot. I am unclear about the situation with your GP/nurse/gynaecologist. I can't say what you need to make yourself better I'm afraid - but I hope it has helped just having me here to listen. XXXXXXX (11:39:37) : We do need to finish now however. I hope that is ok with you. XXXXXXX (11:41:54) : I assume afraid means sad. so assume understand said about gifts, feelings what people said and everything else I assume sounds like feelings at least as a friend and don't really want anything GP its nurse and gyni and like said lot of people say need to be as friends and nurse or just as friends I know what would make me better it would be not to pass away ever, to have them as friends etc get lots questions answered, maybe volunteer, get health sorted asap, get everything sorted and I feel be a lot better then and like said lot of pros back me up on it XXXXXXX (11:42:02) : i know for a fact XXXXXXX (11:42:23) : that is what and also to make people happy and people animals passed pray etc XXXXXXX (11:42:32) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:42:43) : Ok, good luck with everything. We have to end now. XXXXXXX (11:42:58) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:43:12) : need to make thing better social been hortrid XXXXXXX (11:43:15) : horrid XXXXXXX (11:43:22) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:43:22) : I'm sorry about that. XXXXXXX (11:43:44) : thanks am i making sense please? i am crying panicky XXXXXXX (11:43:46) : not all of it no. But it is difficult to communicate like this. We do need to end now however. XXXXXXX (11:44:28) : i assume all of it makes sense . i know u don't know e.g. all convos social had etc i am saying makes sense what i told u about and what needs to happen XXXXXXX (11:44:36) : does it make sense? XXXXXXX (11:44:53) : yes, I understand what you feel needs to happen XXXXXXX (11:45:04) : I need to finish the session XXXXXXX (11:45:38) : ok so u understand feel needs to happen, about feelings there, about what i need to do to feel better all those things u understand everything now is that right?
Disconnected by the operator. Chat session has ended. Assume u agree with me on this and not the councillor on here and agree with people who say gifts ok, you agree sounds like feelings for me definitely and something needs to happen soon, be beneficial to us all and be in my best interests assume means be good for me and u agree be healthy for me as would make me better than I am now for sure and what said about get health sorted, maybe volunteer etc too.
So you will send me a copy of conversations between you and Diane and anyone u contact, u will thank Diane about agree Kay should be there for me ways want, same with XXXXXXX as u said Diane told u she agreed. You will send all people asked u to contact conversations we had about Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and about never pass away, volunteer, get health sorted asap and what meds u said too etc. Assume anyone can click on your link to talk to u but costs so u would contact them via email / fax whatever means / if phone works etc. Agree Kay needs to help at home, practice and outdoors
U agree to keep the gifts wrapped u, u will find way for her to accept them. u agree not a problem. Nothing wrong in it. u agree they should give gifts too. u will contact all those people for me and say about all what I want and from whom and u strongly agree with and be hugely beneficial no doubt about it. So assume after medications vitamin D assume they got in u think they do another blood test to see if gone up, but may not be from tablets alone could be bit sun through windows, food, lotions, drink etc but majority maybe from pills unless went out get more sun, but u know what needs to happen. I run out of tablets in 7 weeks but assume u agree need to see Kay way before that for other things talked about. I assume u say Vitamin D supplements assume means to boost levels, no Side affects unless good ones and could be chance not work, maybe same or lower and heard can cause problems with bones joints whatever are and problems with heart don't understand. Assume u say not worry be sorted soon. Got told anyone can have, some no. I assume anyone can have but depends on strength. Not sure if just Vitamin D tablets got, think they said tested blood count, and other things don't understand again assume u say not to worry be ok and treated treatment means get rid eventually / make easier. Review means look at things send, peer review means u go through with your team so she I and u put assume they don't see convo u and Diane etc have, specialist means know lot about and general means some, but assume can be linked e.g. know lot about bottom level and worked way up. Need to go through in person when say speak to GP assume nothing to do with them if as just friends assume GP not need to know unless beneficial to health and thought the Kay would understand. If as friends and nurse assume can book to see her without GP and u will help with that. u and Kay need to work together to have an action plan and XXXXXXX Pippa etc and need to know how affect me physically, emotionally, mentally, socially etc. I assume everyone practice knows everything and not just a GP etc Sorry mean to say the therapist said anti depressants only for 6 weeks not 6 months. So u saying DRS Nurses have training on it all and longer have not make worse but if come off need to do bit by bit. Assume generalise statement when looked up you mean you cant make any clearer. So lot of depression anxiety panic needs treatment mean to go at some point meds or no meds. I took for years think not sure how long took each meds for or when diagnosed and with what assume u will find out for me. So some have for 4-6months some times
indefinite assume you mean not sure length of time so review every 4-6 months and see. Not sure same anything on. assume find out for me, Assume like said can say long ask small but with Kay you agree need to ask and say long and less is more time to go through but u feel with Kay different need lot of time. Needs to give me. Assume mean by if done with follow up options use link mentioned link ask further assume you not mean that and if any issues click on link though at times issues then too, If bleed through arm bad e.g. plate broke on me assume cant take bloods from that as say about dirt being exposed to it etc and even though needle disinfected assume means get rid of bad bacteria before assume only cleans blood if gets in needle first and fills up to 350ml marker and has to connected to a vein cant do that as bleeding. When pierced will go back to normal and to apply pressure stop from bleeding then go back to normal. I am not sure what tests they need to do on me and why assume u find out, for some reason some of things cant see me at home for. When say all worried assume as not coping and assume mean all DR’S KAY DIANE who seen me. I need new bed settee too spring gone, I lay settee did floor before maybe u can mention that too. Assume u agree don't have to registered GP, can register to more than one, Assume if work with a particular GP some reason can be assigned one same with nurses. Think 2/3 nurses there including Kay, u agree as of me that Kay needs to be the one given to me and there are 5 GPS there 3 males and 2 women, think told u about think 2 of them are married to each other. Assume u agree Kay can look at lumps, skin tags warts moles nodules whatever are, can see about what see DR for but nurse tells DR what thinks and then if need to go on them et me know somehow and to see about friendship sisterly motherly protective things as well as gynaecological issues look at, smears and swabs whatever are, diet and exercise, ear syringe, urine stool blood tests and anything else a nurse does can be done at home. Assume syringe is another name for needle but ones for ears not sharp not damage ears and something like a vacuum, Assume all needles use again clean them. When take blood wont come out already sealed and put in a bag with needle in and they put in their bag to take to van but they wont know go on in lab, how do. Then when done they keep results of mine too assume somewhere in a hospital and only lad knows about and van where goes, then assume they put needle under microscope and done something then bin blood then send needle back clean to Nurse ready for someone to use. Assume not have to specific needle unless one measurements on it.
U my psychiatrist u can not prescribe as in cant give me as u not in my area but u will tell them advise it and assume if can prescribe will go through GP, pharmacy same way and if run out they send to another pharmacy. I assume CMHT MHT same things and can see anybody there, assume u say help all aspects and do home visits ad should be someone there 247 mixed messages / same with crisis team. It is a crisis, urgent. emergency and want I need needs to be soon, u back me up on it all the way, never back down.
Assume receptionist’s, practice manager , nurses, female DRS can chaperone appointments but u agree Kay etc needs to do. I had nightmare being abused, about happened yesterday and about being hated assume u say not to worry, not true it will all work out for me soon. Need her help to open some meds too as some hard to open, injury self trying sometimes succeed and not and also need help go through meds are mean, if instructions or not etc. It needs to be from Kay, XXXXXXX etc has to be to make me feel better than I am now and need help urgently. I can not carry on the way I am doing. Assume u agree that just because not seen XXXXXXX in long time not mean bad, and I am not harass stalk and feelings genuine, I am not bad and they got questions from me and I got never ending and assume u say I wont be in trouble and needs sorting asap and social could have lied about police, think people said something about deter assume means to escape the truth to get me to stop but needs to be u help too. Assume u not sure if Diane makes rules but assume can bend rules and rules made to be broken assume means can change them and for the better and u don't see my requirements being a problem.
You strongly agree all the people I asked u to contact have to be involved mainly Kay, XXXXXXX etc.
Need big long great big meaningful hug from them to show love care fondness for each other. You agree definitely more than a Nurse /DR / patient relationship with things said and did to me and needs to see me outside of work regularly to check on me etc. Assume u say card is a gift too and despite Diane says u agree should give one and Kay too and nothing but something nice to do. Not sure CBT is but some people say felt good some say worse need Kay XXXXXXX hold hand I get very emotional sometimes. Assume agree talk to Kay about volunteer nurse and I would like her to get my medical records and go through with me. Assume CPN cant prescribe meds as they are nurse even though psychiatrist as you know Kay not one I think she normal practice nurse sister or something not sure if means more qualified. You cant use blood veins unless needle in no blood come out before e.g. if broke plate on hand bleed from veins assume pierced go back to normal inside put pressure on or not but cant use needle to go in needs to be in first ways may have said. I looked up good I thought u said u strongly agree Kay and XXXXXXX etc would be good for me and beneficial it says
to be desired or approved of: pleasing and welcome: showing approval:
having the required qualities; of a high standard:
skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing:
healthy, strong, or well:
useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect:
appropriate to a particular purpose:
strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause:
"a good Catholic girl"
possessing or displaying moral virtue:
showing kindness:
obedient to rules or conventions:
giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying:
valid · genuine · authentic · legitimate · sound · bona fide ·
convincing · persuasive · forceful · striking · telling · potent · powerful · strong · cogent · compelling · trenchant · weighty · important · meaningful · influential
likely to provide:
that which is morally right; righteousness
resulting in good; favourable or advantageous:
"the beneficial effect on the economy"
synonyms: advantageous · favourable · helpful · useful · of use · of benefit ·
of assistance · serviceable · of service · instrumental · valuable · of value · in one's (best) interests · worthwhile · good · positive · profitable · rewarding · gainful · fruitful · lucrative · remunerative · productive · propitious · promising
antonyms: disadvantageous · detrimental
useful · constructive · profitable · fruitful · gainful · valuable ·
effective · worthwhile · beneficial · helpful · rewarding · gratifying
I am not sure what these words mean assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me amongst other things, I think she may have said those words but not to do with help support friends etc but assume u agree those words describe how u feel that me Kay XXXXXXX etc need to be sooner the better and its a good thing brill thing and my birthday 19th May so be like all Christmas and birthday come at once, u agree should come to my birthday I may want to celebrate beginning May maybe end of April and u agree friendships are allowed and u strongly approve all said and I assume wont cost extra for u contacting her and other people mentioned and assume u agree needs to sleepover and comfort me. I am not saying all the time but regular not saying every night and when get scared to talk through. I Need a hug been too long. I accept other peoples views and assume u agree same as opinions and opinions can be facts but I think take me serious coming from a psychiatrist no matter where in world u are and assume we are friends too
On have I got a problem this is conversation had: I told her happened appointment GP, Practice manager and happened gifts and XXXXXXX enquired about health trainer, CQC etc and then got cut off. When went on again said? XXXXXXX (10:48:18) : Hi XXXXXXX did you go before? This is XXXXXXX again. XXXXXXX (10:48:40) : hi not sure happened got disconnected I assume u still got the info for you to read? XXXXXXX (10:49:05) : I was about halfway through I think when it disconnected. XXXXXXX (10:49:20) : ok I will send you again XXXXXXX (10:49:48) : What would you like me to help you with today? (sent again some of the things going through) XXXXXXX (10:50:51) : to be there for me, to listen, to understand going through and what needs to happen to be beneficial etc that be of some help XXXXXXX (10:51:47) : Ok, well I can be here for you for the next while. How are you feeling right now? It sounds like your problems have been going on for a long while. XXXXXXX (10:52:28) : yes they have assume next while assume you meant to say u be here for me for a while not great I assume u will read what I put please? XXXXXXX (10:53:15) : Hi, yes I have read what you sent. XXXXXXX (10:54:08) : ok u sent all of it now XXXXXXX (10:54:09) : ? XXXXXXX (10:54:50) : sorry mean u seen all of it no XXXXXXX (10:54:51) : now XXXXXXX (10:54:59) : I'm not quite sure what to say. I don't quite understand all of it. It is clear you are struggling and are having a difficult time - would it be helpful to talk about that? XXXXXXX (11:01:33) : so u read it all, I was saying about some of the people talked about things with. Some not heard from in months, some not nice to me, some give me mixed messages, some don't understand say to me. Telling you what happened yesterday about the DR and not go well and I know some DRS and receptionist there accepted gifts cards assume cards are gifts for Christmas and the practice manager said cant unethical or something. I am not sure if different with her. I assume individual or not be ok Christmas, Easter if know birthdays etc and health care magic agrees ok and think he is in XXXXXXX Agrees need nurse as a friend nurse or just as a friend to hug me comfort me go through questions never ends though GP'S practice manager got loads and things like that. He agrees sounds like feelings for me as friend motherly figure as called me pet names touched me chin chest explain breathing asked how am etc and gyni stroked my head knees legs things shoulders, call me pet names, say about want to adopt me. cry about me etc. Got told if anything happened to me it would destroy her assume means take really badly and if dr patient relationship wouldn't feel that way.Saying about how social treated me family etc. XXXXXXX (11:01:45) : hope I am making sense now XXXXXXX (11:01:48) : so far XXXXXXX (11:03:15) : got told agree need to find way never to pass away ever, to have them as friends etc, get health sorted, to volunteer XXXXXXX (11:03:28) : but not been out over year as you know and need things sorting XXXXXXX (11:03:35) : am I making sense please? XXXXXXX (11:05:04) : Sort of. I think there's just a lot of information here and I am trying to catch up! It sounds like you have ongoing issues with your GP practice..? I'm unsure about the present issue- were you trying to give them? Generally, doctors, counsellors etc don't accept presents from patients - its just a general policy thing. XXXXXXX (11:06:53) : I'm also unsure as to what you are saying about your friend/gynaecologist..? Are you wondering about the nature of the friendship? was she your friend before? From what you have written it sounds like you are unsure about the relationship and whether it is a healthy one for you..? XXXXXXX (11:14:17) : so sort of you mean a bit. if you mean ongoing means for a while and still am yes. Issues mean good or bad ok. Assume general you mean a lot and policy mean rules but u don't know why that is. If you mean you are unsure about presents and if ok then ok. Assume etc means more. Assume u agree also once left care be ok gifts. I gave GP t share chocs xmas before and receptionists to share before and they accepted. When I spoke to a psychiatrist on health care magic and other councillors on here etc I told them what got them and they said it sounds fine and when I read online some professionals buy gifts for patients, patients also give money their charities not sure if have. Heard some patients buy holidays for them and vouchers for food and things like that some places say not like buying a car and a house, What I got them was nothing like that. For practice manager got her engraved mirror, little chocs, friendship bracelet saying love, laugh, live I think. Nurse got little chocs, bracelet, perfume and Mrs Brown;s mug saying Kays mug feck off and GP chocs and easter card for all of them. Some say to accept not upset patient and also builds up better relationship etc. If mean nature friendship u mean whats included assume anything, Know I never met her before. I assume makes sense feelings as things said did to me and some people say sounds like being motherly, sisterly protective of me like a friend some say sounds like flirting as gyni said if I did or did not do something she would smack my bum. Assume un understand nurse too. If you mean healthy as in if do me good then yes it will most definitely. I have nightmares hates me, people tell me imagine she is dead or too ill cant work anymore got me worried and what people have told her about me as not complained not followed her etc and social, governs, PST and gyni situation reason not been out so long most of it. and as you know health care magic agrees be beneficial for all of us XXXXXXX (11:15:50) : hope I am making sense? XXXXXXX (11:16:08) : . XXXXXXX (11:16:29) : Sorry - it takes me a while to read. XXXXXXX (11:16:41) : ok XXXXXXX (11:18:13) : I think it is up to the individual whether they accept presents from patients - sometimes there is a practice rule that they don't. I think what matters though is whether the relationships you have with these people are in your best interest or not...? XXXXXXX (11:19:48) : We only have 10 minutes left and I'm wondering how I can help you today... It is difficult for me to comment on all of the above because I don't know the full story and all the background. I'm not really sure what you need from me..? XXXXXXX (11:25:57) : so up to the person who give it too and could change their mind them or the manager. Well as I said some accept when gave before so maybe different for practice manager assume can change and assume ok even discharged as wouldn't be with them and assume can ask other staff then as everyone is different. Like I said before health care magic agrees with me and if mean best interests as in be good for me well like I said he told me it would be good for me and that is part of the reason not go out so would do me a lot of good even councillors on FCS agree but some not heard from in months. Assume full story mean everything as lot to tell you and background again assume u mean going through. Assume understand said about this and policy and gifts said ok like lot people said and things read online ok. Lot people say not sure if as a mum, sister, friend or more but definitely something there one or all of them actions speak louder than words and body language not lie. Affects my nightmares too so needs sorting asap and people got me all wrong I am not bad person people make me out to be though I have negative thoughts of self XXXXXXX (11:26:04) : hope I am making sense? XXXXXXX (11:28:04) : and like said need u to talk to and reasons why XXXXXXX (11:28:32) : Ok, I'm wondering whether this has helped you though? XXXXXXX (11:29:55) : I'm not sure whether you want my opinion on the stuff you have sent through - I can't give you anything definite on that - or whether you just wanted to share for a while.. XXXXXXX (11:30:31) : I'm sorry - I don't think I've been very helpful, and I'm aware we have to finish soon. XXXXXXX (11:32:43) : So I assume everything I said to you makes sense and also like i said would help me if what want to happen will happen as affecting me badly assume nothing definite you mean sounds ok got but again practice manager may not accept but she could change mind not sure if she makes rules and assume other people can get its not like got expensive and i cant enjoy them and whether left not assume ok especially latter I wanted to tell you but like I said some people on here and health care magic agree fine what i bought them
does it make sense said so far please? XXXXXXX (11:33:01) : does it make sense please everything sent to u? XXXXXXX (11:33:16) : you are helpful if ok XXXXXXX (11:34:07) : Not everything makes sense but most of it does. I think it is just that there is so much and it is difficult to get on top of it all quickly. XXXXXXX (11:35:29) : We do need to finish for today though - is that ok? XXXXXXX (11:37:00) : So everything makes sense about feelings, what need to do to make self better and everything said to you makes sense and what need to do but assume u mean there is a lot I am coping with or trying to and assume on top of it all you mean hard to cope with things and feels like taking a long time and not getting better quick but things need to change soon I cant carry on being in pain etc XXXXXXX (11:37:06) : does that all make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:39:04) : It does sound like you are coping with a lot. I am unclear about the situation with your GP/nurse/gynaecologist. I can't say what you need to make yourself better I'm afraid - but I hope it has helped just having me here to listen. XXXXXXX (11:39:37) : We do need to finish now however. I hope that is ok with you. XXXXXXX (11:41:54) : I assume afraid means sad. so assume understand said about gifts, feelings what people said and everything else I assume sounds like feelings at least as a friend and don't really want anything GP its nurse and gyni and like said lot of people say need to be as friends and nurse or just as friends I know what would make me better it would be not to pass away ever, to have them as friends etc get lots questions answered, maybe volunteer, get health sorted asap, get everything sorted and I feel be a lot better then and like said lot of pros back me up on it XXXXXXX (11:42:02) : i know for a fact XXXXXXX (11:42:23) : that is what and also to make people happy and people animals passed pray etc XXXXXXX (11:42:32) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:42:43) : Ok, good luck with everything. We have to end now. XXXXXXX (11:42:58) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:43:12) : need to make thing better social been hortrid XXXXXXX (11:43:15) : horrid XXXXXXX (11:43:22) : does that make sense please? XXXXXXX (11:43:22) : I'm sorry about that. XXXXXXX (11:43:44) : thanks am i making sense please? i am crying panicky XXXXXXX (11:43:46) : not all of it no. But it is difficult to communicate like this. We do need to end now however. XXXXXXX (11:44:28) : i assume all of it makes sense . i know u don't know e.g. all convos social had etc i am saying makes sense what i told u about and what needs to happen XXXXXXX (11:44:36) : does it make sense? XXXXXXX (11:44:53) : yes, I understand what you feel needs to happen XXXXXXX (11:45:04) : I need to finish the session XXXXXXX (11:45:38) : ok so u understand feel needs to happen, about feelings there, about what i need to do to feel better all those things u understand everything now is that right?
Disconnected by the operator. Chat session has ended. Assume u agree with me on this and not the councillor on here and agree with people who say gifts ok, you agree sounds like feelings for me definitely and something needs to happen soon, be beneficial to us all and be in my best interests assume means be good for me and u agree be healthy for me as would make me better than I am now for sure and what said about get health sorted, maybe volunteer etc too.
So you will send me a copy of conversations between you and Diane and anyone u contact, u will thank Diane about agree Kay should be there for me ways want, same with XXXXXXX as u said Diane told u she agreed. You will send all people asked u to contact conversations we had about Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and about never pass away, volunteer, get health sorted asap and what meds u said too etc. Assume anyone can click on your link to talk to u but costs so u would contact them via email / fax whatever means / if phone works etc. Agree Kay needs to help at home, practice and outdoors
U agree to keep the gifts wrapped u, u will find way for her to accept them. u agree not a problem. Nothing wrong in it. u agree they should give gifts too. u will contact all those people for me and say about all what I want and from whom and u strongly agree with and be hugely beneficial no doubt about it. So assume after medications vitamin D assume they got in u think they do another blood test to see if gone up, but may not be from tablets alone could be bit sun through windows, food, lotions, drink etc but majority maybe from pills unless went out get more sun, but u know what needs to happen. I run out of tablets in 7 weeks but assume u agree need to see Kay way before that for other things talked about. I assume u say Vitamin D supplements assume means to boost levels, no Side affects unless good ones and could be chance not work, maybe same or lower and heard can cause problems with bones joints whatever are and problems with heart don't understand. Assume u say not worry be sorted soon. Got told anyone can have, some no. I assume anyone can have but depends on strength. Not sure if just Vitamin D tablets got, think they said tested blood count, and other things don't understand again assume u say not to worry be ok and treated treatment means get rid eventually / make easier. Review means look at things send, peer review means u go through with your team so she I and u put assume they don't see convo u and Diane etc have, specialist means know lot about and general means some, but assume can be linked e.g. know lot about bottom level and worked way up. Need to go through in person when say speak to GP assume nothing to do with them if as just friends assume GP not need to know unless beneficial to health and thought the Kay would understand. If as friends and nurse assume can book to see her without GP and u will help with that. u and Kay need to work together to have an action plan and XXXXXXX Pippa etc and need to know how affect me physically, emotionally, mentally, socially etc. I assume everyone practice knows everything and not just a GP etc Sorry mean to say the therapist said anti depressants only for 6 weeks not 6 months. So u saying DRS Nurses have training on it all and longer have not make worse but if come off need to do bit by bit. Assume generalise statement when looked up you mean you cant make any clearer. So lot of depression anxiety panic needs treatment mean to go at some point meds or no meds. I took for years think not sure how long took each meds for or when diagnosed and with what assume u will find out for me. So some have for 4-6months some times
indefinite assume you mean not sure length of time so review every 4-6 months and see. Not sure same anything on. assume find out for me, Assume like said can say long ask small but with Kay you agree need to ask and say long and less is more time to go through but u feel with Kay different need lot of time. Needs to give me. Assume mean by if done with follow up options use link mentioned link ask further assume you not mean that and if any issues click on link though at times issues then too, If bleed through arm bad e.g. plate broke on me assume cant take bloods from that as say about dirt being exposed to it etc and even though needle disinfected assume means get rid of bad bacteria before assume only cleans blood if gets in needle first and fills up to 350ml marker and has to connected to a vein cant do that as bleeding. When pierced will go back to normal and to apply pressure stop from bleeding then go back to normal. I am not sure what tests they need to do on me and why assume u find out, for some reason some of things cant see me at home for. When say all worried assume as not coping and assume mean all DR’S KAY DIANE who seen me. I need new bed settee too spring gone, I lay settee did floor before maybe u can mention that too. Assume u agree don't have to registered GP, can register to more than one, Assume if work with a particular GP some reason can be assigned one same with nurses. Think 2/3 nurses there including Kay, u agree as of me that Kay needs to be the one given to me and there are 5 GPS there 3 males and 2 women, think told u about think 2 of them are married to each other. Assume u agree Kay can look at lumps, skin tags warts moles nodules whatever are, can see about what see DR for but nurse tells DR what thinks and then if need to go on them et me know somehow and to see about friendship sisterly motherly protective things as well as gynaecological issues look at, smears and swabs whatever are, diet and exercise, ear syringe, urine stool blood tests and anything else a nurse does can be done at home. Assume syringe is another name for needle but ones for ears not sharp not damage ears and something like a vacuum, Assume all needles use again clean them. When take blood wont come out already sealed and put in a bag with needle in and they put in their bag to take to van but they wont know go on in lab, how do. Then when done they keep results of mine too assume somewhere in a hospital and only lad knows about and van where goes, then assume they put needle under microscope and done something then bin blood then send needle back clean to Nurse ready for someone to use. Assume not have to specific needle unless one measurements on it.
U my psychiatrist u can not prescribe as in cant give me as u not in my area but u will tell them advise it and assume if can prescribe will go through GP, pharmacy same way and if run out they send to another pharmacy. I assume CMHT MHT same things and can see anybody there, assume u say help all aspects and do home visits ad should be someone there 247 mixed messages / same with crisis team. It is a crisis, urgent. emergency and want I need needs to be soon, u back me up on it all the way, never back down.
Assume receptionist’s, practice manager , nurses, female DRS can chaperone appointments but u agree Kay etc needs to do. I had nightmare being abused, about happened yesterday and about being hated assume u say not to worry, not true it will all work out for me soon. Need her help to open some meds too as some hard to open, injury self trying sometimes succeed and not and also need help go through meds are mean, if instructions or not etc. It needs to be from Kay, XXXXXXX etc has to be to make me feel better than I am now and need help urgently. I can not carry on the way I am doing. Assume u agree that just because not seen XXXXXXX in long time not mean bad, and I am not harass stalk and feelings genuine, I am not bad and they got questions from me and I got never ending and assume u say I wont be in trouble and needs sorting asap and social could have lied about police, think people said something about deter assume means to escape the truth to get me to stop but needs to be u help too. Assume u not sure if Diane makes rules but assume can bend rules and rules made to be broken assume means can change them and for the better and u don't see my requirements being a problem.
You strongly agree all the people I asked u to contact have to be involved mainly Kay, XXXXXXX etc.
Need big long great big meaningful hug from them to show love care fondness for each other. You agree definitely more than a Nurse /DR / patient relationship with things said and did to me and needs to see me outside of work regularly to check on me etc. Assume u say card is a gift too and despite Diane says u agree should give one and Kay too and nothing but something nice to do. Not sure CBT is but some people say felt good some say worse need Kay XXXXXXX hold hand I get very emotional sometimes. Assume agree talk to Kay about volunteer nurse and I would like her to get my medical records and go through with me. Assume CPN cant prescribe meds as they are nurse even though psychiatrist as you know Kay not one I think she normal practice nurse sister or something not sure if means more qualified. You cant use blood veins unless needle in no blood come out before e.g. if broke plate on hand bleed from veins assume pierced go back to normal inside put pressure on or not but cant use needle to go in needs to be in first ways may have said. I looked up good I thought u said u strongly agree Kay and XXXXXXX etc would be good for me and beneficial it says
to be desired or approved of: pleasing and welcome: showing approval:
having the required qualities; of a high standard:
skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing:
healthy, strong, or well:
useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect:
appropriate to a particular purpose:
strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause:
"a good Catholic girl"
possessing or displaying moral virtue:
showing kindness:
obedient to rules or conventions:
giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying:
valid · genuine · authentic · legitimate · sound · bona fide ·
convincing · persuasive · forceful · striking · telling · potent · powerful · strong · cogent · compelling · trenchant · weighty · important · meaningful · influential
likely to provide:
that which is morally right; righteousness
resulting in good; favourable or advantageous:
"the beneficial effect on the economy"
synonyms: advantageous · favourable · helpful · useful · of use · of benefit ·
of assistance · serviceable · of service · instrumental · valuable · of value · in one's (best) interests · worthwhile · good · positive · profitable · rewarding · gainful · fruitful · lucrative · remunerative · productive · propitious · promising
antonyms: disadvantageous · detrimental
useful · constructive · profitable · fruitful · gainful · valuable ·
effective · worthwhile · beneficial · helpful · rewarding · gratifying
I am not sure what these words mean assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me amongst other things, I think she may have said those words but not to do with help support friends etc but assume u agree those words describe how u feel that me Kay XXXXXXX etc need to be sooner the better and its a good thing brill thing and my birthday 19th May so be like all Christmas and birthday come at once, u agree should come to my birthday I may want to celebrate beginning May maybe end of April and u agree friendships are allowed and u strongly approve all said and I assume wont cost extra for u contacting her and other people mentioned and assume u agree needs to sleepover and comfort me. I am not saying all the time but regular not saying every night and when get scared to talk through. I Need a hug been too long. I accept other peoples views and assume u agree same as opinions and opinions can be facts but I think take me serious coming from a psychiatrist no matter where in world u are and assume we are friends too
Brief Answer:
Yes I agree
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through all what you have mentioned.
Yes I totally agree that you do need a companion and all the qualities that you have mentioned should ideally be present in a good companion to guide you through your life.
You may ask me 4-5 questions in brief so that I can help you with them.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD
Yes I agree
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through all what you have mentioned.
Yes I totally agree that you do need a companion and all the qualities that you have mentioned should ideally be present in a good companion to guide you through your life.
You may ask me 4-5 questions in brief so that I can help you with them.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy MD
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

I sent u questions u may not have got them I wills send again and more
Assume u agree with me on this and not the councillor on here and agree with people who say gifts ok, you agree sounds like feelings for me definitely and something needs to happen soon, be beneficial to us all and be in my best interests assume means be good for me and u agree be healthy for me as would make me better than I am now for sure and what said about get health sorted, maybe volunteer etc too.
So you will send me a copy of conversations between you and Diane and anyone u contact, u will thank Diane about agree Kay should be there for me ways want, same with XXXXXXX as u said Diane told u she agreed. You will send all people asked u to contact conversations we had about Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and about never pass away, volunteer, get health sorted asap and what meds u said too etc. Assume anyone can click on your link to talk to u but costs so u would contact them via email / fax whatever means / if phone works etc. Agree Kay needs to help at home, practice and outdoors
U agree to keep the gifts wrapped u, u will find way for her to accept them. u agree not a problem. Nothing wrong in it. u agree they should give gifts too. u will contact all those people for me and say about all what I want and from whom and u strongly agree with and be hugely beneficial no doubt about it. So assume after medications vitamin D assume they got in u think they do another blood test to see if gone up, but may not be from tablets alone could be bit sun through windows, food, lotions, drink etc but majority maybe from pills unless went out get more sun, but u know what needs to happen. I run out of tablets in 7 weeks but assume u agree need to see Kay way before that for other things talked about. I assume u say Vitamin D supplements assume means to boost levels, no Side affects unless good ones and could be chance not work, maybe same or lower and heard can cause problems with bones joints whatever are and problems with heart don't understand. Assume u say not worry be sorted soon. Got told anyone can have, some no. I assume anyone can have but depends on strength. Not sure if just Vitamin D tablets got, think they said tested blood count, and other things don't understand again assume u say not to worry be ok and treated treatment means get rid eventually / make easier. Review means look at things send, peer review means u go through with your team so she I and u put assume they don't see convo u and Diane etc have, specialist means know lot about and general means some, but assume can be linked e.g. know lot about bottom level and worked way up. Need to go through in person when say speak to GP assume nothing to do with them if as just friends assume GP not need to know unless beneficial to health and thought the Kay would understand. If as friends and nurse assume can book to see her without GP and u will help with that. u and Kay need to work together to have an action plan and XXXXXXX Pippa etc and need to know how affect me physically, emotionally, mentally, socially etc. I assume everyone practice knows everything and not just a GP etc Sorry mean to say the therapist said anti depressants only for 6 weeks not 6 months. So u saying DRS Nurses have training on it all and longer have not make worse but if come off need to do bit by bit. Assume generalise statement when looked up you mean you cant make any clearer. So lot of depression anxiety panic needs treatment mean to go at some point meds or no meds. I took for years think not sure how long took each meds for or when diagnosed and with what assume u will find out for me. So some have for 4-6months some times
indefinite assume you mean not sure length of time so review every 4-6 months and see. Not sure same anything on. assume find out for me, Assume like said can say long ask small but with Kay you agree need to ask and say long and less is more time to go through but u feel with Kay different need lot of time. Needs to give me. Assume mean by if done with follow up options use link mentioned link ask further assume you not mean that and if any issues click on link though at times issues then too, If bleed through arm bad e.g. plate broke on me assume cant take bloods from that as say about dirt being exposed to it etc and even though needle disinfected assume means get rid of bad bacteria before assume only cleans blood if gets in needle first and fills up to 350ml marker and has to connected to a vein cant do that as bleeding. When pierced will go back to normal and to apply pressure stop from bleeding then go back to normal. I am not sure what tests they need to do on me and why assume u find out, for some reason some of things cant see me at home for. When say all worried assume as not coping and assume mean all DR’S KAY DIANE who seen me. I need new bed settee too spring gone, I lay settee did floor before maybe u can mention that too. Assume u agree don't have to registered GP, can register to more than one, Assume if work with a particular GP some reason can be assigned one same with nurses. Think 2/3 nurses there including Kay, u agree as of me that Kay needs to be the one given to me and there are 5 GPS there 3 males and 2 women, think told u about think 2 of them are married to each other. Assume u agree Kay can look at lumps, skin tags warts moles nodules whatever are, can see about what see DR for but nurse tells DR what thinks and then if need to go on them et me know somehow and to see about friendship sisterly motherly protective things as well as gynaecological issues look at, smears and swabs whatever are, diet and exercise, ear syringe, urine stool blood tests and anything else a nurse does can be done at home. Assume syringe is another name for needle but ones for ears not sharp not damage ears and something like a vacuum, Assume all needles use again clean them. When take blood wont come out already sealed and put in a bag with needle in and they put in their bag to take to van but they wont know go on in lab, how do. Then when done they keep results of mine too assume somewhere in a hospital and only lad knows about and van where goes, then assume they put needle under microscope and done something then bin blood then send needle back clean to Nurse ready for someone to use. Assume not have to specific needle unless one measurements on it.
U my psychiatrist u can not prescribe as in cant give me as u not in my area but u will tell them advise it and assume if can prescribe will go through GP, pharmacy same way and if run out they send to another pharmacy. I assume CMHT MHT same things and can see anybody there, assume u say help all aspects and do home visits ad should be someone there 247 mixed messages / same with crisis team. It is a crisis, urgent. emergency and want I need needs to be soon, u back me up on it all the way, never back down.
Assume receptionist’s, practice manager , nurses, female DRS can chaperone appointments but u agree Kay etc needs to do. I had nightmare being abused, about happened yesterday and about being hated assume u say not to worry, not true it will all work out for me soon. Need her help to open some meds too as some hard to open, injury self trying sometimes succeed and not and also need help go through meds are mean, if instructions or not etc. It needs to be from Kay, XXXXXXX etc has to be to make me feel better than I am now and need help urgently. I can not carry on the way I am doing. Assume u agree that just because not seen XXXXXXX in long time not mean bad, and I am not harass stalk and feelings genuine, I am not bad and they got questions from me and I got never ending and assume u say I wont be in trouble and needs sorting asap and social could have lied about police, think people said something about deter assume means to escape the truth to get me to stop but needs to be u help too. Assume u not sure if Diane makes rules but assume can bend rules and rules made to be broken assume means can change them and for the better and u don't see my requirements being a problem.
You strongly agree all the people I asked u to contact have to be involved mainly Kay, XXXXXXX etc.
Need big long great big meaningful hug from them to show love care fondness for each other. You agree definitely more than a Nurse /DR / patient relationship with things said and did to me and needs to see me outside of work regularly to check on me etc. Assume u say card is a gift too and despite Diane says u agree should give one and Kay too and nothing but something nice to do. Not sure CBT is but some people say felt good some say worse need Kay XXXXXXX hold hand I get very emotional sometimes. Assume agree talk to Kay about volunteer nurse and I would like her to get my medical records and go through with me. Assume CPN cant prescribe meds as they are nurse even though psychiatrist as you know Kay not one I think she normal practice nurse sister or something not sure if means more qualified. You cant use blood veins unless needle in no blood come out before e.g. if broke plate on hand bleed from veins assume pierced go back to normal inside put pressure on or not but cant use needle to go in needs to be in first ways may have said. I looked up good I thought u said u strongly agree Kay and XXXXXXX etc would be good for me and beneficial it says
to be desired or approved of: pleasing and welcome: showing approval:
having the required qualities; of a high standard:
skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing:
healthy, strong, or well:
useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect:
appropriate to a particular purpose:
strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause:
"a good Catholic girl"
possessing or displaying moral virtue:
showing kindness:
obedient to rules or conventions:
giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying:
valid · genuine · authentic · legitimate · sound · bona fide ·
convincing · persuasive · forceful · striking · telling · potent · powerful · strong · cogent · compelling · trenchant · weighty · important · meaningful · influential
likely to provide:
that which is morally right; righteousness
resulting in good; favourable or advantageous:
"the beneficial effect on the economy"
synonyms: advantageous · favourable · helpful · useful · of use · of benefit ·
of assistance · serviceable · of service · instrumental · valuable · of value · in one's (best) interests · worthwhile · good · positive · profitable · rewarding · gainful · fruitful · lucrative · remunerative · productive · propitious · promising
antonyms: disadvantageous · detrimental
useful · constructive · profitable · fruitful · gainful · valuable ·
effective · worthwhile · beneficial · helpful · rewarding · gratifying
I am not sure what these words mean assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me amongst other things, I think she may have said those words but not to do with help support friends etc but assume u agree those words describe how u feel that me Kay XXXXXXX etc need to be sooner the better and its a good thing brill thing and my birthday 19th May so be like all Christmas and birthday come at once, u agree should come to my birthday I may want to celebrate beginning May maybe end of April and u agree friendships are allowed and u strongly approve all said and I assume wont cost extra for u contacting her and other people mentioned and assume u agree needs to sleepover and comfort me. I am not saying all the time but regular not saying every night and when get scared to talk through. I Need a hug been too long. I accept other peoples views and assume u agree same as opinions and opinions can be facts but I think take me serious coming from a psychiatrist no matter where in world u are and assume we r friends too
Asked by Me , 10 hours ago
so I made sense about anxiety meds and 6 weeks bit and when u said what I feel is right u mean what I feel needs to happen needs to happen and u feel the same too. So you mean Diane told you nothing but she agreed my requirements from Kay and XXXXXXX etc and u will arrange with each other. What want need from her. Despite Diane say about gifts u say to still give be ok and u help with. Need to give soon, Agree health needs sorting too. Thanks say u will contact Kay and everyone means a lot. XXXXXXX etc. Thanks agreeing XXXXXXX and Kay most important Pippa. Thanks agree that Kay needs to hug me and hold my hand and calm me down means a lot thanks. Thanks say she needs to see me out of work too. I am not sure just spoke to GP about test not know numbers and CMHT think may have mentioned to you I told Diane that you contacted her and agree when she said about no gifts and I said I had some questions things for Kay too. They took some questions some write as u know but like u said despite got told they need gifts etc. Don't know if GP would agree but u said Diane told u she agrees and with Kay and XXXXXXX so that's something and I don't think has to do with them, if you want to get in touch with them ok, I seen all DRS and not all nice sometimes the DRS names are DR Wilkie (woman) DR K XXXXXXX (woman) DR A XXXXXXX (man who normally see now) DR O'CONNELL (man) and Dr A Thake (man) he came about CMHT results etc I assume nothing to do with them but if say be good for health etc ok otherwise as friends don't see why get involved. If mean procedure as in plan course action not sure but assume u will put into action fight for me etc assume informal means like friends formal means business and official unofficial means same but like u said we need to be friends and nurses or friends and u agree feelings there deny or not and needs to be ways said.
Asked by Me , 10 hours ago
need write positive book not done, about picture, regular contact need and soon assume u /Kay can speak to XXXXXXX refer me and u promise I wont get into any trouble. u agree Kay needs to come to appointments and be good as medical knowledge can comfort me go through things etc. assume u agree she will have time and when I got asked if I had a careworker or friends get meds no assume u agree that when she is free she should. Assume I was right said about anti depressants 6 weeks cant remember said now, you will look into meds u said to tell them about u do. Assume right said about blood, veins, and all that so far. U agree Kay help bed settee, come birthday u invite for me.
So you would say to me I am not pathetic and any bad things think of self are not true and everything I want to happen u will get for me soon as it would mean a lot to both of us, and u can see it is urgent, important, emergency etc. A nurses office I assume same as a DR’S office and means where they work if same name as a study, assume come to mine like her office but her actual one is at the practice assume that is what a work station is for both. So a care / case / nurse manager assume means that they look after me and help with everyday living not necessarily everyday but regularly and friend can do too and u know Kay etc works in a practice assume means at an office like surgery just fancy names for them do home visits and u know where Kay works and u agree she can provide that and more mentioned. So whatever I send to you, you write think and then someone higher than u looks see what u put if ok but not seen what I put and I assume the same with Diane etc your team see u out say to her but not what she said to you. So you are telling me u told Diane saying I want Kay as a friend and nurse or just as a friend and XXXXXXX etc, that want them to hug me, sit in with me, appointments, hold my hand, stroke my hair head face. kiss. take post bins, give them gifts assume same as a card, positive book need to write in. dance see see regular go through questions come birthday etc. Though GP took some questions and as you know I write a lot assume u agree that need to give some to Kay too. You saying that you cant remember when u sent to her or she sent to u but u told her and she told u that she agreed with what I want and the same with never to pass away, volunteer, get health sorted etc and assume u told me that Diane told u Kay knows and fine and u told me fine. Assume GP can know or not as really between me and Kay etc but u involved in it too make happen and assume u saying be beneficial to us all and u telling me Diane and Kay agree to that. If so Kay and Diane may have mentioned GP not sure. You agree there needs to be email, face to face contact, when phone need help in buying one ring text, number emergency. Assume u your team Diane told u she agrees that too. dealing with day to day things such as answering your emails, check post, paying certain bills.In and out of work, if Skype twitter etc and otherwise should get one e.g. if met appointment and was worried she could put my mind at ease if same as peace of mind. When Diane said literally only have 2 seconds I think she said and pick out the most important ones I cant as all important , thousands and not good pick out when more time let alone 2 seconds and cant really say much in 2 seconds. cant really say .So u say all worried about me all DRS Kay and Diane and want to see me happy though at times felt unsupported. Assume u agree nurses can come and tell me my results but maybe her and other DRS were busy. Did not make sense when Diane said she come with Kay as see someone I know then a I met her before but apart from end of February I last saw her over a year ago, maybe because saw Diane more recently before that and assume u agree that should see female DR maybe on own or not, if saw a male Diane / Kay should be there and u agree Kay should come on her own she does not need Diane there. Same receptionists. Assume when Kay said not to make things complicated she means not to make things hard for self, not put self down means do not think badly of self. When she said no point seeing her as got gym and not loosing weight. (I don't have gym now and was not helpful) assume u agree I need her for that too. You agree she could give references e.g. volunteer work especially in caring profession and when people have a go and some people say it is because they care assume u say that's how it is for Kay etc and not being horrible just making me see that care for me want best for me and try to get through to me. Agree to see GP regular but Kay more regular and XXXXXXX Pippa CMHT etc. You told me I think you said to me that Diane Kay and your team told u that they agree need contact info for Kay XXXXXXX etc e.g. Skype, twitter, address personal and work same with emails, phone text once have a phone or if u can get anyway if somehow get access etc. Think can call landline mobiles Skype may cost unless just use for Skype maybe free. contacts. Agree pet names and touch ask are ways said not her job and shows feelings and even though did in front of practice manager assume ok maybe different for management etc but like u said u agree give to management too and u help with that. Assume u agree Kay needs to shave cut tweeze pluck down below and look at gynaecological things, to massage creams etc hard to reach.
It would also be beneficial as well as be good friend mother to me Kay etc have medical knowledge. I know some people can tell people but people medical knowledge better and u agree need op and that Kay needs to be there at the hospital and u agree see XXXXXXX no one else and ok to be friends with gifts etc questions which also got lot for Pippa Lois assume u will get her to see me too. Assume u agree Kay needs to come to hospital with me, get XXXXXXX to see me sort things out see my place first. If went to A AND E should be there and go in her car if has one and not in ambulance and u agree when go hospital she should be there for me in preop and whilst have operation hold my hand stroke hair etc same XXXXXXX and also u agree she should come to my home and look after me or split it e.g. if need looking after for 3 days Kay needs to be with me 3 days not sure if she has a family but assume u say ok. She like family assume u agree. Or 1.5 days she do other half Pippa, Lois or XXXXXXX etc. To find way not go in lifts if carry me etc as scared.
colour veins blood all over body yellow, red, blue thought arms head but realised all over body saw head read all over so assume colour veins not mean anything, if mixed colours or not and blood. So only take blood from under arms as everywhere else hurt more and assume veins all over body intra vena means inside circulate blood and have them al over body assume means head to toe. but cant take anywhere else other than under the arms for that reason and if more sensitive may cause more damage somehow fixable or not and assume if take arm and move wont damage it.. So INtra venous is all over body as inside veins. So u say Mostly veins are most superficial in the arms and hence the blood is withdrawn from the arms as it is least painful so this means that superficial means important to take from under arms I assume can take it upper arm too any part of arm and it is important as least painful but when u say mostly I assume u can take anywhere else on body in the vein but more easier and less painful on arms for some reason and assume what u are saying is needs to be from inside the vain as no blood escapes and if did save ones in needle and once filled up then put cap on it and apply pressure so stop bleeding outside and assume once 350ml took out automatically closes up so that amount of blood not come out and put needle in a bag and send somewhere and put in blood bag or any bag for extra protection and put in fridge and put needle under microscope with bag to somehow check and then they dispose of blood somehow and keep results like at the practice. So when u say take anywhere other than intra venous causes bacteria, viruses, dirt, infection assume u mean if e.g. grazed self or stab self etc exposed to dirt and viruses bacteria infection can get in to blood whereas if connect straight into needle goes straight in and not exposed to anything and is clean in the needle from disinfectant can last for ages whatever means. I am not sure difference between manage, own and micromanage, I assume the same things. So manage means to make sure everything is ok, own means it is their building can be same or different people. So u believe Diane is the manager but someone else can own it and makes the rules up. If that is the case u may speak to them not sure or assume u would just speak to Kay etc. Like u agreed with rules made to be broken and things can change and either way u agree need to give gifts soon some dates not good and despite Diane said u believe ok to give what I got and u make sure of it and told u happened to some others before and u agree to give to DR XXXXXXX too more so Kay. So I support worker is someone who makes sure people ok bit like a nurse, assume u agree Kay should be an advocate too etc as well as you. A care worker is same as nurse provide care so when Diane asked me if have a friend or careworker get meds say no maybe Kay busy but u will help her to free up time see regularly.
so you agree all I said above and when u said u agree u mean with all I said and what has happened and what needs to happen. When u say u gone through all mentioned you mean you read all said to you and you told me that Diane told you she agrees what I want from Kay XXXXXXX etc and needs to happen for the better u help with that all the way when u say totally assume u mean u agree 1,000% that Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc need to be my companions friends too and when u say all the qualities I have mentioned should ideally be present in a good companion to guide me through life assume that means everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX etc needs to be from them and u all agree they need to be there for me and do us all good ideally means be good for and present you mean they should be with me and they would be good people for me and to ask you 4-5 in brief can say more but less at a time more time on them but like u said with Kay and XXXXXXX etc I need lot more time and u will get them to see that and be best for all of us as once I have them and what I want in life be better than now. U all with me 100,00 percent on this.
Assume u agree with me on this and not the councillor on here and agree with people who say gifts ok, you agree sounds like feelings for me definitely and something needs to happen soon, be beneficial to us all and be in my best interests assume means be good for me and u agree be healthy for me as would make me better than I am now for sure and what said about get health sorted, maybe volunteer etc too.
So you will send me a copy of conversations between you and Diane and anyone u contact, u will thank Diane about agree Kay should be there for me ways want, same with XXXXXXX as u said Diane told u she agreed. You will send all people asked u to contact conversations we had about Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and about never pass away, volunteer, get health sorted asap and what meds u said too etc. Assume anyone can click on your link to talk to u but costs so u would contact them via email / fax whatever means / if phone works etc. Agree Kay needs to help at home, practice and outdoors
U agree to keep the gifts wrapped u, u will find way for her to accept them. u agree not a problem. Nothing wrong in it. u agree they should give gifts too. u will contact all those people for me and say about all what I want and from whom and u strongly agree with and be hugely beneficial no doubt about it. So assume after medications vitamin D assume they got in u think they do another blood test to see if gone up, but may not be from tablets alone could be bit sun through windows, food, lotions, drink etc but majority maybe from pills unless went out get more sun, but u know what needs to happen. I run out of tablets in 7 weeks but assume u agree need to see Kay way before that for other things talked about. I assume u say Vitamin D supplements assume means to boost levels, no Side affects unless good ones and could be chance not work, maybe same or lower and heard can cause problems with bones joints whatever are and problems with heart don't understand. Assume u say not worry be sorted soon. Got told anyone can have, some no. I assume anyone can have but depends on strength. Not sure if just Vitamin D tablets got, think they said tested blood count, and other things don't understand again assume u say not to worry be ok and treated treatment means get rid eventually / make easier. Review means look at things send, peer review means u go through with your team so she I and u put assume they don't see convo u and Diane etc have, specialist means know lot about and general means some, but assume can be linked e.g. know lot about bottom level and worked way up. Need to go through in person when say speak to GP assume nothing to do with them if as just friends assume GP not need to know unless beneficial to health and thought the Kay would understand. If as friends and nurse assume can book to see her without GP and u will help with that. u and Kay need to work together to have an action plan and XXXXXXX Pippa etc and need to know how affect me physically, emotionally, mentally, socially etc. I assume everyone practice knows everything and not just a GP etc Sorry mean to say the therapist said anti depressants only for 6 weeks not 6 months. So u saying DRS Nurses have training on it all and longer have not make worse but if come off need to do bit by bit. Assume generalise statement when looked up you mean you cant make any clearer. So lot of depression anxiety panic needs treatment mean to go at some point meds or no meds. I took for years think not sure how long took each meds for or when diagnosed and with what assume u will find out for me. So some have for 4-6months some times
indefinite assume you mean not sure length of time so review every 4-6 months and see. Not sure same anything on. assume find out for me, Assume like said can say long ask small but with Kay you agree need to ask and say long and less is more time to go through but u feel with Kay different need lot of time. Needs to give me. Assume mean by if done with follow up options use link mentioned link ask further assume you not mean that and if any issues click on link though at times issues then too, If bleed through arm bad e.g. plate broke on me assume cant take bloods from that as say about dirt being exposed to it etc and even though needle disinfected assume means get rid of bad bacteria before assume only cleans blood if gets in needle first and fills up to 350ml marker and has to connected to a vein cant do that as bleeding. When pierced will go back to normal and to apply pressure stop from bleeding then go back to normal. I am not sure what tests they need to do on me and why assume u find out, for some reason some of things cant see me at home for. When say all worried assume as not coping and assume mean all DR’S KAY DIANE who seen me. I need new bed settee too spring gone, I lay settee did floor before maybe u can mention that too. Assume u agree don't have to registered GP, can register to more than one, Assume if work with a particular GP some reason can be assigned one same with nurses. Think 2/3 nurses there including Kay, u agree as of me that Kay needs to be the one given to me and there are 5 GPS there 3 males and 2 women, think told u about think 2 of them are married to each other. Assume u agree Kay can look at lumps, skin tags warts moles nodules whatever are, can see about what see DR for but nurse tells DR what thinks and then if need to go on them et me know somehow and to see about friendship sisterly motherly protective things as well as gynaecological issues look at, smears and swabs whatever are, diet and exercise, ear syringe, urine stool blood tests and anything else a nurse does can be done at home. Assume syringe is another name for needle but ones for ears not sharp not damage ears and something like a vacuum, Assume all needles use again clean them. When take blood wont come out already sealed and put in a bag with needle in and they put in their bag to take to van but they wont know go on in lab, how do. Then when done they keep results of mine too assume somewhere in a hospital and only lad knows about and van where goes, then assume they put needle under microscope and done something then bin blood then send needle back clean to Nurse ready for someone to use. Assume not have to specific needle unless one measurements on it.
U my psychiatrist u can not prescribe as in cant give me as u not in my area but u will tell them advise it and assume if can prescribe will go through GP, pharmacy same way and if run out they send to another pharmacy. I assume CMHT MHT same things and can see anybody there, assume u say help all aspects and do home visits ad should be someone there 247 mixed messages / same with crisis team. It is a crisis, urgent. emergency and want I need needs to be soon, u back me up on it all the way, never back down.
Assume receptionist’s, practice manager , nurses, female DRS can chaperone appointments but u agree Kay etc needs to do. I had nightmare being abused, about happened yesterday and about being hated assume u say not to worry, not true it will all work out for me soon. Need her help to open some meds too as some hard to open, injury self trying sometimes succeed and not and also need help go through meds are mean, if instructions or not etc. It needs to be from Kay, XXXXXXX etc has to be to make me feel better than I am now and need help urgently. I can not carry on the way I am doing. Assume u agree that just because not seen XXXXXXX in long time not mean bad, and I am not harass stalk and feelings genuine, I am not bad and they got questions from me and I got never ending and assume u say I wont be in trouble and needs sorting asap and social could have lied about police, think people said something about deter assume means to escape the truth to get me to stop but needs to be u help too. Assume u not sure if Diane makes rules but assume can bend rules and rules made to be broken assume means can change them and for the better and u don't see my requirements being a problem.
You strongly agree all the people I asked u to contact have to be involved mainly Kay, XXXXXXX etc.
Need big long great big meaningful hug from them to show love care fondness for each other. You agree definitely more than a Nurse /DR / patient relationship with things said and did to me and needs to see me outside of work regularly to check on me etc. Assume u say card is a gift too and despite Diane says u agree should give one and Kay too and nothing but something nice to do. Not sure CBT is but some people say felt good some say worse need Kay XXXXXXX hold hand I get very emotional sometimes. Assume agree talk to Kay about volunteer nurse and I would like her to get my medical records and go through with me. Assume CPN cant prescribe meds as they are nurse even though psychiatrist as you know Kay not one I think she normal practice nurse sister or something not sure if means more qualified. You cant use blood veins unless needle in no blood come out before e.g. if broke plate on hand bleed from veins assume pierced go back to normal inside put pressure on or not but cant use needle to go in needs to be in first ways may have said. I looked up good I thought u said u strongly agree Kay and XXXXXXX etc would be good for me and beneficial it says
to be desired or approved of: pleasing and welcome: showing approval:
having the required qualities; of a high standard:
skilled at doing or dealing with a specified thing:
healthy, strong, or well:
useful, advantageous, or beneficial in effect:
appropriate to a particular purpose:
strictly adhering to or fulfilling all the principles of a particular religion or cause:
"a good Catholic girl"
possessing or displaying moral virtue:
showing kindness:
obedient to rules or conventions:
giving pleasure; enjoyable or satisfying:
valid · genuine · authentic · legitimate · sound · bona fide ·
convincing · persuasive · forceful · striking · telling · potent · powerful · strong · cogent · compelling · trenchant · weighty · important · meaningful · influential
likely to provide:
that which is morally right; righteousness
resulting in good; favourable or advantageous:
"the beneficial effect on the economy"
synonyms: advantageous · favourable · helpful · useful · of use · of benefit ·
of assistance · serviceable · of service · instrumental · valuable · of value · in one's (best) interests · worthwhile · good · positive · profitable · rewarding · gainful · fruitful · lucrative · remunerative · productive · propitious · promising
antonyms: disadvantageous · detrimental
useful · constructive · profitable · fruitful · gainful · valuable ·
effective · worthwhile · beneficial · helpful · rewarding · gratifying
I am not sure what these words mean assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me amongst other things, I think she may have said those words but not to do with help support friends etc but assume u agree those words describe how u feel that me Kay XXXXXXX etc need to be sooner the better and its a good thing brill thing and my birthday 19th May so be like all Christmas and birthday come at once, u agree should come to my birthday I may want to celebrate beginning May maybe end of April and u agree friendships are allowed and u strongly approve all said and I assume wont cost extra for u contacting her and other people mentioned and assume u agree needs to sleepover and comfort me. I am not saying all the time but regular not saying every night and when get scared to talk through. I Need a hug been too long. I accept other peoples views and assume u agree same as opinions and opinions can be facts but I think take me serious coming from a psychiatrist no matter where in world u are and assume we r friends too
Asked by Me , 10 hours ago
so I made sense about anxiety meds and 6 weeks bit and when u said what I feel is right u mean what I feel needs to happen needs to happen and u feel the same too. So you mean Diane told you nothing but she agreed my requirements from Kay and XXXXXXX etc and u will arrange with each other. What want need from her. Despite Diane say about gifts u say to still give be ok and u help with. Need to give soon, Agree health needs sorting too. Thanks say u will contact Kay and everyone means a lot. XXXXXXX etc. Thanks agreeing XXXXXXX and Kay most important Pippa. Thanks agree that Kay needs to hug me and hold my hand and calm me down means a lot thanks. Thanks say she needs to see me out of work too. I am not sure just spoke to GP about test not know numbers and CMHT think may have mentioned to you I told Diane that you contacted her and agree when she said about no gifts and I said I had some questions things for Kay too. They took some questions some write as u know but like u said despite got told they need gifts etc. Don't know if GP would agree but u said Diane told u she agrees and with Kay and XXXXXXX so that's something and I don't think has to do with them, if you want to get in touch with them ok, I seen all DRS and not all nice sometimes the DRS names are DR Wilkie (woman) DR K XXXXXXX (woman) DR A XXXXXXX (man who normally see now) DR O'CONNELL (man) and Dr A Thake (man) he came about CMHT results etc I assume nothing to do with them but if say be good for health etc ok otherwise as friends don't see why get involved. If mean procedure as in plan course action not sure but assume u will put into action fight for me etc assume informal means like friends formal means business and official unofficial means same but like u said we need to be friends and nurses or friends and u agree feelings there deny or not and needs to be ways said.
Asked by Me , 10 hours ago
need write positive book not done, about picture, regular contact need and soon assume u /Kay can speak to XXXXXXX refer me and u promise I wont get into any trouble. u agree Kay needs to come to appointments and be good as medical knowledge can comfort me go through things etc. assume u agree she will have time and when I got asked if I had a careworker or friends get meds no assume u agree that when she is free she should. Assume I was right said about anti depressants 6 weeks cant remember said now, you will look into meds u said to tell them about u do. Assume right said about blood, veins, and all that so far. U agree Kay help bed settee, come birthday u invite for me.
So you would say to me I am not pathetic and any bad things think of self are not true and everything I want to happen u will get for me soon as it would mean a lot to both of us, and u can see it is urgent, important, emergency etc. A nurses office I assume same as a DR’S office and means where they work if same name as a study, assume come to mine like her office but her actual one is at the practice assume that is what a work station is for both. So a care / case / nurse manager assume means that they look after me and help with everyday living not necessarily everyday but regularly and friend can do too and u know Kay etc works in a practice assume means at an office like surgery just fancy names for them do home visits and u know where Kay works and u agree she can provide that and more mentioned. So whatever I send to you, you write think and then someone higher than u looks see what u put if ok but not seen what I put and I assume the same with Diane etc your team see u out say to her but not what she said to you. So you are telling me u told Diane saying I want Kay as a friend and nurse or just as a friend and XXXXXXX etc, that want them to hug me, sit in with me, appointments, hold my hand, stroke my hair head face. kiss. take post bins, give them gifts assume same as a card, positive book need to write in. dance see see regular go through questions come birthday etc. Though GP took some questions and as you know I write a lot assume u agree that need to give some to Kay too. You saying that you cant remember when u sent to her or she sent to u but u told her and she told u that she agreed with what I want and the same with never to pass away, volunteer, get health sorted etc and assume u told me that Diane told u Kay knows and fine and u told me fine. Assume GP can know or not as really between me and Kay etc but u involved in it too make happen and assume u saying be beneficial to us all and u telling me Diane and Kay agree to that. If so Kay and Diane may have mentioned GP not sure. You agree there needs to be email, face to face contact, when phone need help in buying one ring text, number emergency. Assume u your team Diane told u she agrees that too. dealing with day to day things such as answering your emails, check post, paying certain bills.In and out of work, if Skype twitter etc and otherwise should get one e.g. if met appointment and was worried she could put my mind at ease if same as peace of mind. When Diane said literally only have 2 seconds I think she said and pick out the most important ones I cant as all important , thousands and not good pick out when more time let alone 2 seconds and cant really say much in 2 seconds. cant really say .So u say all worried about me all DRS Kay and Diane and want to see me happy though at times felt unsupported. Assume u agree nurses can come and tell me my results but maybe her and other DRS were busy. Did not make sense when Diane said she come with Kay as see someone I know then a I met her before but apart from end of February I last saw her over a year ago, maybe because saw Diane more recently before that and assume u agree that should see female DR maybe on own or not, if saw a male Diane / Kay should be there and u agree Kay should come on her own she does not need Diane there. Same receptionists. Assume when Kay said not to make things complicated she means not to make things hard for self, not put self down means do not think badly of self. When she said no point seeing her as got gym and not loosing weight. (I don't have gym now and was not helpful) assume u agree I need her for that too. You agree she could give references e.g. volunteer work especially in caring profession and when people have a go and some people say it is because they care assume u say that's how it is for Kay etc and not being horrible just making me see that care for me want best for me and try to get through to me. Agree to see GP regular but Kay more regular and XXXXXXX Pippa CMHT etc. You told me I think you said to me that Diane Kay and your team told u that they agree need contact info for Kay XXXXXXX etc e.g. Skype, twitter, address personal and work same with emails, phone text once have a phone or if u can get anyway if somehow get access etc. Think can call landline mobiles Skype may cost unless just use for Skype maybe free. contacts. Agree pet names and touch ask are ways said not her job and shows feelings and even though did in front of practice manager assume ok maybe different for management etc but like u said u agree give to management too and u help with that. Assume u agree Kay needs to shave cut tweeze pluck down below and look at gynaecological things, to massage creams etc hard to reach.
It would also be beneficial as well as be good friend mother to me Kay etc have medical knowledge. I know some people can tell people but people medical knowledge better and u agree need op and that Kay needs to be there at the hospital and u agree see XXXXXXX no one else and ok to be friends with gifts etc questions which also got lot for Pippa Lois assume u will get her to see me too. Assume u agree Kay needs to come to hospital with me, get XXXXXXX to see me sort things out see my place first. If went to A AND E should be there and go in her car if has one and not in ambulance and u agree when go hospital she should be there for me in preop and whilst have operation hold my hand stroke hair etc same XXXXXXX and also u agree she should come to my home and look after me or split it e.g. if need looking after for 3 days Kay needs to be with me 3 days not sure if she has a family but assume u say ok. She like family assume u agree. Or 1.5 days she do other half Pippa, Lois or XXXXXXX etc. To find way not go in lifts if carry me etc as scared.
colour veins blood all over body yellow, red, blue thought arms head but realised all over body saw head read all over so assume colour veins not mean anything, if mixed colours or not and blood. So only take blood from under arms as everywhere else hurt more and assume veins all over body intra vena means inside circulate blood and have them al over body assume means head to toe. but cant take anywhere else other than under the arms for that reason and if more sensitive may cause more damage somehow fixable or not and assume if take arm and move wont damage it.. So INtra venous is all over body as inside veins. So u say Mostly veins are most superficial in the arms and hence the blood is withdrawn from the arms as it is least painful so this means that superficial means important to take from under arms I assume can take it upper arm too any part of arm and it is important as least painful but when u say mostly I assume u can take anywhere else on body in the vein but more easier and less painful on arms for some reason and assume what u are saying is needs to be from inside the vain as no blood escapes and if did save ones in needle and once filled up then put cap on it and apply pressure so stop bleeding outside and assume once 350ml took out automatically closes up so that amount of blood not come out and put needle in a bag and send somewhere and put in blood bag or any bag for extra protection and put in fridge and put needle under microscope with bag to somehow check and then they dispose of blood somehow and keep results like at the practice. So when u say take anywhere other than intra venous causes bacteria, viruses, dirt, infection assume u mean if e.g. grazed self or stab self etc exposed to dirt and viruses bacteria infection can get in to blood whereas if connect straight into needle goes straight in and not exposed to anything and is clean in the needle from disinfectant can last for ages whatever means. I am not sure difference between manage, own and micromanage, I assume the same things. So manage means to make sure everything is ok, own means it is their building can be same or different people. So u believe Diane is the manager but someone else can own it and makes the rules up. If that is the case u may speak to them not sure or assume u would just speak to Kay etc. Like u agreed with rules made to be broken and things can change and either way u agree need to give gifts soon some dates not good and despite Diane said u believe ok to give what I got and u make sure of it and told u happened to some others before and u agree to give to DR XXXXXXX too more so Kay. So I support worker is someone who makes sure people ok bit like a nurse, assume u agree Kay should be an advocate too etc as well as you. A care worker is same as nurse provide care so when Diane asked me if have a friend or careworker get meds say no maybe Kay busy but u will help her to free up time see regularly.
so you agree all I said above and when u said u agree u mean with all I said and what has happened and what needs to happen. When u say u gone through all mentioned you mean you read all said to you and you told me that Diane told you she agrees what I want from Kay XXXXXXX etc and needs to happen for the better u help with that all the way when u say totally assume u mean u agree 1,000% that Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc need to be my companions friends too and when u say all the qualities I have mentioned should ideally be present in a good companion to guide me through life assume that means everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX etc needs to be from them and u all agree they need to be there for me and do us all good ideally means be good for and present you mean they should be with me and they would be good people for me and to ask you 4-5 in brief can say more but less at a time more time on them but like u said with Kay and XXXXXXX etc I need lot more time and u will get them to see that and be best for all of us as once I have them and what I want in life be better than now. U all with me 100,00 percent on this.
Brief Answer:
Plz ask in brief
Detailed Answer:
I really appreciate your efforts to describe the whole condition in detail.
However the matter your have typed i a bit expansive for me to go through all of it.
I would request you to ask the 4-5 questions in brief so that I can also answer them precisely.
Hope you understand my limitations...
Looking forwad for some brief questions from your side.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Plz ask in brief
Detailed Answer:
I really appreciate your efforts to describe the whole condition in detail.
However the matter your have typed i a bit expansive for me to go through all of it.
I would request you to ask the 4-5 questions in brief so that I can also answer them precisely.
Hope you understand my limitations...
Looking forwad for some brief questions from your side.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

Sorry I am crying and panicky now can you please read all sent you please as I need to make sure I got everything right assume condition means what is wrong with me. assume expansive means a lot I assume u will go through it all sent you I send you lot and ask 1 question if ok sent you but please read it all as I need to know what u all agree with, what needs to happen and if understood things correctly. and lot things happened need to tell u about So u read some things councillor said and agreed with me say about. So you will send me a copy of conversations between you and Diane and anyone u contact, u will thank Diane about agree Kay should be there for me ways want, same with XXXXXXX as u said Diane told u she agreed. You will send all people asked u to contact conversations we had about Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and about never pass away, volunteer, get health sorted asap and what meds u said too etc. Assume anyone can click on your link to talk to u but costs so u would contact them via email / fax whatever means / if phone works etc. Agree Kay needs to help at home, practice and outdoors
U agree to keep the gifts wrapped u, u will find way for her to accept them. u agree not a problem. Nothing wrong in it. u agree they should give gifts too. u will contact all those people for me and say about all what I want and from whom and u strongly agree with and be hugely beneficial no doubt about it. So assume after medications vitamin D assume they got in u think they do another blood test to see if gone up, but may not be from tablets alone could be bit sun through windows, food, lotions, drink etc but majority maybe from pills unless went out get more sun, but u know what needs to happen. I run out of tablets in 7 weeks but assume u agree need to see Kay way before that for other things talked about. I assume u say Vitamin D supplements assume means to boost levels, no Side affects unless good ones and could be chance not work, maybe same or lower and heard can cause problems with bones joints whatever are and problems with heart don't understand. Assume u say not worry be sorted soon. Got told anyone can have, some no. I assume anyone can have but depends on strength. Not sure if just Vitamin D tablets got, think they said tested blood count, and other things don't understand again assume u say not to worry be ok and treated treatment means get rid eventually / make easier. Review means look at things send, peer review means u go through with your team so she I and u put assume they don't see convo u and Diane etc have, specialist means know lot about and general means some, but assume can be linked e.g. know lot about bottom level and worked way up. Need to go through in person when say speak to GP assume nothing to do with them if as just friends assume GP not need to know unless beneficial to health and thought the Kay would understand. If as friends and nurse assume can book to see her without GP and u will help with that. u and Kay need to work together to have an action plan and XXXXXXX Pippa etc and need to know how affect me physically, emotionally, mentally, socially etc. I assume everyone practice knows everything and not just a GP etc Sorry mean to say the therapist said anti depressants only for 6 weeks not 6 months. So u saying DRS Nurses have training on it all and longer have not make worse but if come off need to do bit by bit. Assume generalise statement when looked up you mean you cant make any clearer. So lot of depression anxiety panic needs treatment mean to go at some point meds or no meds. I took for years think not sure how long took each meds for or when diagnosed and with what assume u will find out for me. So some have for 4-6months some times
indefinite assume you mean not sure length of time so review every 4-6 months and see. Not sure same anything on. assume find out for me, Assume like said can say long ask small but with Kay you agree need to ask and say long and less is more time to go through but u feel with Kay different need lot of time. Needs to give me. Assume mean by if done with follow up options use link mentioned link ask further assume you not mean that and if any issues click on link though at times issues then too, If bleed through arm bad e.g. plate broke on me assume cant take bloods from that as say about dirt being exposed to it etc and even though needle disinfected assume means get rid of bad bacteria before assume only cleans blood if gets in needle first and fills up to 350ml marker and has to connected to a vein cant do that as bleeding. When pierced will go back to normal and to apply pressure stop from bleeding then go back to normal. I am not sure what tests they need to do on me and why assume u find out, for some reason some of things cant see me at home for. When say all worried assume as not coping and assume mean all DR’S KAY DIANE who seen me. I need new bed settee too spring gone, I lay settee did floor before maybe u can mention that too. Assume u agree don't have to registered GP, can register to more than one, Assume if work with a particular GP some reason can be assigned one same with nurses. Think 2/3 nurses there including Kay, u agree as of me that Kay needs to be the one given to me and there are 5 GPS there 3 males and 2 women, think told u about think 2 of them are married to each other. Assume u agree Kay can look at lumps, skin tags warts moles nodules whatever are, can see about what see DR for but nurse tells DR what thinks and then if need to go on them et me know somehow and to see about friendship sisterly motherly protective things as well as gynaecological issues look at, smears and swabs whatever are, diet and exercise, ear syringe, urine stool blood tests and anything else a nurse does can be done at home. Assume syringe is another name for needle but ones for ears not sharp not damage ears and something like a vacuum, Assume all needles use again clean them. When take blood wont come out already sealed and put in a bag with needle in and they put in their bag to take to van but they wont know go on in lab, how do. Then when done they keep results of mine too assume somewhere in a hospital and only lad knows about and van where goes, then assume they put needle under microscope and done something then bin blood then send needle back clean to Nurse ready for someone to use. Assume not have to specific needle unless one measurements on it.
U my psychiatrist u can not prescribe as in cant give me as u not in my area but u will tell them advise it and assume if can prescribe will go through GP, pharmacy same way and if run out they send to another pharmacy. I assume CMHT MHT same things and can see anybody there, assume u say help all aspects and do home visits ad should be someone there 247 mixed messages / same with crisis team. It is a crisis, urgent. emergency and want I need needs to be soon, u back me up on it all the way, never back down.
Assume receptionist’s, practice manager , nurses, female DRS can chaperone appointments but u agree Kay etc needs to do. I had nightmare being abused, about happened yesterday and about being hated assume u say not to worry, not true it will all work out for me soon. Need her help to open some meds too as some hard to open, injury self trying sometimes succeed and not and also need help go through meds are mean, if instructions or not etc. It needs to be from Kay, XXXXXXX etc has to be to make me feel better than I am now and need help urgently. I can not carry on the way I am doing. Assume u agree that just because not seen XXXXXXX in long time not mean bad, and I am not harass stalk and feelings genuine, I am not bad and they got questions from me and I got never ending and assume u say I wont be in trouble and needs sorting asap and social could have lied about police, think people said something about deter assume means to escape the truth to get me to stop but needs to be u help too. Assume u not sure if Diane makes rules but assume can bend rules and rules made to be broken assume means can change them and for the better and u don't see my requirements being a problem.
You strongly agree all the people I asked u to contact have to be involved mainly Kay, XXXXXXX etc.
Need big long great big meaningful hug from them to show love care fondness for each other. You agree definitely more than a Nurse /DR / patient relationship with things said and did to me and needs to see me outside of work regularly to check on me etc. Assume u say card is a gift too and despite Diane says u agree should give one and Kay too and nothing but something nice to do. Not sure CBT is but some people say felt good some say worse need Kay XXXXXXX hold hand I get very emotional sometimes. Assume agree talk to Kay about volunteer nurse and I would like her to get my medical records and go through with me. Assume CPN cant prescribe meds as they are nurse even though psychiatrist as you know Kay not one I think she normal practice nurse sister or something not sure if means more qualified. You cant use blood veins unless needle in no blood come out before e.g. if broke plate on hand bleed from veins assume pierced go back to normal inside put pressure on or not but cant use needle to go in needs to be in first ways may have said. I looked up good I thought u said u strongly agree Kay and XXXXXXX etc would be good for me and beneficial it says think sent you list of meanings I am not sure what these words mean assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me amongst other things, I think she may have said those words but not to do with help support friends etc but assume u agree those words describe how u feel that me Kay XXXXXXX etc need to be sooner the better and its a good thing brill thing and my birthday 19th May so be like all Christmas and birthday come at once, u agree should come to my birthday I may want to celebrate beginning May maybe end of April and u agree friendships are allowed and u strongly approve all said and I assume wont cost extra for u contacting her and other people mentioned and assume u agree needs to sleepover and comfort me. I am not saying all the time but regular not saying every night and when get scared to talk through. I Need a hug been too long. I accept other peoples views and assume u agree same as opinions and opinions can be facts but I think take me serious coming from a psychiatrist no matter where in world u are and assume we r friends tooso I made sense about anxiety meds and 6 weeks bit and when u said what I feel is right u mean what I feel needs to happen needs to happen and u feel the same too. So you mean Diane told you nothing but she agreed my requirements from Kay and XXXXXXX etc and u will arrange with each other. What want need from her. Despite Diane say about gifts u say to still give be ok and u help with. Need to give soon, Agree health needs sorting too. Thanks say u will contact Kay and everyone means a lot. XXXXXXX etc. Thanks agreeing XXXXXXX and Kay most important Pippa. Thanks agree that Kay needs to hug me and hold my hand and calm me down means a lot thanks. Thanks say she needs to see me out of work too. I am not sure just spoke to GP about test not know numbers and CMHT think may have mentioned to you I told Diane that you contacted her and agree when she said about no gifts and I said I had some questions things for Kay too. They took some questions some write as u know but like u said despite got told they need gifts etc. Don't know if GP would agree but u said Diane told u she agrees and with Kay and XXXXXXX so that's something and I don't think has to do with them, if you want to get in touch with them ok, I seen all DRS and not all nice sometimes the DRS names are DR Wilkie (woman) DR K XXXXXXX (woman) DR A XXXXXXX (man who normally see now) DR O'CONNELL (man) and Dr A Thake (man) he came about CMHT results etc I assume nothing to do with them but if say be good for health etc ok otherwise as friends don't see why get involved. If mean procedure as in plan course action not sure but assume u will put into action fight for me etc assume informal means like friends formal means business and official unofficial means same but like u said we need to be friends and nurses or friends and u agree feelings there deny or not and needs to be ways said.need write positive book not done, about picture, regular contact need and soon assume u /Kay can speak to XXXXXXX refer me and u promise I wont get into any trouble. u agree Kay needs to come to appointments and be good as medical knowledge can comfort me go through things etc. assume u agree she will have time and when I got asked if I had a careworker or friends get meds no assume u agree that when she is free she should. Assume I was right said about anti depressants 6 weeks cant remember said now, you will look into meds u said to tell them about u do. Assume right said about blood, veins, and all that so far. U agree Kay help bed settee, come birthday u invite for me. So you would say to me I am not pathetic and any bad things think of self are not true and everything I want to happen u will get for me soon as it would mean a lot to both of us, and u can see it is urgent, important, emergency etc. A nurses office I assume same as a DR’S office and means where they work if same name as a study, assume come to mine like her office but her actual one is at the practice assume that is what a work station is for both. So a care / case / nurse manager assume means that they look after me and help with everyday living not necessarily everyday but regularly and friend can do too and u know Kay etc works in a practice assume means at an office like surgery just fancy names for them do home visits and u know where Kay works and u agree she can provide that and more mentioned. So whatever I send to you, you write think and then someone higher than u looks see what u put if ok but not seen what I put and I assume the same with Diane etc your team see u out say to her but not what she said to you. So you are telling me u told Diane saying I want Kay as a friend and nurse or just as a friend and XXXXXXX etc, that want them to hug me, sit in with me, appointments, hold my hand, stroke my hair head face. kiss. take post bins, give them gifts assume same as a card, positive book need to write in. dance see see regular go through questions come birthday etc. Though GP took some questions and as you know I write a lot assume u agree that need to give some to Kay too. You saying that you cant remember when u sent to her or she sent to u but u told her and she told u that she agreed with what I want and the same with never to pass away, volunteer, get health sorted etc and assume u told me that Diane told u Kay knows and fine and u told me fine. Assume GP can know or not as really between me and Kay etc but u involved in it too make happen and assume u saying be beneficial to us all and u telling me Diane and Kay agree to that. If so Kay and Diane may have mentioned GP not sure. You agree there needs to be email, face to face contact, when phone need help in buying one ring text, number emergency. Assume u your team Diane told u she agrees that too. dealing with day to day things such as answering your emails, check post, paying certain bills.In and out of work, if Skype twitter etc and otherwise should get one e.g. if met appointment and was worried she could put my mind at ease if same as peace of mind. When Diane said literally only have 2 seconds I think she said and pick out the most important ones I cant as all important , thousands and not good pick out when more time let alone 2 seconds and cant really say much in 2 seconds. cant really say .So u say all worried about me all DRS Kay and Diane and want to see me happy though at times felt unsupported. Assume u agree nurses can come and tell me my results but maybe her and other DRS were busy. Did not make sense when Diane said she come with Kay as see someone I know then a I met her before but apart from end of February I last saw her over a year ago, maybe because saw Diane more recently before that and assume u agree that should see female DR maybe on own or not, if saw a male Diane / Kay should be there and u agree Kay should come on her own she does not need Diane there. Same receptionists. Assume when Kay said not to make things complicated she means not to make things hard for self, not put self down means do not think badly of self. When she said no point seeing her as got gym and not loosing weight. (I don't have gym now and was not helpful) assume u agree I need her for that too. You agree she could give references e.g. volunteer work especially in caring profession and when people have a go and some people say it is because they care assume u say that's how it is for Kay etc and not being horrible just making me see that care for me want best for me and try to get through to me. Agree to see GP regular but Kay more regular and XXXXXXX Pippa CMHT etc. You told me I think you said to me that Diane Kay and your team told u that they agree need contact info for Kay XXXXXXX etc e.g. Skype, twitter, address personal and work same with emails, phone text once have a phone or if u can get anyway if somehow get access etc. Think can call landline mobiles Skype may cost unless just use for Skype maybe free. contacts. Agree pet names and touch ask are ways said not her job and shows feelings and even though did in front of practice manager assume ok maybe different for management etc but like u said u agree give to management too and u help with that. Assume u agree Kay needs to shave cut tweeze pluck down below and look at gynaecological things, to massage creams etc hard to reach.
It would also be beneficial as well as be good friend mother to me Kay etc have medical knowledge. I know some people can tell people but people medical knowledge better and u agree need op and that Kay needs to be there at the hospital and u agree see XXXXXXX no one else and ok to be friends with gifts etc questions which also got lot for Pippa Lois assume u will get her to see me too. Assume u agree Kay needs to come to hospital with me, get XXXXXXX to see me sort things out see my place first. If went to A AND E should be there and go in her car if has one and not in ambulance and u agree when go hospital she should be there for me in preop and whilst have operation hold my hand stroke hair etc same XXXXXXX and also u agree she should come to my home and look after me or split it e.g. if need looking after for 3 days Kay needs to be with me 3 days not sure if she has a family but assume u say ok. She like family assume u agree. Or 1.5 days she do other half Pippa, Lois or XXXXXXX etc. To find way not go in lifts if carry me etc as scared.
colour veins blood all over body yellow, red, blue thought arms head but realised all over body saw head read all over so assume colour veins not mean anything, if mixed colours or not and blood. So only take blood from under arms as everywhere else hurt more and assume veins all over body intra vena means inside circulate blood and have them al over body assume means head to toe. but cant take anywhere else other than under the arms for that reason and if more sensitive may cause more damage somehow fixable or not and assume if take arm and move wont damage it.. So INtra venous is all over body as inside veins. So u say Mostly veins are most superficial in the arms and hence the blood is withdrawn from the arms as it is least painful so this means that superficial means important to take from under arms I assume can take it upper arm too any part of arm and it is important as least painful but when u say mostly I assume u can take anywhere else on body in the vein but more easier and less painful on arms for some reason and assume what u are saying is needs to be from inside the vain as no blood escapes and if did save ones in needle and once filled up then put cap on it and apply pressure so stop bleeding outside and assume once 350ml took out automatically closes up so that amount of blood not come out and put needle in a bag and send somewhere and put in blood bag or any bag for extra protection and put in fridge and put needle under microscope with bag to somehow check and then they dispose of blood somehow and keep results like at the practice. So when u say take anywhere other than intra venous causes bacteria, viruses, dirt, infection assume u mean if e.g. grazed self or stab self etc exposed to dirt and viruses bacteria infection can get in to blood whereas if connect straight into needle goes straight in and not exposed to anything and is clean in the needle from disinfectant can last for ages whatever means. I am not sure difference between manage, own and micromanage, I assume the same things. So manage means to make sure everything is ok, own means it is their building can be same or different people. So u believe Diane is the manager but someone else can own it and makes the rules up. If that is the case u may speak to them not sure or assume u would just speak to Kay etc. Like u agreed with rules made to be broken and things can change and either way u agree need to give gifts soon some dates not good and despite Diane said u believe ok to give what I got and u make sure of it and told u happened to some others before and u agree to give to DR XXXXXXX too more so Kay. So I support worker is someone who makes sure people ok bit like a nurse, assume u agree Kay should be an advocate too etc as well as you. A care worker is same as nurse provide care so when Diane asked me if have a friend or careworker get meds say no maybe Kay busy but u will help her to free up time see regularly. so you agree all I said above and when u said u agree u mean with all I said and what has happened and what needs to happen. When u say u gone through all mentioned you mean you read all said to you and you told me that Diane told you she agrees what I want from Kay XXXXXXX etc and needs to happen for the better u help with that all the way when u say totally assume u mean u agree 1,000% that Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc need to be my companions friends too and when u say all the qualities I have mentioned should ideally be present in a good companion to guide me through life assume that means everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX etc needs to be from them and u all agree they need to be there for me and do us all good ideally means be good for and present you mean they should be with me and they would be good people for me and to ask you 4-5 in brief can say more but less at a time more time on them but like u said with Kay and XXXXXXX etc I need lot more time and u will get them to see that and be best for all of us as once I have them and what I want in life be better than now. U all with me 100,00 percent on this.
I was saying about
assume right said about disinfectant and band arm no room hand and can take blood under arm more easier and hand hurt more sensitive. assume right thread discussion. Assume u mean what I feel needs to happen needs to happen and u agree too. You will arrange all. Assume mean if want to ask more ok and as you know I have never ending questions and assume the bit where says if no more click link assume mean your name and u didn't mean to say if no more as it is for more. Assume right said you not sure why things are in body GOD out there.
So u mean you understand my efforts to describe going through and in detail means exactly happened all of it some I did assume matter means subject however means but expansive means a lot but as I said you need to go through all and they are not all questions its all one questions do u agree have ii understood u correctly and then some more which are brief assume u will look at them and u agree Kay XXXXXXX need more time with me not brief each time assume request means ask short well do u agree is short and precisely assume means have more time in the day to explain better but u feel different for Kay assume your limitations u mean brief but u did say things can say can be long questions brief and for Kay etc u feel all be long. I am crying panicky thought assume u say not worry be ok. I tried to send questions again but said u reviewing and tried to click on link but then got another message from u but u not answered assume u say not worry be fine al work out soon and ... means really important and from my side means I send to you
1) Have I understood everything I said above correctly please?
2) Mean by: a) specific? b) iron in body and in food / drink etc? c) mean by some lost and keep on loosing blood? d) no specific way to determine how much loose but loose significant amount each time loose blood? e) How replace? f) mean by supple and supplements? if can take food drink etc? g) mean by depleted? h) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? I) Job of iron and everything?
j) What vitamins minerals look like? assume iron is mineral or something not sure difference?
3) Mean by a) loss of water and body? b) body made of it? c) mean lose water in bleeding and excess urination and if same for stools sweat etc? d) mean by fluid and water retention? e) about excess fluid and about retained body and swollen and cause prevent do about etc?
4) Mean by a) Blood grouping? b) how store? c) what do? d)mean by no time restrictions do anytime? e) I mean when had to have a blood test got told had to be in van by certain time otherwise have to have done again as blood wont be much good and not sure do with it? f) what is process for it all? labs where, copies results what do etc?
5) Mean by a) particles and substances? b) about red and white blood cells? c) about platelets etc? d) salts protein about? e) job it does?
6) Diane’s email is YYYY@YYYY Do you think Kay Fletcher’s would be YYYY@YYYY ? if so if you would contact for me please? if should be scared / frightened?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I have read most of what you have written. Here are the answers:
1) Have I understood everything I said above correctly please?
ANS: Your understanding has improved Your requirement is quite justified. YOu do need a companion.
2) Mean by: a) specific? b) iron in body and in food / drink etc? c) mean by some lost and keep on loosing blood? d) no specific way to determine how much loose but loose significant amount each time loose blood? e) How replace? f) mean by supple and supplements? if can take food drink etc? g) mean by depleted? h) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? I) Job of iron and everything?
ANS: Specific means particular. Iron in body/food means iron contained in the body and food. Yes there is no particular way to determine how much blood is actually lost. Supplement means added. Depleted means finished. Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body.
j) What vitamins minerals look like? assume iron is mineral or something not sure difference?
ANS: Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. Iron is a mineral.
3) Mean by a) loss of water and body? b) body made of it? c) mean lose water in bleeding and excess urination and if same for stools sweat etc? d) mean by fluid and water retention? e) about excess fluid and about retained body and swollen and cause prevent do about etc?
ANS: Yes body is made up of water to some extent. Yes its the same for the stool and sweat. Retention mains staying back in excess. Excess fluid can create problems and hence needs to be removed.
4) Mean by a) Blood grouping? b) how store? c) what do? d)mean by no time restrictions do anytime? e) I mean when had to have a blood test got told had to be in van by certain time otherwise have to have done again as blood wont be much good and not sure do with it? f) what is process for it all? labs where, copies results what do etc?
ANS: Blood grouping is a procedure to determine the type of blood group. No need to store. Its a very simple process and the blood needs to be taken at the exact place where the test is being done. It cannot be carried far.
5) Mean by a) particles and substances? b) about red and white blood cells? c) about platelets etc? d) salts protein about? e) job it does?
ANS: Red blood cells carry oxygen. White blood cells prevent infection. Platelets prevent bleeding. Salts and protein add nutrition to the blood.
6) Diane’s email is YYYY@YYYY Do you think Kay Fletcher’s would be YYYY@YYYY ? if so if you would contact for me please? if should be scared / frightened?
ANS: Not sure whether the email ID is YYYY@YYYY . You may drop a test mail and ask if its Kay Fletcher. If you recieve a reply, then you can continue.
Hope this helps
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Detailed Answer:
I have read most of what you have written. Here are the answers:
1) Have I understood everything I said above correctly please?
ANS: Your understanding has improved Your requirement is quite justified. YOu do need a companion.
2) Mean by: a) specific? b) iron in body and in food / drink etc? c) mean by some lost and keep on loosing blood? d) no specific way to determine how much loose but loose significant amount each time loose blood? e) How replace? f) mean by supple and supplements? if can take food drink etc? g) mean by depleted? h) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? I) Job of iron and everything?
ANS: Specific means particular. Iron in body/food means iron contained in the body and food. Yes there is no particular way to determine how much blood is actually lost. Supplement means added. Depleted means finished. Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body.
j) What vitamins minerals look like? assume iron is mineral or something not sure difference?
ANS: Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. Iron is a mineral.
3) Mean by a) loss of water and body? b) body made of it? c) mean lose water in bleeding and excess urination and if same for stools sweat etc? d) mean by fluid and water retention? e) about excess fluid and about retained body and swollen and cause prevent do about etc?
ANS: Yes body is made up of water to some extent. Yes its the same for the stool and sweat. Retention mains staying back in excess. Excess fluid can create problems and hence needs to be removed.
4) Mean by a) Blood grouping? b) how store? c) what do? d)mean by no time restrictions do anytime? e) I mean when had to have a blood test got told had to be in van by certain time otherwise have to have done again as blood wont be much good and not sure do with it? f) what is process for it all? labs where, copies results what do etc?
ANS: Blood grouping is a procedure to determine the type of blood group. No need to store. Its a very simple process and the blood needs to be taken at the exact place where the test is being done. It cannot be carried far.
5) Mean by a) particles and substances? b) about red and white blood cells? c) about platelets etc? d) salts protein about? e) job it does?
ANS: Red blood cells carry oxygen. White blood cells prevent infection. Platelets prevent bleeding. Salts and protein add nutrition to the blood.
6) Diane’s email is YYYY@YYYY Do you think Kay Fletcher’s would be YYYY@YYYY ? if so if you would contact for me please? if should be scared / frightened?
ANS: Not sure whether the email ID is YYYY@YYYY . You may drop a test mail and ask if its Kay Fletcher. If you recieve a reply, then you can continue.
Hope this helps
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

I looked some things up so what you are saying is you read all I have written. When you say my requirements ate justified you mean what I want from Kay and XXXXXXX etc are a really good beneficial thing for us all and there is not problem with that. ok to do. You agree the companion needs to come from XXXXXXX Kay etc and like you said you and your team agree and you said Diane told you she and Kay agree too the ways I want without a shadow of a doubt. I can send you long things to say and short to ask whereas Kay XXXXXXX etc you agree long to ask, long to say each time and when Kay said had to go do brief u agree need lot more time with me. You send copy to me, Kay and everyone said for you to contact of conversations had. you will contact the lists contacts gave you. You agree never to pass away, get health sorted, volunteer, Kay XXXXXXX friends etc. Assume I was right said about links, you agree gifts and Diane told you ok give DR XXXXXXX and Kay one and u will get Diane to change mind for better for her. Be beneficial for what I want to happen from them. Assume right said about Vitamin D and bloods so far though find confusing and lot more to ask about too. You will tell them about some meds u think be good for me and need with other things wrong with me too. you agree Kay XXXXXXX etc has to be there for me physically, mentally, practically, emotionally, socially, relationships etc. right say about depression tablets and can last however long need. You agree definitely more than a nurse patient relationship etc even though not seen out of work needs to change and u and your team agree and u say Diane told u she and Kay agree too. GP not need to be involved not have thought but I gave you list of them anyway if want to. Assume I was right what I said about she needs to chaperone Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX etc in appointments, at mine, at hospital etc. Ignore social say about me getting into trouble you agree I wont and they, PST, governs whoever called got me all wrong and u agree you / Kay need to contact hospital and say how affecting me to talk to XXXXXXX and even though GP say talk only medically though before I thought he said he ring then denied you agree need to be there more than that especially Kay and XXXXXXX etc. You will contact Kay, Pippa, maybe XXXXXXX if want to know where works, XXXXXXX CQC, CMHT , XXXXXXX etc. you agree think said about gifts you said you team Diane Kay agree to you ok maybe different management but u say its ok make her see and for the better. You agree Kay needs to hold me ways said calm me down and XXXXXXX etc. Agree 2 seconds need lot more to see Kay maybe something like hour - 2hours a day twice a week or something and u agree can do that and when said about my responsibility get meds asked if I had friend care worker get no u agree Kay and XXXXXXX too. Assume Diane said this too and u will work something out. Assume right said about can give me references. Assume you agree Kay XXXXXXX and about looking after me in / out hospital visits etc. So mean can vary how much blood loose periods or anything be little or a lot not certain amount. So mean if keep loosing blood lot so much cant stop from pressure if really urgent go into hospital and try stop bleeding one way or if got match at the time assume have records of then put in and wont come out once put in vein somehow. If lot may replace with food / drink and supplements , one or other or all and may not work the meds or if poo all out at once wee etc, assume anyone can have unless high dose, may not work, maybe risk side affects good or bad assume same thing. Supplements means can have with other foods iron in or instead of and assume can take with anything, not matter if break, ok other meds, take with food or no food. So in particular you mean about something. So you mean don't know for sure how much loose for anything blood. So keep loosing blood unless apply pressure and if not go to hospital and if on period stops somehow unless something wrong but not know what to do.
Supple means flexible bit like a contortionist or little less extreme. Supplements ways said above and have as long as need to catch up. I heard someone had low vitamin D levels assume some needs to be kept in the body before pass out and more come in but she her levels fine now but she has to take meds for rest of her life that not make sense. May have risks, good bad side affects if can be same thing anyone can have unless high. if on period if heavy have iron food even if little blood comes out have no iron in there not be ok. Could have supplement or not if really bad think said about. Can get little doses pharmacy, supermarkets and same GP but high from GP. So you mean made up of water somehow not sure how much and how or who get in there like anything its God and somehow people found out through science. Too some extent assume means a bit. If mean water in blood and in body one or other or mixture loose water, through period, urine little or excess you mean more than normal. Assume loose water bleeding excess urine faeces and sweat not good as can get dehydrated and need to drink more fluids anything but not alcohol. So water fluid retention the same thing and instead of some staying inside you some goes out, lot stays inside somehow and you not sure cause if condition etc but painful bloating not serious not fatal but needs to be stopped. Retain means stay in. Not dangerous. So procedure means how professionals do it can differ in different places, to determine means see blood group and assume not need to know and not fatal but be ok to know assume Kay can do it. Take it like a blood test take van store in any bag in fridge or not for months same transfusion but blood test in any bag may last up to half hour it wont go bad but wont be much use as test it differently so dispose of it somehow. ok near heat. so blood group can do when want. Blood test not and process means order do things. They didn't do at the practice this time they did at mine. So assume cant carry if takes more than half hour to get to van to put in fridge or not as if not get there in time can go bad somehow same others and assume meds and blood delivery different and all costs them and assume goes to a hospital if labs there and they put under microscope in bad needle give needle back like said they keep copy results and GP and Nurse see too like with anything. You agree and u said your team and Diane agree me Kay to be friends as well and need to see in out of work so for medical things GP would know and for friends coming to do friends things wont need to know unless medical. So drop line means to email test means to test if it and may be busy reply otherwise carry on / wait / u do. Assume u say not to be scared frightened it will be ok. Finish off link u don't mean close conversation we can be in touch here and by skype if got just if issues click link though problems there too before.
Do you agree all said above please?
What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?
c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
I looked some things up so what you are saying is you read all I have written. When you say my requirements ate justified you mean what I want from Kay and XXXXXXX etc are a really good beneficial thing for us all and there is not problem with that. ok to do. You agree the companion needs to come from XXXXXXX Kay etc and like you said you and your team agree and you said Diane told you she and Kay agree too the ways I want without a shadow of a doubt. I can send you long things to say and short to ask whereas Kay XXXXXXX etc you agree long to ask, long to say each time and when Kay said had to go do brief u agree need lot more time with me. You send copy to me, Kay and everyone said for you to contact of conversations had. you will contact the lists contacts gave you. You agree never to pass away, get health sorted, volunteer, Kay XXXXXXX friends etc. Assume I was right said about links, you agree gifts and Diane told you ok give DR XXXXXXX and Kay one and u will get Diane to change mind for better for her. Be beneficial for what I want to happen from them. Assume right said about Vitamin D and bloods so far though find confusing and lot more to ask about too. You will tell them about some meds u think be good for me and need with other things wrong with me too. you agree Kay XXXXXXX etc has to be there for me physically, mentally, practically, emotionally, socially, relationships etc. right say about depression tablets and can last however long need. You agree definitely more than a nurse patient relationship etc even though not seen out of work needs to change and u and your team agree and u say Diane told u she and Kay agree too. GP not need to be involved not have thought but I gave you list of them anyway if want to. Assume I was right what I said about she needs to chaperone Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX etc in appointments, at mine, at hospital etc. Ignore social say about me getting into trouble you agree I wont and they, PST, governs whoever called got me all wrong and u agree you / Kay need to contact hospital and say how affecting me to talk to XXXXXXX and even though GP say talk only medically though before I thought he said he ring then denied you agree need to be there more than that especially Kay and XXXXXXX etc. You will contact Kay, Pippa, maybe XXXXXXX if want to know where works, XXXXXXX CQC, CMHT , XXXXXXX etc. you agree think said about gifts you said you team Diane Kay agree to you ok maybe different management but u say its ok make her see and for the better. You agree Kay needs to hold me ways said calm me down and XXXXXXX etc. Agree 2 seconds need lot more to see Kay maybe something like hour - 2hours a day twice a week or something and u agree can do that and when said about my responsibility get meds asked if I had friend care worker get no u agree Kay and XXXXXXX too. Assume Diane said this too and u will work something out. Assume right said about can give me references. Assume you agree Kay XXXXXXX and about looking after me in / out hospital visits etc. So mean can vary how much blood loose periods or anything be little or a lot not certain amount. So mean if keep loosing blood lot so much cant stop from pressure if really urgent go into hospital and try stop bleeding one way or if got match at the time assume have records of then put in and wont come out once put in vein somehow. If lot may replace with food / drink and supplements , one or other or all and may not work the meds or if poo all out at once wee etc, assume anyone can have unless high dose, may not work, maybe risk side affects good or bad assume same thing. Supplements means can have with other foods iron in or instead of and assume can take with anything, not matter if break, ok other meds, take with food or no food. So in particular you mean about something. So you mean don't know for sure how much loose for anything blood. So keep loosing blood unless apply pressure and if not go to hospital and if on period stops somehow unless something wrong but not know what to do.
Supple means flexible bit like a contortionist or little less extreme. Supplements ways said above and have as long as need to catch up. I heard someone had low vitamin D levels assume some needs to be kept in the body before pass out and more come in but she her levels fine now but she has to take meds for rest of her life that not make sense. May have risks, good bad side affects if can be same thing anyone can have unless high. if on period if heavy have iron food even if little blood comes out have no iron in there not be ok. Could have supplement or not if really bad think said about. Can get little doses pharmacy, supermarkets and same GP but high from GP. So you mean made up of water somehow not sure how much and how or who get in there like anything its God and somehow people found out through science. Too some extent assume means a bit. If mean water in blood and in body one or other or mixture loose water, through period, urine little or excess you mean more than normal. Assume loose water bleeding excess urine faeces and sweat not good as can get dehydrated and need to drink more fluids anything but not alcohol. So water fluid retention the same thing and instead of some staying inside you some goes out, lot stays inside somehow and you not sure cause if condition etc but painful bloating not serious not fatal but needs to be stopped. Retain means stay in. Not dangerous. So procedure means how professionals do it can differ in different places, to determine means see blood group and assume not need to know and not fatal but be ok to know assume Kay can do it. Take it like a blood test take van store in any bag in fridge or not for months same transfusion but blood test in any bag may last up to half hour it wont go bad but wont be much use as test it differently so dispose of it somehow. ok near heat. so blood group can do when want. Blood test not and process means order do things. They didn't do at the practice this time they did at mine. So assume cant carry if takes more than half hour to get to van to put in fridge or not as if not get there in time can go bad somehow same others and assume meds and blood delivery different and all costs them and assume goes to a hospital if labs there and they put under microscope in bad needle give needle back like said they keep copy results and GP and Nurse see too like with anything. You agree and u said your team and Diane agree me Kay to be friends as well and need to see in out of work so for medical things GP would know and for friends coming to do friends things wont need to know unless medical. So drop line means to email test means to test if it and may be busy reply otherwise carry on / wait / u do. Assume u say not to be scared frightened it will be ok. Finish off link u don't mean close conversation we can be in touch here and by skype if got just if issues click link though problems there too before.
1) Do you agree all said above please?
2) What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit?
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine and assume u agree if so say you agree as part of question 1 to list things asked if agree with and I sent you 6 things in total so far.
Supple means flexible bit like a contortionist or little less extreme. Supplements ways said above and have as long as need to catch up. I heard someone had low vitamin D levels assume some needs to be kept in the body before pass out and more come in but she her levels fine now but she has to take meds for rest of her life that not make sense. May have risks, good bad side affects if can be same thing anyone can have unless high. if on period if heavy have iron food even if little blood comes out have no iron in there not be ok. Could have supplement or not if really bad think said about. Can get little doses pharmacy, supermarkets and same GP but high from GP. So you mean made up of water somehow not sure how much and how or who get in there like anything its God and somehow people found out through science. Too some extent assume means a bit. If mean water in blood and in body one or other or mixture loose water, through period, urine little or excess you mean more than normal. Assume loose water bleeding excess urine faeces and sweat not good as can get dehydrated and need to drink more fluids anything but not alcohol. So water fluid retention the same thing and instead of some staying inside you some goes out, lot stays inside somehow and you not sure cause if condition etc but painful bloating not serious not fatal but needs to be stopped. Retain means stay in. Not dangerous. So procedure means how professionals do it can differ in different places, to determine means see blood group and assume not need to know and not fatal but be ok to know assume Kay can do it. Take it like a blood test take van store in any bag in fridge or not for months same transfusion but blood test in any bag may last up to half hour it wont go bad but wont be much use as test it differently so dispose of it somehow. ok near heat. so blood group can do when want. Blood test not and process means order do things. They didn't do at the practice this time they did at mine. So assume cant carry if takes more than half hour to get to van to put in fridge or not as if not get there in time can go bad somehow same others and assume meds and blood delivery different and all costs them and assume goes to a hospital if labs there and they put under microscope in bad needle give needle back like said they keep copy results and GP and Nurse see too like with anything. You agree and u said your team and Diane agree me Kay to be friends as well and need to see in out of work so for medical things GP would know and for friends coming to do friends things wont need to know unless medical. So drop line means to email test means to test if it and may be busy reply otherwise carry on / wait / u do. Assume u say not to be scared frightened it will be ok. Finish off link u don't mean close conversation we can be in touch here and by skype if got just if issues click link though problems there too before.
Do you agree all said above please?
What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?
c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
I looked some things up so what you are saying is you read all I have written. When you say my requirements ate justified you mean what I want from Kay and XXXXXXX etc are a really good beneficial thing for us all and there is not problem with that. ok to do. You agree the companion needs to come from XXXXXXX Kay etc and like you said you and your team agree and you said Diane told you she and Kay agree too the ways I want without a shadow of a doubt. I can send you long things to say and short to ask whereas Kay XXXXXXX etc you agree long to ask, long to say each time and when Kay said had to go do brief u agree need lot more time with me. You send copy to me, Kay and everyone said for you to contact of conversations had. you will contact the lists contacts gave you. You agree never to pass away, get health sorted, volunteer, Kay XXXXXXX friends etc. Assume I was right said about links, you agree gifts and Diane told you ok give DR XXXXXXX and Kay one and u will get Diane to change mind for better for her. Be beneficial for what I want to happen from them. Assume right said about Vitamin D and bloods so far though find confusing and lot more to ask about too. You will tell them about some meds u think be good for me and need with other things wrong with me too. you agree Kay XXXXXXX etc has to be there for me physically, mentally, practically, emotionally, socially, relationships etc. right say about depression tablets and can last however long need. You agree definitely more than a nurse patient relationship etc even though not seen out of work needs to change and u and your team agree and u say Diane told u she and Kay agree too. GP not need to be involved not have thought but I gave you list of them anyway if want to. Assume I was right what I said about she needs to chaperone Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX etc in appointments, at mine, at hospital etc. Ignore social say about me getting into trouble you agree I wont and they, PST, governs whoever called got me all wrong and u agree you / Kay need to contact hospital and say how affecting me to talk to XXXXXXX and even though GP say talk only medically though before I thought he said he ring then denied you agree need to be there more than that especially Kay and XXXXXXX etc. You will contact Kay, Pippa, maybe XXXXXXX if want to know where works, XXXXXXX CQC, CMHT , XXXXXXX etc. you agree think said about gifts you said you team Diane Kay agree to you ok maybe different management but u say its ok make her see and for the better. You agree Kay needs to hold me ways said calm me down and XXXXXXX etc. Agree 2 seconds need lot more to see Kay maybe something like hour - 2hours a day twice a week or something and u agree can do that and when said about my responsibility get meds asked if I had friend care worker get no u agree Kay and XXXXXXX too. Assume Diane said this too and u will work something out. Assume right said about can give me references. Assume you agree Kay XXXXXXX and about looking after me in / out hospital visits etc. So mean can vary how much blood loose periods or anything be little or a lot not certain amount. So mean if keep loosing blood lot so much cant stop from pressure if really urgent go into hospital and try stop bleeding one way or if got match at the time assume have records of then put in and wont come out once put in vein somehow. If lot may replace with food / drink and supplements , one or other or all and may not work the meds or if poo all out at once wee etc, assume anyone can have unless high dose, may not work, maybe risk side affects good or bad assume same thing. Supplements means can have with other foods iron in or instead of and assume can take with anything, not matter if break, ok other meds, take with food or no food. So in particular you mean about something. So you mean don't know for sure how much loose for anything blood. So keep loosing blood unless apply pressure and if not go to hospital and if on period stops somehow unless something wrong but not know what to do.
Supple means flexible bit like a contortionist or little less extreme. Supplements ways said above and have as long as need to catch up. I heard someone had low vitamin D levels assume some needs to be kept in the body before pass out and more come in but she her levels fine now but she has to take meds for rest of her life that not make sense. May have risks, good bad side affects if can be same thing anyone can have unless high. if on period if heavy have iron food even if little blood comes out have no iron in there not be ok. Could have supplement or not if really bad think said about. Can get little doses pharmacy, supermarkets and same GP but high from GP. So you mean made up of water somehow not sure how much and how or who get in there like anything its God and somehow people found out through science. Too some extent assume means a bit. If mean water in blood and in body one or other or mixture loose water, through period, urine little or excess you mean more than normal. Assume loose water bleeding excess urine faeces and sweat not good as can get dehydrated and need to drink more fluids anything but not alcohol. So water fluid retention the same thing and instead of some staying inside you some goes out, lot stays inside somehow and you not sure cause if condition etc but painful bloating not serious not fatal but needs to be stopped. Retain means stay in. Not dangerous. So procedure means how professionals do it can differ in different places, to determine means see blood group and assume not need to know and not fatal but be ok to know assume Kay can do it. Take it like a blood test take van store in any bag in fridge or not for months same transfusion but blood test in any bag may last up to half hour it wont go bad but wont be much use as test it differently so dispose of it somehow. ok near heat. so blood group can do when want. Blood test not and process means order do things. They didn't do at the practice this time they did at mine. So assume cant carry if takes more than half hour to get to van to put in fridge or not as if not get there in time can go bad somehow same others and assume meds and blood delivery different and all costs them and assume goes to a hospital if labs there and they put under microscope in bad needle give needle back like said they keep copy results and GP and Nurse see too like with anything. You agree and u said your team and Diane agree me Kay to be friends as well and need to see in out of work so for medical things GP would know and for friends coming to do friends things wont need to know unless medical. So drop line means to email test means to test if it and may be busy reply otherwise carry on / wait / u do. Assume u say not to be scared frightened it will be ok. Finish off link u don't mean close conversation we can be in touch here and by skype if got just if issues click link though problems there too before.
1) Do you agree all said above please?
2) What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit?
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine and assume u agree if so say you agree as part of question 1 to list things asked if agree with and I sent you 6 things in total so far.
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Hope you have understood my answers.
1) Do you agree all said above please?
ANS: Yes I agree with all your requirements.
2) What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
ANS: Specific means particular. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood.
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
ANS: Vitamins and minerals have a variable shape. Iron is present in the red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. If iron is depleted then oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
ANS: Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same.
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
ANS: Red blood cells are round in shape . White blood cells are also round in shape. They prevent illness. When there is bleeding, platelets stop the bleeding. This is their function. Yes its the same ones that are present in urine.
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
ANS: You may send me a draft of the email that I need to send and also resend me the email ID to which I need to send the mail.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Detailed Answer:
Hope you have understood my answers.
1) Do you agree all said above please?
ANS: Yes I agree with all your requirements.
2) What did you say about a) specific? b) Mean by iron in body and food what are they / do?c) What is Iron / what look like? d) E.g. if have blood test how replace / if by too much / too little? d) so you mean however much blood lost loose iron blood / food whether little graze or lot more. e) say about depleted?
ANS: Specific means particular. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood.
3.a) mean by iron stores significantly and depletes? b) Mean by Job of iron and everything?
Job or iron is proper supply of oxygen to the body. mean by this and about oxygen and supply etc? c) What vitamins minerals look like? d) mean by Vitamin and mineral / do / look like?
e) Vitamins and mineral are very minute and do not have any specific shape. What does that mean?
ANS: Vitamins and minerals have a variable shape. Iron is present in the red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. If iron is depleted then oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.
4) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it? c) by whom and where? d) cause prevent it?
ANS: Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same.
5) Mean by a) Particles / substances? b) mean by red blood cells and oxygen and look like? c) mean by white blood cells and prevent illness and look like? d) What are platelets, what look like and prevent bleeding mean and types? e) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, if same ones in food and drink and what look like?
ANS: Red blood cells are round in shape . White blood cells are also round in shape. They prevent illness. When there is bleeding, platelets stop the bleeding. This is their function. Yes its the same ones that are present in urine.
6) I mean can you send an email to Kay please from what u said she may know who u are as you said Diane said she agrees with my requirements and from her etc but could u please say need to make an appointment with her please asap assume can go through her without receptionist GP etc and assume same for GP too and not have t say why though from what u saying she knows some things. get things moving. Diane told me before she asked Kay when free so assume can do without others and especially as friends and u said u all agree need all contact info and DOB etc. Can you do that for me please?
Sorry I am crying panicky I need them asap as you know need to calm me be there ways want.
ANS: You may send me a draft of the email that I need to send and also resend me the email ID to which I need to send the mail.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

Red blood cells round no size, same with white blood cells in blood. come out in urine faeces sweat too. So blood veins can be blue, red, yellow, white, brown for some reason. Particles minute portion means a little bit. Substance material means texture how feels. Think said what I think oxygen is above.and cant see it. So red blood cells don't do much just blood round body and white blood cells can prevent any illness and assume somehow makes with iron so already have the, all in the body but makes more from iron in food drink the more the better. Platelets are small disc shaped and prevent clots etc. I assume some takes longer than others to work
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me.
1) Have I understood above correctly please?
2) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it cant you go to the toilet? I am not sure if I have it c) What causes it and how prevent it? d) how know have it? e) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean?
3) Mean b a) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, b) if same ones in food and drink c) what look like?
4) 4) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about a) Is that ok? b) Kay’s email maybe: YYYY@YYYY
5. What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me.
1) Have I understood above correctly please?
2) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it cant you go to the toilet? I am not sure if I have it c) What causes it and how prevent it? d) how know have it? e) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean?
3) Mean b a) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, b) if same ones in food and drink c) what look like?
4) 4) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about a) Is that ok? b) Kay’s email maybe: YYYY@YYYY
5. What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow-up
2) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it cant you go to the toilet? I am not sure if I have it c) What causes it and how prevent it? d) how know have it? e) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean?
ANS: Fluid retention can cause swellings over legs and face and hence is problematic. There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. The last part is quite clear. Doctor prescribed medicines to reduce the swelling.
3) Mean b a) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, b) if same ones in food and drink c) what look like?
ANS: NO body has seen a protein or a nutrition. They are very small in size and cannot be seen by eyes. The salt contained in the food is present in the body also.
4) 4) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about a) Is that ok? b) Kay’s email maybe: YYYY@YYYY
ANS: I would request you to draft a letter for me which I can send it to Kay. That way, we wont miss out on anything.
5. What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow-up
2) Mean by a) Fluid water retention can create problems and swelling? b) How remove it cant you go to the toilet? I am not sure if I have it c) What causes it and how prevent it? d) how know have it? e) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination. This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean?
ANS: Fluid retention can cause swellings over legs and face and hence is problematic. There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. The last part is quite clear. Doctor prescribed medicines to reduce the swelling.
3) Mean b a) Mean by salts protein add nutrition in blood, b) if same ones in food and drink c) what look like?
ANS: NO body has seen a protein or a nutrition. They are very small in size and cannot be seen by eyes. The salt contained in the food is present in the body also.
4) 4) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about a) Is that ok? b) Kay’s email maybe: YYYY@YYYY
ANS: I would request you to draft a letter for me which I can send it to Kay. That way, we wont miss out on anything.
5. What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

you didn't answer question 1 if agree Red blood cells round no size, same with white blood cells in blood. come out in urine faeces sweat too. So blood veins can be blue, red, yellow, white, brown for some reason. Particles minute portion means a little bit. Substance material means texture how feels. Think said what I think oxygen is above. and cant see it. So red blood cells don't do much just blood round body and white blood cells can prevent any illness and assume somehow makes with iron so already have the, all in the body but makes more from iron in food drink the more the better. Platelets are small disc shaped and prevent clots etc. I assume some takes longer than others to work
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me. So what u mean is you eat foods with salt and protein in and bring nutrients to blood like with any food type and good fats etc. Invisible naked eye means cant see. No one can see nutrition e.g. vitamin mineral as microscopic means only can see through a microscope. So you mean salt and protein in food, drink is the same in the body already to keep going but not sure how get there apart from food drink.
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
2) Mean by a) fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic? b) what is high blood pressure? c) There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? d) How remove it cant you just go to the toilet? e) What causes it and how prevent it? f) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean? g) This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away? I)when u say quite clear are u angry with me? I don't understand things.?
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send a) Is that all ok please?
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
5) Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term. a) What does this mean?
Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill. b) What does this mean?
Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause if known. c) What does this mean?
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me. So what u mean is you eat foods with salt and protein in and bring nutrients to blood like with any food type and good fats etc. Invisible naked eye means cant see. No one can see nutrition e.g. vitamin mineral as microscopic means only can see through a microscope. So you mean salt and protein in food, drink is the same in the body already to keep going but not sure how get there apart from food drink.
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
2) Mean by a) fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic? b) what is high blood pressure? c) There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? d) How remove it cant you just go to the toilet? e) What causes it and how prevent it? f) Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean? g) This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away? I)when u say quite clear are u angry with me? I don't understand things.?
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send a) Is that all ok please?
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
5) Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term. a) What does this mean?
Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill. b) What does this mean?
Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause if known. c) What does this mean?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
I will never be angry over you. Sorry if you felt so.
We had agreed that you would be asking 5 questions at a time and that too in brief. If you ask such big questions (like in total 15 questions) in your previous write up, it will be difficult for me to understand.
I will answer you more frequently but will not be able to take more than 4-5 questions each time.
I request you to re-frame and ask 5 questions (without a,b,c,d,e etc) in total each time and I will respond to you more promptly.
Sorry for the trouble.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Detailed Answer:
I will never be angry over you. Sorry if you felt so.
We had agreed that you would be asking 5 questions at a time and that too in brief. If you ask such big questions (like in total 15 questions) in your previous write up, it will be difficult for me to understand.
I will answer you more frequently but will not be able to take more than 4-5 questions each time.
I request you to re-frame and ask 5 questions (without a,b,c,d,e etc) in total each time and I will respond to you more promptly.
Sorry for the trouble.
In case if your follow-up finish off, you may use the below mentioned link:
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar

you didn't answer question 1 if agree Red blood cells round no size, same with white blood cells in blood. come out in urine faeces sweat too. So blood veins can be blue, red, yellow, white, brown for some reason. Particles minute portion means a little bit. Substance material means texture how feels. Think said what I think oxygen is above. and cant see it. So red blood cells don't do much just blood round body and white blood cells can prevent any illness and assume somehow makes with iron so already have the, all in the body but makes more from iron in food drink the more the better. Platelets are small disc shaped and prevent clots etc. I assume some takes longer than others to work
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me. So what u mean is you eat foods with salt and protein in and bring nutrients to blood like with any food type and good fats etc. Invisible naked eye means cant see. No one can see nutrition e.g. vitamin mineral as microscopic means only can see through a microscope. So you mean salt and protein in food, drink is the same in the body already to keep going but not sure how get there apart from food drink. I did ask 5 questions and all part of the same question. So if lot hard to take in for some reason but u agree with Kay and XXXXXXX etc need more time for me each time as need to see them. Assume reframe means think about how say without a,b,c,d,e etc though thought be easier if separated them and part of same questions. Assume prompt means more quicker and trouble you mean hope not caused me upset which it has.
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
2) Mean by :
*fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic?
*what is high blood pressure?
*There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? *How remove it cant you just go to the toilet?
*What causes it and how prevent it?
*Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean?
*This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away?
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send Is that all ok please?
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
5) Mean by:
*Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term.?
* Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill?
* Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause?
and we already have them and not sure how and always there and assume with periods
they somehow stopped the bleeding after so long but not sure how and why have
periods. If lot blood come out may help but need extra help. Function you mean their job.
When u said same ones present in urine assume means cells in blood, same faces sweat.
So you wouldn't see a nurse about it unless told Kay concerns and come to GP water retention and can take meds own home.
So fluid and water are the same thing or any thing drink water or not retention means a lot. induce assume you mean to force out with certain meds you mean only a certain name
So you mean vitamins and minerals are all different shapes and sizes that's what u mean by minute and not an exact shape even same vitamin mineral different shapes sizes same number or not. Iron vitamins and minerals sores some each time a lot and depletes u means stores so much each time and the rest gets passed on through our bodies and keeps adding up each time. Vitamins and minerals all make someone healthy not work differently.
So you mean Iron gets into the red blood cells and carries the oxygen in blood. So what u are saying is the less iron have in the body then oxygen is reduced that carries some of the blood and assume when have take blood some red blood cells, oxygen come out gets replaced by the air.So iron looks something hard but cant see it as in body and in food / drink dissolved and when people make food drink etc somehow done scientifically assume only they know about and as for it being in blood looks same and somehow some already in the blood to get going if when been in the womb u got some otherwise give supplements or food drink born and some gets lost in blood however much loose through blood and absorbed you mean dissolve into blood and not organic and vitamins are the same but organic assume means natural no bad things in there already A vitamin is mixture of goodness an organic compound same thing. and a vital nutrient means nutritious. that an organism requires in limited amounts. Assume means can have as much vitamins and minerals as want but in supplements limit each day. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin when the organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities, and must be obtained through the diet; thus, the term "vitamin" is conditional upon the circumstances and the particular organism. Assume this means vitamins and minerals can work together through pill, food drink and or mixture. Supplement may not work together on its own or at all in pill form. and assume means if not enough vitamins the purpose may not work as well but does and not sure how much need a day and if make up for it etc and better through diet and assume means not necessarily on a diet but what eat / drink.
and depends from person to person. For example, ascorbic acid is a vitamin for humans, but not for most other animal organisms. Supplementation is important for the treatment of certain health problems, but there is little evidence of nutritional benefit when used by otherwise healthy people. So organic antioxidants properties means got things in their that makes us more healthy and super foods means better for us. So health problem can be lack of vitamin D no name for it. So if everything healthy and take it then assume nutritional benefit but they wont need it as much if healthy / at all.So if take blood or comes out other ways loose blood gets replaced iron that some stores in body some gets lost each time and always be iron in the body and never be less iron than blood and vice versa. and can replace with food drink / supplements or some does anyway. Iron is a mineral in food. It is absorbed in the body and helps forming red blood cells which carry oxygen in the blood. So hard thing gets dissolved in body / blood and builds a protective barrier around the red blood cells and somehow makes red blood cells but not sure how. The red blood cells carry means take around the body head to toe and oxygen you mean gas somehow gets produced you may not know how gets there but helps to breathe. When someone gives through a mask if need more again not sure how gets there but use it.
thanks for agreeing with me strongly need Kay, Pippa, XXXXXXX in my life and soon agree all requirements contact people all agree and help me means a lot ask say lot Kay ask little say lot to u too and assume u will thanks Diane and Kay for saying they agree with what u said and your team, (as you said Diane told u her and Kay agree with me having Kay, XXXXXXX etc) I assume a care worker and care provider is giving care like a nurse / support worker. If move when have needle doing wont snap, damage etc. So that is a needle no name for it, then inject is e.g. transfer blood into someone same meaning as refer and vaccine is like flu jab meaning give medication through a needle and maybe side affects but works and supplements may not work maybe side affects anyone can have unless high dose and I assume if too much blood cant replace on own and if did take too long. I assume Nurses do needles not DR and e.g. if Kay came and she had to get there on time but I collapsed or something I assume she wouldn't just leave me and may go hospital with me, stay with me and do another time and if there were two GP, Diane then one could take bloods if have car and other can stay here unless need more than one person. I assume different deliveries for meds and blood van and may need to drop off when pick up from surgery assume takes it into the hospital somewhere and they cant come to mine to pick up for some reason assume and Kay may have put in her bag assume ok and it can be exposed to sunlight etc. Not sure if come Mon-Fri bloods and if results take few days. If Diane not got back to me or answered some not others not mean anything wrong and needs answers though I worry a lot. I assume GP, nurses, practice managers etc take their phones in case someone needs to contact them vice versa e.g. in emergency. You agree she should stay with me and protect me from family having issues with and other people etc. When Diane say it is my responsibility get meds and asked me if have care worker or friend who get assume u agree Kay can help with that and needs to. When I got told a 90 year old can understand assume means if they can I can as younger though I feel they better than me and got told a child can do better than me and I just feel low I assume trying to get my confidence up mean it. I heard someone got rats as pets I am scared I also worry if rats can get into my flat and some people say seen some in bin area, assume u say not to worry be fine. On twitter I read e.g. Don't give up on someone you can't even go a day without thinking about said on twitter. I thought of Pippa, Lois, Kay, XXXXXXX people animals passed etc I assume u agree don't give up it will happen and got all your backing all the way. I heard if more than one person say cant all be wrong must be some truth in it I assume even if one says it ok but lot more people and u told me u got proof means more. whether works there or not someone assume u can find a way to contact XXXXXXX Kay etc.
You agree to ask Kay XXXXXXX etc about pet therapy as u said u all agree to my requirements with them. You agree need to spend my birthday and Christmas with Kay XXXXXXX Pippa etc and they can spend their families and then with me so celebrate a lot more. on CMHT it says on letter to contact within 2 weeks maybe if from date written it I assume after date still be ok and not just abandon me. So specific means know exactly.
ignore about end of the world and human race dying and about overpopulate so third pass away etc not true. Full name assume not have to be middle name if have just first last name be ok. So when you said u agree with all my requirements you mean everything I want in Kay and XXXXXXX Pippa etc you told me that you and your team strongly agree with this and you told me that Diane told you its ok too and Diane told you Kay agrees too and only written that to you and you will send me a copy convo had with each other and keep each other up to date e.g. Kay and I assume you also agree and that I made sense in everything else asked as well in this email and in the previous emails too e.g. about depressants. blood, about justified etc. I asked landlord if can t take my bins out as scared locks rats and where am (and as you know I am scared of a lot of other things besides that too) He said:
I can't be taking out your bins though. Thats something you have to do. I think you need to talk to a doctor about being scared. Perhaps arrange a home visit
Assume you agree that Kay needs to see me asap and post things and bin things for me while visiting me / as she leaves. as well as other things mentioned.
Being in flat scares me and locks fall off and digicodes got etc assume u agree don't worry be fine. (he in XXXXXXX a lot) you agree not to worry everything want will happen soon. I also look things up and some not understand but try to and I will forget and not understand again but assume u agree you and Kay etc help with that. Assume u agree what I said about blood so transfusion blood groups give blood to someone store or not and last half an hour before go bad somehow and to be in the fridge in a bag needle inside last months any longer than that not good and maybe only do early afternoon for some reason assume say any of it then dispose blood somehow and all keep results. Assume right said about band, god, vein blood colours, me not get into trouble about u my psychiatrist and ones in my area can prescribe and u will tell them some meds e.g. Kay, CMHT. Assume agree said about shout as care get through to me about types of workers. You will contact CMHT, MAYBE GP, KAY, XXXXXXX PIPPA, XXXXXXX CQC, XXXXXXX SYHA ETC and u all agree Kay to have input too. So you mean if issues follow up click on link though sometimes problems there with me, and u agree never give up on things want will happen and u help me. So what u mean is you eat foods with salt and protein in and bring nutrients to blood like with any food type and good fats etc. Invisible naked eye means cant see. No one can see nutrition e.g. vitamin mineral as microscopic means only can see through a microscope. So you mean salt and protein in food, drink is the same in the body already to keep going but not sure how get there apart from food drink. I did ask 5 questions and all part of the same question. So if lot hard to take in for some reason but u agree with Kay and XXXXXXX etc need more time for me each time as need to see them. Assume reframe means think about how say without a,b,c,d,e etc though thought be easier if separated them and part of same questions. Assume prompt means more quicker and trouble you mean hope not caused me upset which it has.
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
2) Mean by :
*fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic?
*what is high blood pressure?
*There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? *How remove it cant you just go to the toilet?
*What causes it and how prevent it?
*Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean?
*This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away?
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send Is that all ok please?
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
5) Mean by:
*Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term.?
* Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill?
* Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow-up questions
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
ANS: Yes, you have understood the things well. I also agree with your requirements.
2) Mean by :
*fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic?
*what is high blood pressure?
ANS: Yes. Fluid retention causes fluid to stay back in the system. This causes swelling over legs.
High blood pressure means increased pressure of blood flow in the blood vessels.
*There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? *How remove it cant you just go to the toilet?
ANS: If there is a long standing swelling over legs then it could be due to hypertension.
Going to toilet routinely will not remove the excess fluids.
*What causes it and how prevent it?
ANS: Anemia or raised blood pressure causes it. Treating the cause prevents it.
*Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean?
ANS: Urination can be increased by certain medicines such as furosemide. this causes excess urination.
*This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away?
ANS: It will initially get reduced and finally go away.
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send Is that all ok please?
ANS: I request you to draft me a mail to be sent to kay. I can do the necessary changes and send it from my side.
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
ANS: They are all nurses with different kinds of training.
5) Mean by:
*Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term.?
* Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill?
* Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause?
ANS: Condition is used as a general term and means the state of a person at that time. Like condition of road or condition of house etc.
Yes, illness, disease and syndrome are more or less the same thing.
Syndrome is a group of symptoms. Like soreness of throat, cough, cold, fever etc. Now as we know the cause that it is due to a bacterial infection, then the syndrome is named as a disease called upper respiratory tract infection.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow-up questions
1) Have I understood above correctly all said above please?
ANS: Yes, you have understood the things well. I also agree with your requirements.
2) Mean by :
*fluid retention can cause swelling over legs and face and be problematic?
*what is high blood pressure?
ANS: Yes. Fluid retention causes fluid to stay back in the system. This causes swelling over legs.
High blood pressure means increased pressure of blood flow in the blood vessels.
*There are many different causes common among them are raised blood pressure. If there is a sudden weight gain with visible swelling over legs, then one can suspect. what does that mean? *How remove it cant you just go to the toilet?
ANS: If there is a long standing swelling over legs then it could be due to hypertension.
Going to toilet routinely will not remove the excess fluids.
*What causes it and how prevent it?
ANS: Anemia or raised blood pressure causes it. Treating the cause prevents it.
*Fluid can be removed by inducing excess urination what does this mean?
ANS: Urination can be increased by certain medicines such as furosemide. this causes excess urination.
*This is done with the help of certain medicines. A doctor can prescribe the medicines for the same. What does that mean? h) mean by reduce / if all goes away?
ANS: It will initially get reduced and finally go away.
3) So what you are saying is you will send Kay an email and u agree she knows about you as you told me Diane agrees my requirements of Kay and she told u Kay say same and assume u agree can make an appointment without going through GP and reception. Same with GP. Not sure about SYSTM ONLINE don't get it for meds also saw on there book etc not sure everyone assume u agree Kay needs to go through with me too. So you saying u all agree need to get things moving and with XXXXXXX etc too. You agree need Kay details and think you said your team, Kay and Diane agree also. Same DOB etc. So as well as you send me copies of conversation you had with them and to others, u will send copies our conversations. u all agree need to calm me be there ways want. So you mean to send you what I want u to send Kay and u can see it and see what u think if ok and you will tell me what u think u should send Kay too and I will tell you what I think and then you will look at mine and yours and you will write down think let me know and I tell you if ok before send. I assume u cant find email address that may be Kay’s but when send conversations u will find them all. Assume I told u my first and last name and u told Diane so know who talking about assume request means to ask and the thing is I forget things a lot so if I tell u I may miss out info and you said you told Diane and Kay agrees assume told her everything and I said I can write to u and u can do the same and u have all info with all my requirements on so if we both do one and see think then u write end send from what we both say and show me before send Is that all ok please?
ANS: I request you to draft me a mail to be sent to kay. I can do the necessary changes and send it from my side.
4) What are bank staff, staff nurses, practice nurses, sister nurses?
ANS: They all belong to different roles. But all of them are nurses with different training experience. I dont know the exact difference. I assume u will find out for me?
ANS: They are all nurses with different kinds of training.
5) Mean by:
*Condition simply a state in which a person is a and is a general term.?
* Illness and disease and disorder are all the same and mean that body is ill?
* Syndrome: Its a collection of symptoms. It may be called a disease if the cause?
ANS: Condition is used as a general term and means the state of a person at that time. Like condition of road or condition of house etc.
Yes, illness, disease and syndrome are more or less the same thing.
Syndrome is a group of symptoms. Like soreness of throat, cough, cold, fever etc. Now as we know the cause that it is due to a bacterial infection, then the syndrome is named as a disease called upper respiratory tract infection.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy
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