Suggest Treatment For White Painful Scar In Breast
left nipple abscess...
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query to HCM,
It is evident from the picture that she is suffering from a duct abscess on left side of breast and the pus-point head can be seen at the tip of the nipple. It is a staph infection which has occurred possibly due to inadequate breast expression and a reverse infection into the ducts. This needs to be drained and the pus has to be removed with a surgical procedure called INCISION & DRAINAGE , followed by antibiotics like Amoxycillin for a week to promote prevention from reinfection while healing of the surgical wound.
It is suggested that you should take her to the ER as this shall grow further and become more painful if not drained early.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
There are these lactiferous ducts which carry the milk produced in breast acini to the nipples for being expressed. These ducts can get infected by repeated stimulation during milk expression and also when the hands are not washed or cleaned before expression, then the infection can travel from finger tips to inside the duct causing an abscess.
ER or emergency are the same. Idea is you should not wait upon it and get the drainage done sooner.
After the drainage , she can use breast pumps which are available to express the milk.It won't be a problem.
Detailed Answer:
Yes its a duct abscess.
you can go to anyone either a surgeon or a gyne, its going to need a minor incision and drainage. This is a small XXXXXXX and extrusion of pus followed by compression bandage for 5-7 days.
it has formed a head already , it may burst in few days , concern is its spread along the breast tissue and the duct tract which can increase in size, hence early intervention is preferred.
Detailed Answer:
breast pump can be used intermittently with the compression bandage, that shall be advised by the surgeon as to how to use it.
Recurrence is possible if proper hygiene is not maintained again and proper post op care is not taken. So initial week care has to be taken till it heals properly.
the nipple has to be cleaned with XXXXXXX warm water and dried with a sterile swab thrice a day and after every expression of milk. local application of antibiotic cream may be given which shall prevent infection.