Suggest Treatment For Withdrawal Symptoms Of Fluanxol

XXXX XXXXXXX here Author of The Compilations of Foresta Gump -- Award nominated coming to you today for an answer please but you're not psychiatry and I'm not psychiatric but am suffering daily from withdrawal symptoms from a psychiatric drug I was taking for 22 years because I'm an idiot for going along with psychiatric field of labeling me with a chemical imbalance which I say horse crap to. I was just another victim to guinea pigism. And God knows and so does the medical field know what they injected into my body monthly which I know was something different each month--how do I know this you ask? From all the different manifestations appearing on my face monthly--this drug didn't help my behavior at all--in fact it was leading me to Parkinson's disease because you know as well as I know that as we age our dopamine levels decline so I was receiving a double dose of decline in the drug Fluanxol an anti-psychotic drug which messes with my brain chemistry limiting the production of dopamine responsible for the euphoria humans feel. I have learned not to trust the medical field anymore and this bothers me greatly because my own mother was an RNA assistant nurse studying to become an RNA. I always loved and respected the medical field until my new Muslim Doctor whom I left to find a new Doctor because she created my current demise upon my body and mind in which insanity is my current detriment--due to an injection performed in her office January 2016 that I question what was injected into my body that day by her young nurse XXXXXXX It took XXXXXXX over 10 minutes to simply break the vial's tip insert the syringe withdraw the Fluanxol solution and inject me which should have taken her less than a minute as this was not her first time injecting me. I became annoyed with her for taking so Goddam long that I spoke up and said What's taking you so long? She mumbled something I wished I'd heard then proceeded to take an additional few minutes--so of course I became suspicious but not until after I allowed her to inject whatever crap she injected combined with Fluanxol. Of course I have questions I've been spiraling downhill since that day. My loved ones and friends definitely see a XXXX they don't recognize going downhill rapidly with terrible ailments inflicted upon my innocent person. I was self-assured self reliant self confident positive person and highly achieved but have been reduced and still declining to what I believe is death at only 62 years young. Many questions plague me--what was injected into my body--will it drive me to insanity--will I die--whose behind this and why--was she coached or did she do this single-handedly--was it an assassination attempt--was Nano particles injected into my body bio medicine. My eyes are affected seriously and the medical field here has neglected me refusing to refer me to an opthmologist--I question why? Instead both Doctors insulted me by saying I need to see a Psychiatrist when I gave them no reason to think I did need to see one--but I know what they know--they're right because it was Psychiatry who used me as a guinea pig for their practice for experimenting with the human body. I know how to behave myself in public and exercise discipline regularly but I won't stifle myself in the writing field. I contacted The College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Medical field knew this--they knew that I know what's going on. I was going to expose the medical field and they didn't want this to happen so they tricked me. I visited my new Doctor two times asking for a referral to an eye-specialist in which even my new Doctor was reluctant to give me this referral so they're the ones who have me thinking the way I do against them. I am not mentally ill but am being driven there via my thinking which is my detriment they've created--I am mentally skilled not mentally ill and have never been. This new Doctor tricked me when I visited her office this past January 4th 2017--I started crying because of the neglect I suffered with them and the fact my eyes were stabbing me with pain like a knife. They were trying to wear me down I see this clearly. My Ex. phoned them asking why don't they just refer me to an eye specialist. This Doctor said to me you've got to go to the emergency you need to be in the hospital--she was wrong--I needed my eyes checked not a psychiatrist. She tricked me by certifying me to the psychiatric ward in which I gave her no reason. I was crying for a valid reason--their goddam neglect of me. I had never been admitted to a psychiatric ward ever nor should I ever have been. I was calm cool and collective although I had no problem letting them know I was enraged at their trickery against me but I controlled my enragement at them very diplomatically. They tried hard to convince me I needed medication in which I said No to. I didn't want to be doped-up with goof pills that I want to be natural instead. I see clearly what they were trying to do here--to label me psychiatric so I wouldn't be believed in their medical neglect of me--so I would be shunned of any sensibility I possess normally. Yes, I have a high I.Q and yes I am separate from the norm of society--and yes I am succumbing to insanity and the association and dictations of what insanity suggests. And these detrimental thoughts were inflicted upon my body and innocence in which I never suffered crazy thinking ever before this. They are simply trying to protect themselves from the truth of crime performed against my person and others too I bet. Why did these two female Doctors refuse me medical help I so desperately needed and still do if they weren't supporting one another in the medical field of crime.? I refuse to see a psychiatrist only to hear him say I need medication--but I know he's right not that I'm psychiatric but that I've been addicted to their goof prescription monthly injection that harmed me not helped me at all. The question I pose to you Doc. is will Methadone help me overcome addiction they deny. I've been off this goof drug since last year January 2016. How long will I suffer addiction for after 22 years of taking this drug. I've suffered greatly for over a year now. I will copy & paste this letter and send it to The College of Physicians and Surgeons only because I defend myself against a medical crime. On XXXXXXX 22 2015 my right eye was diagnosed with 20-20 vision by an optometrist and seven months later January visit 2016 to new Doctor's office the injection I received may have been the culprit of both my eyes being affected with extreme stabbing pain in both eyes which began on May 1st. 2016 after injection in January. My eyes work independently as my left eye is amblyopia strabismus I was born with strabismus setting in later so my left eye shouldn't have been affected at all unless something was indeed injected into my body--I've been told all my life that my eyes are not binocular vision that they both work independently--I suffered a right eye floater on May 1st. 2016 four months after January injection. My right eye was my good seeing eye now going blind. I let them know I witnessed four beams of red laser light coming in via my bedroom window--I thought I had been attacked by a Drone because the next I went into the hospital without telling them I suspected a Drone attack thinking they'd think me nuts so I kept shut. But, I developed a nasty rash beginning on my right fingers extending all the way up my arm and across my upper breasts and onto my back which was rapidly progressing and extremely painful worse than child-bearing--I couldn't take the pain I cried terribly--the horror to all this was the Doctor couldn't diagnose this rash but did subscribe cream which eventually stopped the spreading and it disappeared. After, this happened to me I was left traumatized and couldn't call out to my daughter in the next room to help me. I couldn't move my body except for my head. My speech was affected and my eyes were too. And the worse to all this is the Doctors neglected to send me for much needed medical attention--I needed answers for pete sake. I asked this new Muslim Doctor to send me for an MRI to determine if I had suffered a TIA stroke. She suggested a cat scan in which I said I didn't want to be subjected to radiation and that an MRI is better for me. I left her office thinking she would have her office contact me with the appointment I needed but instead I received a phone call from Netcare stating my Doctor referred me to them. I asked who they were in which they answered psychiatry. I told them I mentioned to my Doctor I wasn't interested in psychiatry nor needed a psychiatrist but needed medical attention for my eyes. While in my Doctor's office back months ago I asked her to have a look at my eyes because there was a white formation around the circumference of both iris which indicates blindness to me and the truth is I'm losing my central vision in my right eye which was my good seeing eye that only months before was diagnosed with 20-20 vision, then a year or less later I visited another optometrist whom diagnosed 20-40 vision this second visit to an optometrist. And this second optometrist only 27 years old made a mistake in stating I had good binocular vision. I never did have binocular vision. He could clearly see my good right eye was drooping and he had the audacity to say to me that they won't send me to an ophthologist unless my eye covered my pupil and I couldn't see. I left there feeling hopeless. But, contacted their office last week stating I needed to see an ophthmologist. So they did contact Dr. XXXXXXX Hinz an ophthmologist I chose but still I'm not being given this much needed appointment stating he's a retina specialist. The new Doctor who tricked me by certifying me when I listened to her by going to the hospital as she suggested--I was under the impression I would get help at the hospital for my eyes--and that day on January 4th while in her office she lied to me stating she just sent an email to Dr. XXXXXXX Hinz office. Well, I contacted Dr. Brad's office yesterday February 22nd 2017 and they said they did not receive an email from her at all. So I am being lied to and medically neglected for what and why. I have my suspicions and they know it. They have given me reason to think ill of them--the medical field whom I can no longer trust. So who in the hell can I rely on for medical treatment. My eyes feel like particles are in them--like possible Nano-particles. They feel like moving worms inside my eyes that are causing stabbing pain in both eyes. In which I've been rejected medical help for--WHY? They know why and so do I! They've worked on trying to wear me down so I am not mentally competent to defend my innocent person. But, they haven't the power to label me and be correct about it and they know it. They are in the wrong and they know that too which is why they certified me unnecessarily so as to prevent me from exposing their wrong. I am not crazy Doc. only crazy brilliant and that is not a blessing but instead a detriment that doesn't serve me. detriment. Sorry Doc. I don't mean to pull you into this horse crap at all--I simply needed to vent my enragement and rejection in the medical field. I moved here XXXXXXX 17th 2015 from a different province. My Doctor I left behind was a very good Doc. who took good care of me for over 10 years--he knows my medical history--so he would know how good my group O RH Positive blood was. I will be contacting him via email with a copy of this letter. So he'll learn what I've been put through this past whole year.
Sorry Doc. I don't mean to pull you into this crap at all--I simply needed to vent my enragement and my justification of defending my innocent person against a possible medical crime performed against me.
XXXX XXXXXXX Author of The Compilations of Foresta Gump--Award nominated!
You're OK. Maybe you might want to try these 2 therapies to feel better.
Detailed Answer:
I have examined your question very carefully. I'm Dr. Neel Kudchadkar and I'm from Healthcaremagic; and I can help you out here.
I do understand your anguish at being neglected by supposedly responsible doctors. It must be rather terrible to be afflicted in the eyes.
I congratulate you for the depth of detail that you have put in and the effort you have expended to give a complete picture of your condition so that you can be helped better.
I can understand how it must feel, to be labeled as being a psychiatric victim when you are not. And I really can comprehend your constant struggle to hold on to your sanity when such an important faculty and ability of yours, i.e your eyesight is so profoundly affected.
I strongly suggest that you have a XXXXXXX word, face to face, with medical personnel, particularly, one Dr. XXXXXXX Hinz, that you feel have, slighted or wronged you. Sort it out amicably.
I also appreciate the achievements that you have mentioned - as being an author.
I understand that you have been taking Fluanxol for some time.
I need you to know this, that there are no long term negative effects of dopamine antagonists like it, and I do appreciate that you have a rather high IQ because in my experience, hardly any patient knows the exact mechanism of action of the medication that they are taking.
I strongly suggest that you try hypnosis, as in the path breaking ebook by Dr. XXXXXXX Hogan and Dr. XXXXXXX XXXXXXX La Bay, US researchers, in using auto suggestion to improve such issues, where modern pharmacotherapy has not worked.
You have mentioned taking 2 types of eye drops, so to say.
Please don't worry about losing your vision, and whether it's binocular or not. If you can type and read this, it's good enough.
Please do read the path breaking ebook on new medical avenues of treatment by Dr. XXXXXXX Segal, another US researcher in holistic health.
These methods, previously sidelined by doctors, who depended heavily on diagnosis and drug therapy will help you.
I feel that you will be better off without medication as it can create a mental fog. i.e. the side effects are too many as compared to the benefits. You have mentioned yourself how you've suffered from Parkinson's (drug induced) and maybe you might wish to marshal your will and smarts to get better.
Meditation and belief in a higher power greatly helps.
I suggest that you do write back to me, as regards your problems. Maybe we can explore them further, at least, you might get it off your chest.
Most sincerely,
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar

Thank you for your prompt reply Sir in which I shall follow through with your expertise advice.
It's good to know I won't suffer long term negative effects from dopamine inhibitors--if this is the right word to use. I feel better already Doc. with the answers you've provided me yet I still don't know if or what was injected and this is the culprit of my thinking demise. However, your words "You'll be ok" resonated with me positively--Thank you for that as positivity is what I rely on.
I have never had reason to mistrust a Doctor ever until this January visit to her office.
I am receiving a good wealth of medical health cures not treatments from HSI Health Science Institute who are educating me on alternative remedies for good health with every health ailment people suffer--without the use of prescription drugs. They are against BIG PHARMA and FDA and are educating members. These Doctors 166,000 strong world-wide are amazing educators of health information. You must be aware of HSI if not why not?
When I was young and ignorant I wanted so badly to have the opportunity to speak on an intellectual basis with Doctors to learn what I could from them. At that time it would never have been possible today it is and several of the most respected bless me with their knowledge daily coming to my inbox. I am so grateful for this. There is nothing more that I appreciate than truth and knowledge and I speak nothing less than truth.
I Thank you again for your great understanding and knowledge Doc. God blesses you and so do I. I appreciate your referral of books I should read--Thank you!
I will speak with you again soon in the near future to inform you of my improved health with your help.
XXXX XXXXXXX Author of The Compilations of Foresta Gump--Award nominated!
You're welcome anytime at heathcaremagic
Detailed Answer:
I thank you for your courtesy.
Please have a great day.
See you at the top!
Dr. Neel Kudchadkar

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