Suggest Treatment In The Vaginal Infection
Iam using zocon as kit tablet also vaginal cream by prescribtion of doctor candid v gel citro acid powder candid cl3 tablets
Also wants to know why this irritation of vaginal causes
And these are the symtoms of my vaginal infection
Burning and after urine passes too much pain
And sometime urine not passes properly blood will be comes out and its painful
Get complete evaluation done and treatment accordingly.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
I think that the symptoms are those of a urinary tract infection, in addition to a vaginal infection.
You should get the following tests done if you need a complete cure -
1. Urine routine and microscopy testing and urine culture testing at a reputed lab.
2. INternal exam ( per vaginum and per speculum )
3. vaginal swab and culture.
THis will reveal the exact source of infection.
Also, according to the swab and culture you need proper antibiotic treatment.
Meanwhile drink lots of water.
have protected sex.
Avoid touching or handling the private parts excessively.
Trim your nails too.
Also, do not use special powders, soaps, gels, douches to clean the area - it is best to use lukewarm water and cleanse the vagina.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.