Suggest Treatment To Remove Post Acne Marks On Face
I also have many black heads.
I want to eliminate the acne scaring and improve the overall look of my skin.
What options are available for my please?
Laser treatment for scars
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for posting on HCM.
I can understand your apprehension regarding acne scars and I will try my best to answer your query in a rightful way.
I can see you have both active acne as well as scarring.
As treating acne effectively will prevent new scars, our priority should be to treat acne in best way at the earliest.
In such cases of mine, I would target acne strongly by combining home-based and clinic based treatment.
For home-based treatment, I would advise proper course of oral antibiotics (Azithromycin etc) with or without oral isotretinoin for few months.
Additionally, I advise use of a cream containing nadifloxacin/clindamycin twice day and a gel containing benzoyl peroxide and adapalene at bed time for few weeks to months.
For clinic-based treatment, I would suggest you get series of peels done from a certified dermatologist. Personally, my favorite peel is Jessner peel as it works on both acne as well as scarring.
Acne scars on other hand are pretty challenging to treat and treatment comes with variable results.
More importantly the fact is no topical medications are going to help in removing scars.
Only tretinoin or glycolic acid based creams can help to some extent but the results are very subtle and unpredictable and works for very mild scars only.
Therefore, I would suggest you to go for laser therapy (Fractional Co2 laser, Non-ablative RF etc) as it has the best results of all other treatment modalities. Moreover, if additionally treated with Dermaroller or chemical peeling (Jessner peel or 100%TCA peel via CROSS technique), pretty appreciable results can be achieved.
Hope this will take care of your query.
Let me know if you require any more assistance from my side.
Wish you best of health.
Thank you
Dr Hardik Pitroda
M.D Dermatology
I totally understand the need to clear up the existing active acne. However right now i do not think i can eliminate acne completely based on my past experience. I need to do a combination, which is clear up active acne whilst eliminating existing acne scars.
I have confusion about your recommendation. I would like you to recommend a step by step approach to eliminating my acne scars. Is the first approach to try the Jessner peel? What is your view on this and have you had experience of this type of treatment?
Detailed Answer:
Step 1: Treat acne aggressively
Oral antibiotics + Oral Isotretinoin + Topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and adapalene.
Chemical peel every 15 days : Preferably Jessner peel
Once acne is totally resolved. We can plan treatment of acne scars.
Step 2 : Treat acne scars by combining various modalities
Laser resurfacing ( Carbondioxide laser) or Non-ablative Radiofrequency treatment
The above treatment can be supplemented by Dermaroller treatment or Chemical peeling( Jessner peel or by CROSS technique using TCA 100% ) in between the laser sessions.
You can consult and discuss all these options with your treating dermatologist.
Hope your doubts are resolved.
Dr Hardik Pitroda
Detailed Answer:
Laser resurfacing and other treatment like dermaroller are pretty safe for darkner skin types and I think can be done in your skin too . Make sure you get them done from certified dermatologist only for best results
Also post procedure instructions like avoiding direct sun exposure and proper and reguar use of sunscreen and moisturiser etc. should be strictly followed as advised by your treating dermatologist.