Suggest Ways For A Vegetarian To Mentally Cope With Accidental Consumption Of Meat
No need to worry, it was just by accident.
Detailed Answer:
I can understand your concern.
There is nothing that you should worry about. This is not going to harm you physically.
If you are feeling nauseated or fullness in your upper stomach you can take one antacid such as pantoprazole etc. that’s all and if it is just a reaction knowing that you have eaten something bad it is not going to harm you anyway..Just relax and stay cool, it will be alright after some time.
For your mental satisfaction I would like to suggest you feel that it was just an accident. It was just by chance, unknowingly. Why to worry about that, leave that thought immediately, involve yourself in your work and something recreational. Eat something better, of your choice that will change your taste and mood.
It's alright. You have not done this voluntarily.
So keep cool be happy and eat something delicious.
Hope this will help you.
If you have any other concerns please feel free to message me .
Thanks for contacting HCM .