Suggest Ways To Decrease The GGT Level
Detailed answer....
I have read your query and noted your concern.
GGT is basically found in liver cells and any condition which damages liver cells can increase the GGT levels.
In general high GGT levels are caused by...
Chronic alcoholism
Use of certain medications like pain killers,anti cholesterol medicines,antidepressants,certain antibiotics ,anti seizure medicines etc.
How to lower GGT levels....
Stop alcohol.
Do exercises and reduce your weight
Avoid such medicines,if taking
Stop smoking,if doing it
Consume more of nuts and legumes.
Consume more of fresh fruits and green vegetables specially fruits containing VIT C,spinach,lettuce,carrot,sweet potatoes,pumpkin,apricots etc
I hope it helps,however you are most welcome to revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck