Suggest Ways To Lose Weight Postpartum
I had a baby on sep 28 2016 and I have lost 6 kgs weight(from 81.3 in march i. e 2nd month after I conceived to 87.6 before del and 81.3 at present).
My height is 5feet 4 inches. I am brestfeeding my baby. So, I want to loose my weight with correct diet plan to become fit but want to continue brestfeeding. please help.
Don't skip meals;cut the calories;increase plain water intake as following.
Detailed Answer:
Hi my dear,
Congratulations for your baby first.
I understand your concern.
It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy and sometimes after pregnancy.
However, you have a great advantage: you are still breastfeeding. That's making more easy to lose weight because you automatically burn fat/calories each time milk is being produced during nursing time
I do not recommend to skip meals, have them regularly but cut the portions. Next, drink plenty of plain water especially during meal time.
You should eat everything, but be careful with calories. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts and less fatty/high calorie foods.
A simple menu plan:
- breakfast: glass of milk (original better, don't look for low fat), toast with a bit of jam (10 grams)
- tea-time (this is what I like to call it:): chamomile or berries tea (I prefer most) with no sugar; can have a snack (1 piece of biscuit for example or cracker)
- lunch time: vegetable soups with salad
- snack time: nuts
- dinner: salad or yogurt
And do not forget lots of plain water during the day. I'm sure you'll lose weight without breaking the nutrient balance to you and your baby.
It has worked for some of my patients; hope it will work for you. This is a sample only.