Suggest Ways To Postpone Menstruation
You need to try for a few months atleast.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
Most women do not get pregnant after having sex just 4 times.
You need to try for a few months atleast.
Please have sex around time of your ovulation.
Ovulation ( release of egg from ovary ) happens on day 14 of a regular cycle, counting first day of period as day 1.
Are your periods regular ?
If yes , please follow the method as explained -
Count first day of period as day 1.
Then remain sexually active daily from day 10 onwards for the next 10 days.
Try this way for atleast one year.
If you still fail to conceive, you should consult a Specialist gyneocologist and go for tests and treatment.
Take regular folic acid supplements.
Maintain ideal weight and avoid stress.
WIsh you all the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.