Suggest Ways To Reduce Side Effects Of Antituberculosis Drugs

Management requires regular Follow up
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Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern and patient on anti - TB treatment needs close observation throughout the period of treatment which requires following questionnaire to be answered from your side:
i. Time period from which ATT is started or taken [months/year]
ii. Is it Pulmonary or Extra pulmonary TB
iii. Is there symptomwise improvement: [ improvement in appetite, gain in weight, reduction in cough, fever,breathlessness]?
iv. Are there any side effects of drugs: [giddiness,jaundice, visual disturbances]?
v. Were any Investigations done to know the progression/regression of disease, mainly: chest X-ray, ESR and Sputum for AFB, multi drug resistant TB [MDR - TB]?
2. Avoid: strong purgation,excess physical exertion,sudation,late night awakenings, dry food,water melon,horse gram,black gram,asafoetida, garlic, leafy vegetables,alkalis,sour/bitter/astringent food.
Take: alcohol in medicinal dose, meat/chicken soup, green gram, brown rice, sweet fruits, ripe banana XXXXXXX amla,dates, goat's milk.
3. In Management of Tuberculosis [Rajyakshma in Ayurveda] we first improve the Metabolism [AGNI] of the patient and then provide with the drugs to cure.
i. To improve Metabolism [digestion]: Draksha assav and Chayawanprash are recommended
ii. Sitopladi Churan, vasa arishta, eladi vati, XXXXXXX malti ras, chandanadi taila are recommened/prescribed drugs to reduce the associated side effects caused by allopathy drugs.
PS. regarding cure of soft tissue infection one has to exclude whether this is Primary [cure is possible] or secondary [opportunistic] to some disease [examination is mandatory]
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician

Extra pulmonary tb for which att started in month of april 1st.intiallybin 4th week i felt a lot of improvement,,but felt starting discofrt on 8 .9 week onwards currenyly in 12th week...now confused whether this is side effects of medicines or i on mdr tb...can u pks tell me the way to find if it is mdr tb..i m attaching my latest blood work...my crp and esr was getting low in 4th 5th week but now increaed again esr was 18 then 10 then 3 and now 26..crp 4 then 6.5 thrn 7 then 6.5 and now 13?dnt knw what is gappeneing..for last 15 days i feel goddiness tired numbnessnin left hands and head and visiin distirbance
Currently taking akt 4 will end on 30th and then asked to start akt 3..
Can this be a soft tissue infection in abdomen
Post partum Endometritis & MDR TUBERCULOSIS
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A. The treatment of MDR tuberculosis should always be supervised by a chest physcian because:
1. The choice of drug is difficult to decide
2. The drugs are costly, treatment is prolonged
3. The effect of drug is unpredictable and results are not guranteed.
B. Regarding your query how to susoect MDR - TB:
. When a patient has received anti-TB drugs in the past and now comes with recurrence of symptoms.
. Suspect MDR-TB if, after 2-3 months of treatment with first line of drugs:
i. There is no clinical improvement - fever and cough persists, there is no weight gain, or new lymph nodes appear
ii. Patient remains sputum positive.
iii. X- ray shows increased lesion.
C. Side effects which you are experiencing could be due to adverse drug reaction of ATT regime:
. Rifampicin causes flu like syndrome and jaundice [slight increase in bilirubin is there]
. Isoniazid causes peripheral neuropathy [are you taking pyridoxine with it]
. Ethambutol causes visual disturbances [check your eye sight]
. Pyrazinamide causes hyperuricemia [slight increase in your blood report]
. Streptomycin causes giddiness [stop if taking it]
PS. give correct dose as per body weight remember if patient weighs > 65 kg, standard 4 drug combi packs do not give sufficient dose.
D. CRP increases in response to infection,trauma,tissue necrosis and inflammation and so is the case with ESR, i.e. both are suggestive of ongoing INFLAMMATION inside the body but not Diagnostic of any disease.
E. Since fellow Doctors have given a good insight about other recommended guidelines and diagnostic procedures which you can follow thus do incorporate them for further follow ups. [to exclude soft tissue infection]
F. Best Ayurveda Medicine which you can take along with ongoing ATT regime is:
. XXXXXXX amrit ras, sitopladi churan XXXXXXX pishti,shring abhra bhasam, XXXXXXX malti ras with honey.
You may contact me directly on: bit.ly/drmunishsood
Dr. Munish

I dont hav3 any chest problems or breathing problems,since i have extra pulmonary tb(of either stomach or pelvic area)
Pls if u can provide me with the dosage and medicinal chart as u mentioned some medicones in first reply also..should i rake all,do they have ny side effects
Right now i was taking livplus and immun8care from bacfo with herbocalcium
Can u pls guide me that regarding crp and esr what type of inflammation could be there
Also can scar tissue or tissue necrosis be find on usg and ct scan,,..do we have any medic8ne in ayurveda for soft tissue inflammation or adhesions and scar tissue
I weigh 69 kg and given akt 4 for 3 months and now akt 3..
I m takung benadon 20 mg with att..
Pls if u can also provid3 me the details to find mdr tb in csecof extra pulm.tb,if no biopsy needs to be done..
furthter clarification and follow up
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1. Dosage of medicinal chart:
XXXXXXX amrit ras: 250 mg
sitopladi churan: 1 gm
shringabhra bhasam: 150 mg XXXXXXX pishti: 250 mg XXXXXXX malti ras [with or without gold]: 125 mg... thrice daily with honey
i. This is the formulation which I prescribe to my patients along with use of ATT drugs and taking these regularly will not have any side effect BUT they will help lessen the adverse drug effects caused by ATT treatment.
ii. also take ushir assav or vasa arishta: 25 ml with equal amount of water [after meals]
iii. and eladi vati: 5-6 times as lozenges.
2. As explained earlier both ESR/CRP are raised in 'any ongoing inflammation' inside the body, and to know the inflammation in your case, either it has to be from chronic disease [extra pulmonary TB] and/or due to soft tissue inflammation [active disease activity] for which your attending physician is in better position to exclude the possibilities.
3. undergoing CT scan [after treatment] cannot distinguish between scar tissue and tumor and it is for this reason that PET scan [gallium scan] is useful to differentiate active disease from scar tissue.
PS. Abnormal growths—tumors, cysts, abscesses, scar tissue, and accessory organs—can be located and identified with ultrasound but the best procedure is laproscopic surgery.
4. Since adhesions are internal I personally doesn't have any medicine to treat/cure/manage the same BUT I particularly lay stress on 'Massage Therapy'
PS. Consult your attending physician or a qualified massage therapist.
5. Since your weight is 69 Kg thus I usually increase the dose of rifampicin to 600 mg instead of usual 450 mg.
PS. Take Opinion of your attending physician or second opinion from chest specialist
6. In Pulmonary TB one asks for sputum to find the bacterium likewise in extrapulmonary TB I think biopsy is the standard procedure to locate the bacteria which will also help to identify the problem of MDR - TB.
Dr. Munish

does not have any known side effects
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1. Although these medicines does not have any known side effects but adverse drug reaction can be seen when not taken as recommended:
i. If your cough is productive then take sitopladi churan BUT if it is dry then replace it with Talisadi Churan.
ii. Shringabhra BHASM: check with your renal test before including this in treatment chart, since mostly people suffer from pre existing kidney condition and then wrongly attribute abnormal renal function to presence of metal ( bhasm) in medicine.
PS. same is with XXXXXXX malti ras.
iii. The said assav(s) should be
mixed with water and to be taken after meals since taking empty stomach and without water results in heart burn and nausea.
iv. Eladi vati should be sucked and not chewed since crushing it results in extreme bitter taste in mouth (nausea feeling)

i think there is some confusion ,as i dont have pulmonary tb...i dont have any symptoms of cough and chest problems.the problematic area is my stomach
before starting att i used to have stomach pain and discomfort for which i took a lot of ,medicines but they didnt help..i will attach my all reports for further clarification and proper assesement of my problem
i didnt undersyand tht what kind of adverse reaction are u talking about,,and i these medicines have severe drug reaction pls provode me some other safe ,edocines
what is swarna baasant malti ras used for ..does this also have side effects
current symptoms,..giddiness,numbness..sometimes feverish,constipation..though stomach ache is reduced now but still there is superfivial pain on skin such that it hurts wen my baby touches his feeet on my stomach
i was also prescribed tab immuncocare,amlycure ds and swrana XXXXXXX maltivrs by a doc whom i consulted locally.
pls guide for further reevaluation if needed in mybtreatment
further clarifcation regarding Medicine prescribed
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1. Sitopladi although is mainly given in conditions of productive cough but if that is not the case one can give it or mix with other said medicines in condition of:
. burning sensation in hands/feet
. pain in ribs
. fever
2. By adverse drug reaction I mean that the combination of drugs will not have any side effects BUT if the dose is increased (self medication) then one can experience drug effect otherwise there is no reason to think of any substitute.
PS. Check with a local qualifed Ayurveda Physician regarding the previous mentioned dosage who will decide whether the said combination and dose is sufficient for you or it requires some modification
3. XXXXXXX malti ras is mainly given as an IMMUNOMODULATOR ( to increase Immunity) since TB itself is an IMMUNOCOMPROMISED disease and also helpful in fighting against the tubercle bacilli
4. You may attach your further reports for assessment andcan directly contact me on:
Dr. Munish

Pls tell me whether swrana vasantmalti ras is taken with honey ur water and is it safe to Take with att on and withoout s8de effcts also immunocare medic8ne and amlycure ds ,bd...i have been given to ask tablets for swrna malti ras bd and i gotvit in baidyanath ..pks tell
further clarification
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1. Suvarn XXXXXXX malti can be given with honey or milk and since we know that 'suvarn' [gold] has anti bacterial action thus is very helpful against tubercle bacilli and can safely be taken with ATT without any side effects.
PS. since you are suffering from extra pulmonary tuberculosis thus it is helpful to increase the metabolism of liver by decreasing 'AAM' [undigested food] and increasing the digestive fire.
2. Immunocare by [BACFO] is given in people with decreased immunity and TB is one such disease thus can be taken safely since it acts as an IMMUNOMODULATOR but my preferred medicine for such cases is/are: CRUEL capsules from UAP Pharmacy.
3. Amlycure DS: is mainly given as a hepato protective [increasing liver metabolism], so is a good choice.
4. since you have been ask to take suvarn malti ras: twice daily do let me know whether you will be taking it as single or mixed with formulation described above.
PS. suvarn malti ras of baidyanath is good.
Dr. Munish

or given by doc now,,is it safr to take so many medicines
i m attching both presriptions pls guide ...what do i do
how long seriatopeptidase can be taken safely..does that help in inflammation and softvtissue healing
What are the symptoms of necrosis inside abdomen.,does that come up in blood work or ct or mri,,if there is nerve damage or tissue injury
Is petril plus safe to take with att
how much pyridoxine should be taken qith att...earleir i was taking benadon 20 mg..,.doe spyridoxine reduces the effectiveness of medic8nes or the side effects of medicine
if with ur pateint this would have been the case how would have u taken care of
follow up in tuberculosis
Detailed Answer:
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1. There is no need to get confused, just remember:
i. ATT is the mainstay of treatment and all other XXXXXXX will only ameliorate the side effects of ATT, so taking Ayurveda prescription alongside ATT will not do any harm to the system.
ii. Seratiopeptidase can be used safely [by mouth ] after food and only think to look out for is coagulation profile [bleeding time/clotting time] since it interferes with blood clotting
iii. The most common symptoms of ‘necrosis inside abdomen’ will be: fever,diarrhea,vomiting,abdominal pain.
a. In blood work one can go for: TNF [tissue necrosis factor] and platelet count
b. Either CT or MRI is better for further investigation will depend upon your attending physician, but ‘histological examination’ is what I do with my patients
iv. [petril plus] i.e. Escitalopram also effect coagulation thus keep check on coagulation profile and also ask from your doctor about ‘Serotonin Syndrome’ which can occur with use of ATT particularly interaction of isoniazid with SSRI’s [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors] one example being escitalopram.
v. Benadon [pyridoxine] can be used in a dose of 10/20 mg per day, and since Isoniazid blocks pyridoxine metabolism resulting in peripheral neuropathy thus pyridoxine is given to REDUCE the side effect of medicine
vi. My approach toward my patient would be:
. confirm symptomwise improvement
. look for side effects of the drug
. investigate to study the progress of disease
. motivate the patient to complete the full course of treatment
If symptom wise and radiological improvement is not seen will check for blood sugar,H.I.V,hemoglobin, is he taking all the drugs regularly and are the drugs of good quality
If all the above factors are checked and found normal. Then is he ‘drug resistant’: will ask for AFB culture and sensitivity test and ask for Specialist opinion.
Dr. Munish

My further qieries are.
Is godhan aek(cows urine also helpful in tuberculosis),if yes how is it taken
I am attaching all my reports ,
I have been asked to take 200mg daily of XXXXXXX malti ras mixed with triphala 400 mg of XXXXXXX pharmacy 1 bd imminocare and liv plus from bacfo
Do u have ny clinic in d2lhi where i can meet u personally,if not can u suggest the best doc to deal with my prob in XXXXXXX
I m also taking probiotics and can u suggest some gid medicine of serriatopeptidase .,i have taken it earlier for approx two kontus in feb and march and then sos in painkillers ...can i use it safely further and which one
For necrosis do we have any other test apart from TNF
doc sometimes i feel this could be a damaged ne3ve pain also...very confused with my doagnosis pls help....
further necessary evaluation
Detailed Answer:
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1. Yes cow’s urine can be given/taken in tuberculosis because of following benefits:
. In recent study, Cow’s urine distillate [gomutra ark/kamdhenu ark] has been credited with having Bio enhancing properties and increases the effectiveness of antimicrobial, anti fungal and anticancer drugs.
PS. Gomutra ark enhances the transport of antibiotics, e.g., Rifampicin, Tetracycline, and Ampicillin, across the gut wall as well as across artificial membranes [ two fold to seven fold.]
a. When starting for first time: take 2-3 drops.
b. You may increase the dose, after a week
c. If you want to collect it fresh, drink it within 15 minutes after collecting it.
d. Since TB is a chronic inflammatory condition thus can be safely used till 3-4 months
2. XXXXXXX malti ras properties has been described earlier, adding triphala will help cleansing the system, since it is the best detoxifying medicine in Ayurveda along with Laxative properties
3. No I don’t have any clinic in XXXXXXX and do not know anyone personally there, you have to do some goggle search yourself or try to find out information from your relatives for any qualified/good Ayurveda physician there.
4. Serratiopeptidase available here are: biodase- 10 [Biomedica], Bidanzen [GSK], C-Serra [Corona], Cipzen [Cipla], Pepzen [Cadila], you can ask for the same there.
5. Propidium iodide staining along with FDA staining is a best method that can be adopted, it will differentiate between live and dead cells and cells undergoing apoptosis, another is TUNEL technique.
6. Since sensitivity of menstrual blood culture is very low thus Biopsy is more preferable but in cases where AFB is positive with menstrual blood culture subsequent laproscopy examination can reveal genital tuberculosis.
7. If you think it can be damaged nerve pain, there can be impairment or loss of sensation in the area of its disturbution. [check with your reflexes and sensory and motor sensation with a Neurologist]
Dr. Munish

sir have u given godhan ark to someone who has tb,since i asked my doc(i rea the benef8t on net and baba ramdev videos) and he said that it will not be helpful for me
i m also taking chwanaprash,and triphala but still feels constipated, can i try mud thereapy or mud pack on stomach..also taking zandu pancharisht sometimes
is tnf a bloodbtest and what is its use also whatbis fda statining as mentioned above
i have been asked to take 1 gm of XXXXXXX vasnt malti ras and dovide in 10 parts and mixed with 40 gm of triphala an take two parts each per day means approx 200 mg daily of suvrna XXXXXXX malti ..is that a normal dose...just a bit scared of side effects
what are the symtoms of increase in uric acid..how can that be cured in ayurveda ...does att effects the kidneys also..how to deal with that
and also how can i have a gud sleep..restless feeling is there...do v have any med7c8nes fo4 that too
answers based on judgement
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.
1. Yes, godhan ark is prescribed by me to patients suffering from T.B. ( pulmonary or extra pulmonary) since it is given for protective and not for curative purpose.
2. Take Trifla churan with XXXXXXX warm water (half hour before going to bed) at night time and chayawanprash with milk in morning, other measures which you can try are:
. Take purgation of olive oil (free of side effects) or castor oil with milk at bed time.
. Early morning ( empty stomach) eat 10 cashewnuts + 4 raisins
. Drink water after coming out of bed or stored overnight in copper vessel.
PS. If constipation is unusual (intensity/ duration) consult your doctor first.
3. You may go ahead with MUD therapy which when applied/done correctly stimulates bowel movement and relieves constipation.
4. Inflammation/Infection is necessary for the TNF test to come positive, since if the person is healthy TNF is blockex naturally, as a result blood test will yield no result
PS. Fasting is not necessary.
5. 125 mg once daily or twice daily (250 mg) is sufficient andat this dose side effects are not seen.
6. With high uric acid in body:
. Pain in big toe
.Pain in joints are common complaints and since maximum of patients are asymptomatic thus requires high clinical suspicion.
PS. IN Ayurveda we treat the patient on line of " VAAT RAKTA". You may contact an Ayurveda Physician there if the same happens.
7. FDA with Propidium iodide: Fluorescein diacetate ( FDA) determines healthy living blood cells from dead ones.
PS. Haematologist/Pathologist will bein better position to explain the whole assay.
8. As described earlier, the side effects of drug, the treatment has to be symptomatic and one has regularly check with the kidney functions and liver tests.
9. Stress is a major cause of not getting good sleep ( which can be there), so:
. Eat 2 spoons coriander seeds with 2 spoons of sugat candy.
Dr. Munish

Pls tell me what is properitoneal space ...is it part of skin.pls guide me regarding lscs scar note interpretations..enclosing my reports
Relevance and Interpretation.
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1. Pro peritoneal space is more important for Radiology professional in helping them:
. outlining the ascending and descending colon.
. and loss of this space/fat helps them to differentiate certain pathologies like appendicitis, and rupture aortic aneurysm of abdomen from pneumoperitoneum and/or pneumoretroperitoneum.
i. traverse supra pubic incisional scar [Pfannenstiel incision/supra pubic incision]: this incision is used when surgery is planned for pelvic organs [LSCS in your case]
PS. more important from cosmetic point of view in females.
ii. Since there is minimal/asymmetrical collection which at this moment seems to be insignificant thus keep regular follow up with your doctor for complications like: wound infection, sepsis, localized/generalized peritonitis, endometriosis, abdominal hernia.
Dr. Munish

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