Suggest Ways To Wean Off Clonazepam
Weaning schedule for Clonazepam
Detailed Answer:
Good evening. My name is Dr. Saghafi and we frequently wean patients from clonazepam and even though it can produce dependency issues the reality is that when taken as prescribed for necessary medical conditions it really isn't difficult at all to come off whenever the patient desires.
In my patients who are taking a similar dose to yours of 0.25mg 3x daily I would recommend that they reduce their intake by 1 tablet weekly until they are completely off. Therefore, the schedule might look something like this:
START: 1/2 tablet 3x/day
Day 1 of wean: 1/2 tablet 2x/day for 1 week
Day 8 of wean: 1/2 tablet 1x/day for 1 week
Day 15 of wean: OFF
Now, having given you that information I must point out that I strongly advise that you speak with the doctor who prescribed that medication and get their official opinion on how to wean this medication for you. I believe, patients should always consult their doctors before embarking upon plans to discontinue or wean from their medications. Remember, your doctor knows you better than anybody else and should always be the first you consult when contemplating such a move.
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All the best.
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