Swollen Vagina With Discharge After Intercourse. History Of Genital Herpes. Allergy Due To The Use Of Latex Sex Toy?
I looked today and saw that the skin on the labia minora looks as tjough it is peeling..like it was burnt or friction rub..it does not itch but it is dry.. i have a long history of g. herpes i haven't had a bbreak out in a whils but i see no pimples or fluid lfiled leasions. i always tend to think everyrhing that irritates me down there is heroatic..I'm thinking its a yeast infection...i have only broken outon one of the labia majoria. can u help
Thank you for posting your query. Following are my comments advice for your query:
1) The sex toy you have used has caused the trauma to your labia and hence they are swollen due to edema formation in the labial area. The swelling will gradually come down.
2) The trauma due to friction against the skin has led to necrosis of a layer of (superficial and possibly deep). Hence it will peel off and new layer of skin will grow below it
3) This is unlikely to be herpes and purely appears to be related to trauma with toy.
4) The white discharge you have mentioned might be secondary to the infecton probably occured by using toy which was unsterile. It is advisable ask your gynecologist to send the high vaginal swab for culture and sensitivity to check the type of organism bacterial or fungal. Treatment can be started accordingly.
I hopw I have answerred your queries. Please ask if you have any further questions. Please accept my aswer if no furthwe queries.
Dr.Mahesh Koregol
Thanks again.
The swelling and skin peeling is signs of acute inflammation. It would usually take 4 to 9 days for the edema (swelling) of vulva to reduce.
Sometimes due to presence of little lubrication you may not feel pain; Inflammation and swelling appear later and may cause pain.
-This seems to me like an acute inflammation. The lymph node swelling is not to be worried at this stage as it has less significance.
-As far as leg pain is concerned, retroverted is unlikely to be causing unilateral leg pain. It may be related to position during sex with toys and some pressure on the legs or some back condition.
-I understand you are worried extremely of an outbreak, from your history it does not appear to be herpex. So do not worry. And I would not recommend you to take valtrex yet. I would encourage you to consult your gynecologist for focal examination. He / she may prescribe you anti-inflammatory medications that should relieve you off your symptoms.
Hope I have answerred your queries. Please ask if you have any further questions. Please accept my answer if no further queries.
Dr.Mahesh Koregol