Symptoms Of Testicular Cancer With Swollen Lymph Node In Groin Area. Can Testicular Cancer Be There For 10 Years?
Thank you for the query.
Lymph nodes when not enlarged should bot be palpable and for sure not visible. If you can see your inguinal lymph nodes, you definitely should have a diagnostics of it. Some nodes can be enlarged and not visible or palpable. In such cases ultrasound is good to check if the lymph nodes are enlarged.
No, testicular cancer can not be present for 11 years without serious complications. If the testis cancer appears, the pain is present in one testicle, and the hard uneven mass is palpable in the scrotum.
Enlarged lymph nodes does not have to be because of testis cancer. It can also get enlarged due to inflammation in surrounding area. You never know as long as you wont take a look under the microscope.
I suggest you to have an ultrasound of this groin with enlarged lymph nodes and if lymph nodes present, one of them should be removed and send for histopathology.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
Neither of mentioned by you condition does not make you prone for cancer. Risk factors for testicular cancer are: testicular cancer in the family, cryptorchidism (testicle in the abdomonal cavity or inguinal canal), HIV infection, chromosomal abberrations.
Hope this will help.
The term "carcinoma in situ" is used to describe cancer which cells are present in the very first layer of the tissue. This can be seen only with microscope. This is a part of TNM calsification of testicular cancer what helps to determine staging of the cancer. Letter T means Tumor, N - lymph Nodes, M - Metastases.
T part contains:
TX Primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0 No evidence of primary tumor (e.g. histological scar in testis)
Tis Intratubular germ cell neoplasia (carcinoma in situ)
T1 Tumor limited to testis and epididymis without vascular/lymphatic invasion: tumour may invade tunica albuginea but not tunica vaginalis
T2 Tumor limited to testis and epididymis with vascular/lymphatic invasion, or tumor extending through tunica albuginea with involvement of tunica vaginalis
T3 Tumor invades spermatic cord with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion
T4 Tumor invades scrotum with or without vascular/lymphatic invasion
Carcnoma in situ is Tis. It is limited to the first layer of the testicular tubes.
So even if you have had carcinoma in situ, during 10 years it would kill you (sorry for this term but want to make it clear).
So it is not possible for you to have carcinoma in situ which still has not developed into regular testicular cancer.
Hope this will help.
From our conversation I assume that you have a lump nearby one of the testicle which is there for 10 years. In such case, this lump is most likely spermatocele - a simple cyst of the epidydimis which contains fluid inside. If such cyst does not grow, it can be left alone as it does not increase risk of a cancer.
You may perform simple test: put the flashlight into this lump and see if it passes the light. If so, you may be sure this is the cyst. Ultrasound can confirm it.
Hope this will help.
U have told to use flash light I have used torch. Is there any problem ?
Testicular torsion gives very strong pain (unbearable) in one testis and lower abdomen. Fever, nausea and vomiting can be also present. This condition is urgent and when left alone usually causes testicle necrosis. So it is rather not possible that your pain is caused by testicle torsion. If you have notice such pain, it would force you to visit ER.
Our body is constructed in its own way and every person is different. So one thing which is not present in other person, can be a normal thing for you. If this cyst is with you for 10 years, and since than nothing has changed, you need to accept that as this is just a part of your body.
Hope this will help.
Such cyst does not cause any fertility problems, no risk of cancer etc. It may start causing pain, that's it. So you should keep palpating it from time to time.
Some earlier symptoms like pain or discomfort (before significantly visible enlargement) can appear, but you have asked me about growing without the pain. Usually it gives pain due to venous circulation problem or due to pulling muscle or testis.
- you will notice any pain, discomfort caused by it
- you will find out during self palpation that this has gotten larger
- or if you wont have any pain or changes during the palpation (it will become larger without causing any pain) and you will notice that something is happening in the moment when scrotum skin will get tensed (this is very extreme example and most likely you will notice it earlier)
So in simple words: any changes with this lump (no matter when noticed), you go to the urologist and consider removal
Nothing is happening - nothing needs to be done.
It can not cause a cancer. Please stop thinking about the cancer. You are a very young person. Cancer is not a very common disease. Testicular cancer risk is about 1%. What means that only 1 % of all people will be testicular cancer sick.
The only problem it can cause is large scrotum. Nothing more.
But most likely it wont grow. The chance of it is very low. But if such rare situation will occur, you need to check it as it can start causing pain and surgery might be necessary.
So please stop worrying about it. It is really a small (tiny) reason to be worried. It is with you for 10 years. You should accept it and do not focus on it.
So like I have said before, no reason to worry. Just take a look on it from time to time. Nothing has to be done with it right now. Only in case of size change etc.
We have discussed it so many times. This lump is totally harmless. Forget about the cancer. Test light is very characteristic for cysts and allows to spot the difference between the cyst and the cancer. If it passes the light, it contains fluid. If it contains fluid, it can not contain anything else. So this test is quite reliable. No cancer from that lump in the future.
Surgery of this lump is just a small incision. No risk for your fertility. So please stop worrying about it.
Physical activity is more than recommended. You should treat yourself as a healthy person as this testis cyst is not a problem at all. And as healthy person any physical activity including martial arts is a very good idea.
It does not make any difference for martial arts if you have a small cyst or not. So go ahead.
Moreover, physical activity will let you keep your body healthy, improves blood circulation and has any cancer protective effect.
So no harm for your life, nothing will happen with the cyst. And it will let you forget about it.
The report is enough, no need to attach photos.
Your ultrasound result is a very good one. First of all, no evidence of cancer which has been ruled out in that way.
And the cyst were confirmed. That is also a very good news as you dont need any surgery. The cyst is really a small one and should be left alone.
There is another cyst in right epidydymis. But it is so small that can be barely visible in the ultrasound (2x2 mm is really a tiny thing). It completely DOES NOT bring a risk of cancer.
So your ultrasound has just confirmed all what has been said before in this conversation. No need to worry, no need to be afraid of cancer, no risk of cancer, no risk for fertility. No complications from this cysts.
You should leave this lump as it is. No surgery is necessary. Cancer has been ruled out. If you want to be sure, repeat the ultrasound in a year or so, to see if it does not get larger. But for now, no need to do anything with it.