Taking 30 Mg Of Vyvanse, 40 Mg Of Celexa And Smoking Marijuana Regularly. What Are The Side Effects?
Your concern about your son's marijuana use is valid.
Both Vyvanse and Celexa are medication which act on the brain to produce their psychological benefits. Sufficient caution has to be exercised when combining them with other medication or chemically active substances. Especially, Vyvanse has a stimulant effect on the brain and hence has a risk of causing potentially XXXXXXX side effects when combined with other psycho-active medication or substances.
Marijuana is a psychoactive substance, which by itself produces significant psychological effects by acting on the brain. Hence, marijuana abuse by itself has been associated with a variety of psychiatric disorders like anxiety, panic attacks, agitation, psychosis, mood instability, etc.
When Marijuana is taken along with medication like Vyvanse and Celexa, there can be interactions and side effects, which can be potentially XXXXXXX There can be adverse effects like agitation, restlessness, aggression, anxiety memory disturbances and even psychotic symptoms like paranoid delusions and hallucinations.
Other than this combination producing side effects, one must remember that in a person with pre-existing psychiatric problems, marijuana also has been proven to worsen the pre-existing psychiatric conditions. And of course, there's also the obvious problem that marijuana itself can be addictive and often serve as a 'gateway drug' for other harder drugs.
So, you can tell your son clearly that smoking marijuana has a risk of 1) worsening his psychiatric problems and 2) causing potentially XXXXXXX side effects when combined with Vyvanse and Celexa.
Best wishes,
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar
Consultant Pychiatrist