Taking Metformin For Uterine Fibroids. Scan Showed Polycystic Ovary And Follicle In Ovary. Is This Curable?
Problems addressed are:-
1. Fibroids in the uterus - can be present in up to 30 - 40% of the women. They can vary in size from seedling fibroids or very large ones.
The concern of a fibroid and infertility is when it is within the uterine cavity - known are sub mucous type or a larger one which might, due to size and location can cause tubal obstruction.
It is not right to fix a time frame for a fruitful conception in any particular case as the factors widely vary. I have seen good number of successful pregnancies within the frame.
2. Polycytic ovary - is another common condition. But as your scan suggests that there is a follicle in the ovary - it means your ovary is responding and working. When the follicle reaches an optimum size it will rupture and release the egg. Metformin is usually suggested to patients who have an associated insulin resistance seen commonly in PCO women. This increased the chances in majority of women. You can take this option to the treating doctor.
3. Polyp in the gall bladder is totally not related condition and you need to XXXXXXX a gastroenterologist and discuss this issue with them for further management.
I think if you try and if your husband's tests are normal the chance to get pregnant is good.
Your consultant will be able to guide you through this.
Hope to have answered your query
Dr. Nandita Thakkar