Taking Pain Killer For Back Pain. Suggest Some Effective Medication
I had a back pain since 15 days. when i take some pain killer, i will feel relaxed next day but it's coming if i stop taking painkiller..
i don't want to take any more pain killer.
Please help he some health tips.
Thanks for the query.
Most common reason for back pain is back muscle spasm. Initial stages it is only muscle dysfunction however when it becomes a daily and persistent problem then one need to rule out spinal cause such as disc damage. I encourage you to consult a spine surgeon whenever feasible. He/she can help you in determining the cause.
In case of severe pain, rest, pain medicine along with physiotherapy such as Interferential therapy (IFT) is advisable.
In case of persistent back discomfort (tolerable but annoying pain), I think you need to work on your muscle. Muscle stretching and core strengthening exercise helps to prevent such episodes in the future.
In addition to the aforementioned measures, few tips to avoid back pain are as follows:
1. While LIFTING:
a) Do’s
- Bend your knees, not your back
- Always be sure of your footing
- Hold object close to your body
- Lift objects only chest high
- Get help with heavy objects
b) Don’ts
- Don’t bend over with leg straight
- Don’t twist while lifting
- Don’t lift above shoulder level
a) Do’s
- Stand with one foot up and change position often
- Use good posture: Head high, chin ticked up, toes straight ahead
- Wear comfortable low heeled shoes
b) Don’ts
- Don’t stand too long in one position
- Don’t bend forward with straight legs
- Don’t walk with poor posture
- Avoid wearing high healed or platform shoes
3. While SLEEPING:
a) Do’s
- Get a good night’s sleep on a mattress that supports your back’s natural curves
- Sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees or on your back with a pillow under the knees
b) Don’ts
- Don’t sleep on lounge, on soft, sagging, non-supporting mattress or cushions. This can cause back strain especially when you sleep on your stomach.
4. While SITTING:
a) Do’s
- Sit with both feet flat on the floor
- Keep knees at or slightly below the level of your hips
- Sit firmly against the chair back
- Protect your lower back with a limber support or a rolled up towel
b) Don’ts
- Don’t slump
- Don’t sit on a chair that it is too high or too far your working area
- Avoid leaning forward
- Avoid arching and rounding your back
- Sit with both feet flat on the floor
I hope this information will help you. Write back if you have other concerns.