Taking Targit AM For High Bp. Will There Be Any Side Effect Of Taking Metpure And Telma H?
Thank you for posting your query.
After going through your history, there are two major health issues.
1) Essential Hypertension
2) Over weight (?Obesity)
As you were already taking targit AM which contain amlodepine+Telmisartan and still your blood pressure is not under control, hence metaprolol+amlodepine( Metpure AM) along with Telma H is given to you.
You can take Telma H (I hope it is 40mg or 80mg?) as it contains diuretic in it and Metpure AM may be taken in the evening to control BP round the clock. As your weight is more, dose required to control BP may be little high.
There may be minor side effects but it is more important to keep blood pressure to optimum level that would be 130/80 mm of Hg.
As you are Overweight try to reduce weight by changing to low calorie low fat diet and exercises and reduce salt intake to control Blood pressure.
I think I have answered your query if you have any question I will be happy to solve your query.