Thank You For Your Answer. If I Know This Mechanism,

If I know this mechanism, I could finish my concern.
As far as I know that there are alot of little blood vessel (capillary) and when particle stuck in the layer of endocardium... particle could cut or prick the blood vessel and bleeding woudl be start.
my concern is how blood could be stop eventhough there are still particle in wound.
in my imagination, if particle which stuck in the layer of endocardium not firmly would slightly be shaked right and left by blood pushing power (not moving another place...only twist or dance little bit in the wound), coud it possible for wound or bleeding be stop or healed. if it is possible for bleeding could be stop and would could be healed.. then i am OK.
And then is it more easy to know the symptom or more hard to know the symptom or check by eco.(if particle little bit move or dance right and left...)
if I know the mechanizm of would or bleeding stop while particle stucking ... I could finish my concern.
sorry to ask difficult question.
Thank you very much.
it cant be stuck
Detailed Answer:
It cant be stuck and dance in endocardium just like that. Endocardium is smooth layer which has capillaries and these small vessels bring white cells to any foreign body or injury. If particle is stuck then it will create a hole in endocardium and white blood cells will go to this hole and attack foreign body and push it back. it will also fill this hole and fibrogen will cover it completely. Fibrogen is created by inflammatory cells and it is material that fills injured tissue so particle can't move for long since any empty space is filled with fibroblasts and fibrous tissue. Fibrous tissue can surround or push foreign body. There is no another option. Also,such particle can't cause recurrent bleeding since initial bleeding is stopped by natural hemostasis mechanism and after it,bleeding vessel is thrombosed and can't bled anymore. If you need more clarifications,feel free to ask.

Thank you very much.
I understand your point.
May I ask this question.
what happen if particle which got stuck in the layer of endocardium continuously be shaked(not move to another place) and little bleeding cannot be stopped... then what happen after 1yr..
1. because of clot and detached to lung... pls. feel bad symptom..
2. Stucking palce get worse... and biggher...
3. Clot is going to bigger... so can feel bad symptom..
4. or others... cannot live....
--> sorry to bother you again.
* still cannot understand how bleeding could be stopped while particle still be in vessl. (half is inside and half is outside)
if fibrogen will not cover the all particle, then if half particle would be shaked by blood flows and irriate the vein... bleeding cannot be stopped...--> this is my point of view...
pls.teach me.. what is wrong in my thought.
such scenario is not possible
Detailed Answer:
When particle cut vessel,then vessel become closed by fibrin on both ends,after fibrin become clot. Vessel is permanently closed and it cant bleed anymore. If particle cut vessel just partially then thrombosis of vessel occur again and vessel simply become closed. Any injury to vessel cause these mechanisms of vessel retraction,thrombosis and closing. So scenario with permanent bleeding is not possible. These clots occur in first days after injury and if there is no lung incident by then, it cant occur later. Clots which are occurring after such small endocardium prick cant cause any symptoms or difficulties. Only if this whole particle enter pulmonary veins,it can cause lung vessel thrombosis when it become stuck in lungs but it would also occur right after incident.

I understand your point. continuous bleeding cannot possible.
So if particle got stuck and little bit twist... nothing happen.
only could happen is particle detaching..stay with wound or detached...
hi. yes. thats right
Detailed Answer:
thats right. any manipulation with vessel causes immediate thrombosis and after it it cant be transected and cause bleeding anymore. this particle will be pushed out or thrombosis of vessel will occur. it cant bleed continously unless some rare hematologic disorders is patient having. Regards

Thank you for your answer.
Doctor said that endocardium is the smooth layer.
I don't know the concept of smooth layer.
what I have the image is if particle stuck in the skin. skin grabs the particle so tightly, so it is very very to delodge from stucking place..
if particle stuck in the layer of endocardium, do you think particle is easily delodged from endocardium by bleeding flow and heart beating?

Thank you for your answer.
Until now, I misunderstand that there are capillaries in endorcardium.
But, Actually there is no capillaries... endocardium cells are supplied blood by directly from heart. right?
So if wood particle got stuck in the layer of endocardium, continous bleeding is impossible. because there is no blood vessel.
Cell which got pricked by wood is going to die soon, so except cell death, nothing is going to happen. right?
Only dangerous happening which we could image is particle delodging from part and flow to major organ and block the vessel.
is that right? except that, nothing is going to happen. so living with particle which stuck in the layer of endocardium is not so dangerous.
hi again
Detailed Answer:
small vessels,such as caillaries, banches of corronary arteries flow through myocardium and then are located between endocardium and myocardium. there is no vessel in endocardium since this is very very tiny membrane. So only if particle penerate into myocard,then it could reach some vessel but myiocard would contract immediatly and cause vessel closure and thrombosis or particle would be pushed back. the second your comment is right.

I understand doctor's advice. Thank you very much.
I have one more similiar but little bit different query.
If needle is broken while receiving vein injection. as far as I know broken needle (1cmm) is somewhat heavy for blood to carry needle to heart...
What happen?
1. could broken needle move thru vein into heart?
or it is just stay there?
2. If it reach the heart and stuck... is it possible to check by echo? (wood cannot be deteched... but needl is possible?
3. broken needle is more sharper than wood particle. is it more easy to stuck in the layer of ventricle?
if it stuck in the layer of heart, can we know the symptom? ( little wood particle cannot show symptom... but needle is possible?)
little another query.
What I am very querious is if someone push broken needle(1cm) with bare foot by accident,
and broken needle stuck in the skin of foot bottom.
--> as far as I know the skin of foot bottom is thicker than normal skin,
1.) is it possible people cannot know because of thick skin? (sometimes we don't know if we push sharp one with food... because of thick skin.)
2) if it prick the skin and prick and stuck in the vein of foot bottom and needle still block the hole of vein. So no bleeding is possible? and people cannot know? (if people can see the blood or oozing of blood, could know easily evengthough there is no pain)
3) And in my imagination, if needle pricks and puncture the skin of foot bottom, that means there is hole in skin enough for needle to move easily back and forth.
--> So, is it possible for needle to move inside more in vein easily because of blood flow? and get into totally and move thru vein to heart?
In my personal opinion. if particle or needle is not firmly pricked or stucked... then, easily pull out... but if particle or needle is firmly pricked or stucked.. not easy to pull out or move. is there any reason? ( becuase prick means making a hole with needle.--> that means there is a hole which needle move easily back and forth by that hole. Then why it is very hard to move if particle stuck firmly?
Sorry to ask odd question.
Thank you very much.
Detailed Answer:
1. such heavy and big foreign bodies cant enter bloodstream through arteries or veins unless it is put into big vessels such as femoral vein, vein cana inferior or jugular veins. So in peripheral injections,such parts of needle would be stuck in skin and subcutaneous tissue,or cause immediate vein thrombosis and stay in throumbus after which it would be incapsulated.
2. such big particle would be detected if it gets to heart which is difficult as i described above
3.needle is bit more likely to cause some damage to heart wall but generally this damage is still not something that is likely to happen,chances are extremely low.
1. it is possible that man dont notice it since skin of plantar part of foot is very thick and less sensitive than othe parts of foot,so it is commonly seen that it enters skin and not be noticed.
Such particle in foor skin would be stuck in skin layer since there is skin very thick, it would reach bigger vein since first bigger vein is saphena parva at the upper part of ankle so it cant enter blood stream. it wil be stuck and be neutrlized, pushed back or inflamamtion will occur.

Thank you very much.
I have two more questions.
First one is somewhat physics related.
No matter how particle tip is sharp, if it wants to penetrate the skin, in my point of view, it need weight and speed and power.
So, if wood particle is very sharp but it is very light (1-2mm,so almost no weight), in my point of view it cannot stuck on the surface of endocardium eventhough particle hit the endocardium with blood. Pricking little bit is possible.
For example. Needle injection also need power to press. Only sharp tip could enter easily but after that need more power. Right?
Ventricle also has the resistance just like skin, so particle also need more power to penetrate. Only scratching is possible right?
(when I shoot lancet to hand, it prick little bit only (only tip). but it is somewhat heavy...
Second is
Until now you teach me that almost all for heart related knowledge.
Lastly what i want to know is
If 2-3mm little particle stuck in the endocardium by chance, is it possible to move slowly into myocardium because of the power of blood. (very slowly so it will take 1-2yrs... every day 1micron...?)--> I almost understand that it is not possible, because our cell could wrap the sharp tip so there is no more sharp tip to penetrate the endocardium.
- what if it is possible what could we feel. (until it reach the myocardium, we don't have any symptom or feeling? or because it move slowly, there is always bleeding or inflammtion.. so we could feel? )
- in my point of view, very impossible event, because there are alot of resistance by endocardium so blood pushing is not enough for power.
* when I see the scripts for vein in hands... it is very small and there is alot of curve in finger part... So in my point of view, if particle could move thru. finger vein and reach to the more bigger vein, if it is more longer than 2-3mm, it is going to stuck in the middle of curved vein in finger..
is it right?
Sorry to ask odd question.
Thank you very much.

1. if particle stuck in the layer of endocardium, and with the power of blood steam, particle move more inside little by little every day. So after 2-3yrs, it reach to myocardium.
Question1.As I already asked that if particle prick little bit myocardium... do people die imminent? or it is oK... because it is only below 1mm prick of myocardium.
Question.2. as far as I know endocardium is not so soft enough for particle to easily penetrate... and if it stuck 1-2mm in the enodcardium... it is very hard to push more inside with the power of blood stream...
If I know the reason why my thought is not rational, I could finish my concern.
- little bit move everyday into myocardium from endocardium..
Thank you very much.
Detailed Answer:
First, everything that you are describing has never happened and there is no any reported case of such scenario. No pathologist has ever seen this.
The chances that particle even comes to heart through peripheral vessels is only theoretical. Finger and hand veins are small, these make some kind of dense net and 2-3mm particles can't flow just like that. It will stuck in many places before it could reach heart. First, it would be stuck in skin, and subcutaneous layers. Second, if it passes skin and pricks vessel before entering it, the inflammatory response would cause thrombosis and closing of this vessel and particle would stay out if it, surrounded by inflammatory capsule.
Lets say that all these body mechanisms fails because of some irrational and unexplained cause and that particle comes to heart through hand veins... in this case it could go to lungs that we have already discussed, it can be dissolved by inflammatory cells(if wooden particle) or it can stay in heart chamber forever without causing any damage.
The next scenario that you are describing is irrational again. By law of physics, such small particles with such power can't penetrate such strong heart wall. This is similar if you take this particle and drop it into your skin(it won penetrate skin). Delayed penetration isn't practically possible as well. If it cant penetrate heart immediately why would it penetrated after.
Lets say again, that some irrational thing happens and that particle travels through heart wall many months or years. In this case no symptoms would be felt since this penetration is too small comparing to whole heart muscle volume. So it can't have any effect on muscle contractility. Also, when particle penetrated it should create a channel through myocardium, but this channel would start closing immediately by inflammation process, so any hole that is created behind particle is closed within few minutes or hours. so when particle reaches outer side of myocardium, the channel is already closed.
Pricking or scratching endocardium has no any effect on heart function.

I almost understand what is wrong in my thought.
1. First, if wood particle get into vein by accident, our immune or inflammation cell works rightly for making clot around or thrombosis... so we could feel symptom rightly, it could not stuck in the layer of endocardium...
2. eventhough particle reach the myocardium.. it is very small, so it could not give any problem of heart contraction... it is soon encapsulted...
3. Because I have never seen the myocardium and endocardium.. I don't have any idea how strong it is...
So doctor think if particle stuck in the endcardium, it could hold particle very tightly eventhough blood velocity
Thank you very much.
Detailed Answer:
Yes,all that you said is right. Myocardium width is about 1.2 cm and there is more endocardium and percardium so It is not so easy to penetrate this even with sharp particle. This is not enough power to do this especially inside fluid filled chambers.

Thank you for your answer.
And then there is one thing to know.
the blood velocity when blood move from right atrium to right ventricle is almost 70cm/s.
is The blood speed slowed while almost blood reach the wall of right ventricle? or the speed is same?
Now I almost understand that my imagination is not possible. but I want to know exactly why this imagination is not possible with logical thinking.
Because as far as I know, there is no evidence for body cell such as macropahge could eat or engulf the wood particle. or immune cell could cover the particle with clot... it is only assumpton... right?
So, if I know that macrophage could eat or engult the wood particle in blood vessel... I don't need to think anymore... But as far as I know there is no data.
And then... particle move and finally reach the heart...As far as I know the blood pumping speed is 70cm/s.. So I want to know that the energy has the enough power to prick the layer of endocardium and stucked
As far as I know. if particle is needle... it could have enough power to prick the endocardkum.
Becasue we know the when we fall the lancet into foot or hand, it could prick and stuck in the skin (only very sharp tip-1mm)
If it has enough weight ans sharpness and speed, it could prick...
But what I think that wood particle don't have enough weight.... so it is very hard to prick the endocardium with the velocity of 70cm/s.
And also what I want to know is that is the power which blood has when it hit the top of particle (diameter 0.7mm)which stuck in the layer of endocardium enough to push particle into more and more until it reach the myocardium.
I know that if it has enough power to push ther particle, we could know more earlier..(it is almost 1yrs ago..)...
--> What I really want to get the advice from you is blow..
--> I know if blood has the power to push 1micron more inside into myocardium, it could already reach the myocardium...(60beats/minute...3600beats/hours...86,400beats/days--31,536,000beats/years)
So, there is two option...
first is blood could not push the particle any more...
Second is blood could push the particle very very little bit almost size of nano size..so after 2-3yrs it could reach myocardium..(push 2-3mm more into myocardium..)
--> So What I really want to know is why second thinking is not rational.
for example. if it move very very little bit... there is absoultly body reaction which people could know.. or there would be everyday inflammation because of moving so. clot and fibrin is much bigger so there would be so big problem...
Pls. teach me why second though is impossible in body mechanizm.
we know that continuous one drop of water could perferate the Rock...after time flows... (I know it is somewath different... it need 1000 or 10000yrs...)
What I really wnat to know is if it is not irrational... pls. teach me what is wrong in my tought.
Thank you very much.

Thank you very much.
Below is the last query which I really want to know. Pls. explain me with you medical knowlege.
As you already know that what I still really want to know is particle which stuck in the layer of endocardium could move litttle by little every day into myocardium..(nano meter...)
Below is my query..
If particle move very slowly into myocardium by the blood flow, that mean that particle could not be perfectly encapsulated by fibrin or clot or new cells...
That means there is space which virus or etc could get into endocardium... and if this condition is continuing over 1yr... in my point of view, there may be serious infectious or other symptom..
So, it is impossible particle move every day without any symptom or problem...
Am I right?
Detailed Answer:
biology is not so simple as you think. sharp particle can enter skin if you stay on it or use significant force. In fluid filled spaces where there is pulmonary valve as the only "hole" , the blood flow is directed and particle will always go from area of higher to area of lower pressure. It cant penetrate heart wall gradually even if it is there for million years. in biology, thins happens or not there is no some scenario where particle will travel slowly through endocardium. if particle was contaminated then infection develops within few days or all bacterias are killed by inflammatory cells. also,even if particle moves constantly, it is surrounded by inflammatory process. imagine to put such particle in pastic bag filled with water and shake it and squezze it as much as you want,it wont penetrate even such thin wall,and especially it won penetrate heart muscle. Your statements are simply not possible and can be only product of imagination. there is no theoretical risk for somehting like this.

Thank you very much.
I almost understand your point.
There are few more questions about that issue.
What i want to ask is if pacemaker lead tip prick the myocardium by accident, does people die? Or not..
I read that sometimes there are accidents while fixing pacemaker lead tip on endocardium, but there is no suddent death..
If there is no death.. i dont need to worry about.
What I misunderstand is particle cannot be seen by Echo and there is sudden death if particle prick the myocardium...
If not (particle which has the size of 3-4mm could be seen and people cannot die....)
I dont need to think more whether there is particle or not in my endocardium.
And second question is do doctor think encapsulation by foreign body cell around foreign body is enough to strong not to permit particle move anymore?
And last question is
if particle move inside by blood power... there must be space (means not perfectly encapsulated...)... with that space.. blood could enter...
What happen.. if particle move continuous... there must be cronicle inflammation and there must be symptom and could be seen by echo?
Thank you very much.
People don't die after it
Detailed Answer:
No, people don't die after pacemaker tip is pricked into myocardium. This is such a small injury that it has no effect on hemodynamics. Same goes with such particle which is much smaller.
Ofcourse that incapsulation is more than enough to stop particle from moving. It is surrounded by huge amount of inflammatory cells, thrombi and capsule immediately after it entered endocardium.
Such small particles and lesions that it causes, cant be detected by any test, including echo. There is no free space behind particle, it is immediately filled with content.

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