Thyroid Got Removed. Done With Thyroid Test. Suggestion
is normal.My thyroid was removed in 1999,is there a way to increase my TSH3RD?
Thank you
TSH3rd is normally used to detect low levels of TSH.
There are a number of different indications for thyroidectomy including patients with large goitres that are causing symptoms from suppressing other organs, cancer of the thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism not responding to treatment.
Thyroidectomy renders a person hypothyroid and most persons are placed on thyroid replacement therapy.
When the surgery is performed as part of the treatment plan for cancer, then, in most cases, the aim is to have a low level of TSH because the TSH can stimulate tumor growth.
TSH operates on a feed back mechanism, its levels increase when the level of thyroid hormone is low and decrease when the level of the thyroid hormone is high.
The only way to increase a TSH would be to reduce the level of thyroid hormone.
You may want to consider, if possible, speaking to your doctor about your concerns.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions